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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG13 : R�union�2024-07-15�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG13� TD-PLEN�(2024-07-15)�


Future networks

P�riode d'�tudes 2022

R�union� du 2024-07-15 au 2024-07-26

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : [ 2024-07-15 ]� 2024-03-042023-10-232023-07-262023-03-132022-11-252022-11-142022-07-04

Resultats:88 documents
R�sultats :� 1 - 2 �-�Suivant Next
Documents Temporaires �(PLEN) ��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 336-PLEN ]
Interim activities (July 2024 - March 2025) � TSB QALL/13 2024-07-26
[ 335-PLEN ]
LS/o on revised text of SG13 Questions and updated SG13 text of Resolution 2 [to TSAG] � Chair, SG13 QALL/13 2024-07-26
[ 334-PLEN ]
Draft agenda for the closing plenary of Study Group 13 (Geneva, 26 July 2024) � Chair, SG13 QALL/13 2024-07-25
[ 333-PLEN ]
LS/o on Establishment of new Focus Group on Artificial Intelligence Native for Telecommunication Networks (FG-AINN) � Chair, SG13 QALL/13 2024-07-25
[ 332-PLEN ]
Terms of Reference of Correspondence Group on SG13 future direction (CG-SG13ftr) - proposal � Convener, special sessions of Question ToR review QALL/13 2024-07-25
[ 331-PLEN ]
WP3/13 outgoing Liaison Statements (Geneva, 15-26 July March 2024) � WP3/13 Chair Q5/13, Q2/13, Q16/13, Q1/13 2024-07-25
[ 330-PLEN ]
Report of Working Party 3/13 "Network Evolution, Trust and Quantum Enhanced Networking" (Geneva, 15-26 July 2024) � WP3/13 Chair Q5/13, Q2/13, Q16/13, Q1/13 2024-07-25
[ 329-PLEN ]
WP2/13 outgoing Liaison Statements (Geneva, 15-26 July 2024) � WP2/13 Chair and Vice-Chair Q7/13, Q19/13, Q18/13, Q17/13 2024-07-25
[ 328-PLEN ]
Report of Working Party 2/13 "Cloud Computing & Data Handling" (Geneva, 15- 26 July 2024) � WP2/13 Chair and Vice-Chair Q7/13, Q19/13, Q18/13, Q17/13 2024-07-25
[ 327-PLEN ]
WP1/13 outgoing Liaison Statements (Geneva, 15-26 July 2024) � WP1/13 Chair and Vice-Chair Q6/13, Q23/13, Q22/13, Q21/13, Q20/13 2024-07-25
[ 326-PLEN ]
Report of Working Party 1/13 "IMT-2020 and Beyond: Networks & Systems" (Geneva, 15-26 July 2024) � WP1/13 Chair and Vice-Chair Q6/13, Q23/13, Q22/13, Q21/13, Q20/13 2024-07-25
[ 325-PLEN ]
Questionnaire on "Migrating existing mobile network technologies to IMT-2020 and beyond" � Rapporteur Q5/13 2024-07-25
[ 324-PLEN ]
Draft new Supplement 84 to ITU-T Y.3050-series of Recommendations (formerly Y.supp.trust- roadmap): "Standardization roadmap on trustworthy networking and services" - for agreement � Editor Q16/13 2024-07-25
[ 323-PLEN ]
Draft revised Supplement 59 to ITU-T Y.3100-series of Recommendations: "IMT-2020 and beyond standardization roadmap" - for agreement � Editor Q21/13 2024-07-25
[ 322-PLEN ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.3216 (formerly Y.FMSC-DCN): "Fixed, mobile and satellite convergence - Distributed core network for IMT-2020 networks and beyond" - for consent � Editors Q23/13 2024-07-25
[ 321-PLEN ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.3215 (formerly Y.FMSC-ns-req): "Fixed, mobile and satellite convergence - Requirement of network sharing for IMT-2020 networks and beyond" - for consent � Editor Q23/13 2024-07-25
[ 320-PLEN ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.3214 (formerly Y.FMSC-SFC): "Fixed, mobile and satellite convergence - Service function chain (SFC) for IMT-2020 networks and beyond" - for consent � Editors Q23/13 2024-07-25
[ 319-PLEN ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.3213 (formerly Y.FMSC-PC): "Fixed, mobile and satellite convergence - Policy control for IMT-2020 networks and beyond" - for consent � Editors Q23/13 2024-07-25
[ 318-PLEN ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.3212 (formerly Y.FMSC-HAP-req): "Fixed, mobile and satellite convergence - Requirements of supporting High Altitude Platform for IMT-2020 networks and beyond" - for consent � Editors Q23/13 2024-07-25
[ 317-PLEN ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.3211 (formerly Y.FMSC-ABC-req): "Fixed, mobile and satellite convergence - Requirements of supporting airborne broadband communication for IMT-2020 networks and beyond" - for determination � Editors Q23/13 2024-07-25
[ 316-PLEN ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.3210 (formerly Y.FMSC-DLT): "Fixed, mobile and satellite convergence - Distributed ledger technology for IMT-2020 networks and beyond" - for consent � Editors Q23/13 2024-07-25
[ 315-PLEN ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.3209 (formerly Y.FMSC-TS): "Fixed, mobile and satellite convergence - Traffic scheduling for IMT-2020 networks and beyond" - for consent � Editors Q23/13 2024-07-25
[ 314-PLEN ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.3208 (formerly Y.FMSC-SMSB): "Fixed, mobile and satellite convergence - Session management with satellite backhaul for IMT-2020 networks and beyond" - for consent � Editors Q23/13 2024-07-25
[ 313-PLEN ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.3086 (formerly Y.ICN-ML): "Information-centric networking in networks beyond IMT-2020: Requirements and functional framework enhancement to support machine learning" - for consent � Editors Q22/13 2024-07-25
[ 312-PLEN ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.3085 (formerly Y.ICN-Det): "Information-centric networking in networks beyond IMT-2020: Requirements and functional framework enhancement to support deterministic communication services" - for consent � Editors Q22/13 2024-07-25
[ 311-PLEN ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.3084 (formerly Y.ICN-ILE): "Information-centric networking in networks beyond IMT-2020: Requirements and functional framework to support immersive live experience services" - for consent � Editors Q22/13 2024-07-25
[ 310-PLEN ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.3092 (formerly Y.DTNMO): "Digital twin for management and orchestration in IMT-2020 networks and beyond" - for consent � Editors Q21/13 2024-07-25
[ 309-PLEN ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.3164 (formerly Y.JDVOP-req): "Requirement of joint development and operation for IMT-2020 networks and beyond" - for consent � Editors Q21/13 2024-07-25
[ 308-PLEN ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.3163 (formerly Y.NAEC): "Network accelerating for edge computing in IMT-2020 networks and beyond" - for consent � Editors Q21/13 2024-07-25
[ 307-PLEN ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.3187 (formerly Y.ML-IMT2020-MLFO): "Architectural framework for Machine Learning Function Orchestrator in future networks including IMT-2020" - for consent � Editors Q20/13 2024-07-25
[ 306-PLEN ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.3144 (formerly Y.IMT2020-DCN): "Future networks including IMT-2020 - Requirements and functional architecture of distributed core network" - for consent � Editors Q20/13 2024-07-25
[ 305-PLEN ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.3401 (formerly Y.IMT2020-CNC-FW): "Coordination of networking and computing in IMT-2020 networks and beyond - Capability framework" - for consent � Editors Q20/13 2024-07-25
[ 304-PLEN ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.3554 (formerly Y.PCNA-frame): "Cloud computing - Functional framework of Platform as a Service management for cloud native applications " - for consent � Editors Q19/13 2024-07-25
[ 303-PLEN ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.3553 (formerly Y.CCDCFA): "Cloud Computing - Distributed Cloud Functional Architecture" - for consent � Editors Q18/13 2024-07-25
[ 302-PLEN ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.3552 (formerly Y.ecloud-reqts): "Cloud computing- Functional requirements of edge cloud" - for consent � Editors Q17/13 2024-07-25
[ 301-PLEN ]
Draft revised Recommendation ITU-T Y.3820: "Quantum Key Distribution Network Interworking - Software Defined Networking Control"- for consent � Editor Q16/13 2024-07-25
[ 300-PLEN ]
Draft revised Recommendation ITU-T Y.3818: "Quantum key distribution network interworking - Architecture" - for consent � Editor Q16/13 2024-07-25
[ 299-PLEN ]
Draft revised Recommendation ITU-T Y.3817: "Quantum key distribution network interworking - Requirements for quality of service assurance" - for consent � Editor Q16/13 2024-07-25
[ 298-PLEN ]
Draft revised Recommendation ITU-T Y.3813: "Quantum key distribution network interworking - Functional requirements" - for consent � Editor Q16/13 2024-07-25
[ 297-PLEN ]
Draft revised Recommendation ITU-T Y.3810: "Quantum key distribution network interworking - Framework" - for consent � Editor Q16/13 2024-07-25
[ 296-PLEN ]
Draft revised Recommendation ITU-T Y.3808: "Integration of quantum key distribution network and secure storage network" - for consent � Editor Q16/13 2024-07-25
[ 295-PLEN ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.3826 (formerly Y.QKDN-nq-rf): "Framework for integration of quantum key distribution network and user network supporting end-to-end modern cryptography services" - for consent � Editors Q16/13 2024-07-25
[ 294-PLEN ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.3825 (formerly Y.QKDN-TSNfr): "Framework for integration of quantum key distribution network and time-sensitive network" - for consent � Editors Q16/13 2024-07-25
[ 293-PLEN ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.3824 (formerly Y.QKDNf-fr): "Framework of quantum key distribution network federation" - for consent � Editors Q16/13 2024-07-25
[ 292-PLEN ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.3260 (formerly Y.atem-tn): "Assessing trust evaluation models for telecommunication networks" - for consent � Editors Q16/13 2024-07-25
[ 291-PLEN ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.3023 (formerly Y.dv-ess): "Framework of distributed and virtualized energy storage systems" - for consent � Editors Q16/13 2024-07-25
[ 290-PLEN ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.3047 (formerly Y.ReqCap-NACC): "Requirements and capability of network awareness based on cloud computing" - for consent � Editors Q7/13 2024-07-25
[ 289-PLEN ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.3822 (formerly Y.QKDN-qos-auto-rq): "Quantum key distribution networks - Requirements for autonomic quality of service assurance" - for consent � Editors Q6/13 2024-07-25
[ 288-PLEN ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.3143 (formerly Y.IMT2020-qos-req-sh): "Quality of service assurance requirements and framework for smart healthcare supported by IMT-2020 and beyond" - for consent � Editors Q6/13 2024-07-25
[ 287-PLEN ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.2360 (formerly Y.RIDDN): "Requirements for Integrating Demographics Data for New and Emerging Technologies in Developing Countries" - for consent � Editors Q5/13 2024-07-25
Resultats:88 documents
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