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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG13 : R�union�2023-10-23�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG13� TD-WP2�(2023-10-23)�


Future networks

P�riode d'�tudes 2022

R�union� du 2023-10-23 au 2023-11-03

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2024-07-152024-03-04� [ 2023-10-23 ]� 2023-07-262023-03-132022-11-252022-11-142022-07-04

Resultats:77 documents
R�sultats :� 1 - 2 �-�Suivant Next
Documents Temporaires �(WP2) ��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 312-WP2 ]
Agenda of WP2/13 Closing Plenary meeting (Geneva, 23 October -3 November 2023) � WP2/13 Chair and Vice-Chair Q7/13, Q19/13, Q18/13, Q17/13 2023-11-01
[ 311-WP2 ]
LS/o on the consent of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.3550 (ex.Y.ccabom-reqts): "Cloud computing - Requirements for AI based cloud service development and operation management" � Rapporteur Q19/13 2023-11-01
[ 310-WP2 ]
LS/o/r on the progress on Y.ccimvc and Y.msg-reqts (reply to ETSI ISG NFV-(23)000159-LS33) [to ETSI ISG NFV] � Rapporteur Q19/13 2023-11-01
[ 309-WP2 ]
LS/o/r on fog computing issues (reply to SG11-LS102) [to ITU-T SG11] � Rapporteurs Q19/13, Q18/13, Q17/13 2023-11-01
[ 308-WP2 ]
LS/o/r on the clarification on some activities proposed for future study of ITU-T SG11 in the next study period (reply to SG11-LS101) [to ITU-T SG11] � Rapporteurs Q19/13, Q18/13, Q17/13 2023-11-01
[ 307-WP2 ]
Draft ToR for Q19/13 in Study Period 2024-2028 � Rapporteur Q19/13 2023-11-01
[ 306-WP2 ]
Living list of Q19/13 (Geneva, 23 October - 3 November 2023) � Rapporteur Q19/13 2023-11-01
[ 305-WP2 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.smmc-reqts: "Cloud computing - Functional requirements of service mesh management in multi-cloud" � Editors Q19/13 2023-11-01
[ 304-WP2 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.rs-frame: "Cloud computing - Framework and functional requirements of resource scheduling among multiple cloud service providers" � Editors Q19/13 2023-11-01
[ 303-WP2 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.msg-reqts: "Cloud computing - Framework and functional requirements of micro-service governance" � Editors Q19/13 2023-11-01
[ 302-WP2 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.ccimvc: "Cloud computing - Functional requirements of integrated management for container and virtual machine" � Editors Q19/13 2023-11-01
[ 301-WP2 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.PCNA-frame: "Functional framework of Platform as a Service management for cloud native applications" � Editors Q19/13 2023-11-01
[ 300-WP2 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.ccmm-reqts: "Cloud computing - Framework and functional requirements of micro-service monitoring" � Editors Q19/13 2023-11-01
[ 299-WP2 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.ccabom-reqts: "Cloud computing - Requirements for AI based cloud service development and operation management" � Editors Q19/13 2023-11-01
[ 298-WP2 ]
Meeting report of Q19/13 (Geneva, 23 October - 3 November 2023) � Rapporteur Q19/13 2023-11-01
[ 297-WP2 ]
Meeting Report of Q7/13 (Geneva, 23 October-3 November 2023) � Rapporteur Q7/13 2023-10-31
[ 296-WP2 ]
LS/o on initiation of a new work item ITU-T Y.bDDN-Mec-IPP: "Big data driven networking - mechanism of customer-oriented intent perception and processing" � Rapporteur Q7/13 2023-10-31
[ 295-WP2 ]
Draft ToR for Q7/13 in study period 2025-2028 � Rapporteur Q7/13 2023-10-31
[ 294-WP2 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.bDDN-Mec-IPP: "Big data driven networking - mechanism for customer-oriented intent perception and processing" � Editors Q7/13 2023-10-31
[ 293-WP2 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.bDDN-ArchMec-KC: "Big data driven networking - architecture and mechanism of knowledge constructing" � Editors Q7/13 2023-10-31
[ 292-WP2 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.HLN-FunArch: " Functional architecture of human-like networking " � Editors Q7/13 2023-10-31
[ 291-WP2 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.bDDN-DTMec: "Big data driven networking- Data transmission mechanism" � Editors Q7/13 2023-10-31
[ 290-WP2 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.ReqCapMec-SDNA: " Requirements capability and mechanism of software defined network awareness in heterogeneous networks " � Editors Q7/13 2023-10-31
[ 289-WP2 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.HLN-Req: "Requirements of human-like networking " � Editors Q7/13 2023-10-31
[ 288-WP2 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.bDDN-AA-RAM: "Big data driven networking- requirements, architecture and mechanism of application awareness" � Editors Q7/13 2023-10-31
[ 287-WP2 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.ReqCap-NACC: "Requirements and capability of network awareness based on cloud computing " � Editors Q7/13 2023-10-31
[ 286-WP2 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.bDDN-NP-ReqArch: "Big data driven networking- Functional requirements and functional architecture of network programmability" � Editors Q7/13 2023-10-31
[ 285-WP2 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.DPI-IMM-PIB: "Deep packet inspection: intelligent management and maintenance of policy information base" � Editors Q7/13 2023-10-31
[ 284-WP2 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.bDDN-NVReqCap: " Big data driven networking- requirements and capabilities of network visibility " � Editors Q7/13 2023-10-31
[ 283-WP2 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.Arch-INRA: " Functional architecture for intelligent awareness of network requirements " � Editors Q7/13 2023-10-31
[ 282-WP2 ]
LS/o/r on new Recommendation ITU-T Y.3540: "Edge computing - Overview and high-level requirements" (reply to SG17-LS73, SG16-LS88, SG20-LS90) � Rapporteur Q17/13 2023-10-31
[ 281-WP2 ]
LS/o on initiation of new work item draft ITU-T Y.FaaS-reqts: "Cloud computing - Functional requirements of function as a service" � Rapporteur Q17/13 2023-10-31
[ 280-WP2 ]
LS/o on initiation of a new work item ITU-T Y. cdb-reqts : "Big data - Functional requirements of data broker for collaboration among data brokers" � Rapporteur Q17/13 2023-10-31
[ 279-WP2 ]
LS/o on initiation of new work item ITU-T Y.cna-princ: "Cloud computing - Principles of cloud native application development " � Rapporteur Q17/13 2023-10-31
[ 278-WP2 ]
LS/o on initiation of new work item ITU-T Y.ecs-reqts: "Edge computing - Functional requirements of edge computing service (ECS)" � Rapporteur Q17/13 2023-10-31
[ 277-WP2 ]
LS/o on revision of ITU-T Supplement 40 to ITU-T Y-3600 series: "Big data and data handling standardization roadmap" � Rapporteur Q17/13 2023-10-31
[ 276-WP2 ]
LS/o on draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.3533 (ex. Y.RaaS-reqts): "Cloud computing - Functional requirements for robotics as a service" � Rapporteur Q17/13 2023-10-31
[ 275-WP2 ]
A.1 justifications for initiation of new draft Recommendations in Q17/13 � Rapporteur Q17/13 2023-10-31
[ 274-WP2 ]
Draft ToR for Q17/13 in Study Period 2025-2028 � Rapporteur Q17/13 2023-10-31
[ 273-WP2 ]
Living lists of Q17/13 (Geneva, 23 October - 3 November 2023) � Rapporteur Q17/13 2023-10-31
[ 272-WP2 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.FaaS-reqts: "Cloud computing - Functional requirements of function as a service" � Editor Q17/13 2023-10-31
[ 271-WP2 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.cdb-reqts: "Big data - Functional requirements of data broker for collaboration among data brokers" � Editor Q17/13 2023-10-31
[ 270-WP2 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.cna-princ: "Cloud Computing - Development Principles of Cloud Native Application" � Editors Q17/13 2023-10-31
[ 269-WP2 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.ecs-reqts: "Edge computing - Functional requirements of edge computing service(ECS)" � Editors Q17/13 2023-10-31
[ 268-WP2 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.cdp-reqts: "Data handling - Functional requirements of collaborative data processing in data platform" � Editor Q17/13 2023-10-31
[ 267-WP2 ]
Living lists of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.CRA-reqts: "Cloud computing - Functional requirements of computing resource abstraction" � Editors Q17/13 2023-10-31
[ 266-WP2 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.cra-reqts: "Cloud Computing-Functional requirements of computing resource abstraction" � Editors Q17/13 2023-10-31
[ 265-WP2 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.ecloud-reqts: "Cloud computing - Functional requirements of edge cloud" � Editors Q17/13 2023-10-31
[ 264-WP2 ]
Living lists of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.cro-reqts: "Cloud computing - Functional requirements of cloud resource optimization" � Editor Q17/13 2023-10-31
[ 263-WP2 ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.cro-reqts:"Cloud computing - Functional requirements of cloud resource optimization" � Editor Q17/13 2023-10-31
Resultats:77 documents
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