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UIT-T�SG 11� C�(2017-02-06)�


Protocols and test specifications

P�riode d'�tudes 2017

R�union� du 2017-02-06 au 2017-02-15

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2021-12-012021-07-152021-03-172020-12-182020-12-042020-11-192020-07-222020-03-042019-10-162019-06-262019-03-062018-10-312018-07-182017-11-082017-07-12

Resultats:62 documents
R�sultats :� 1 - 2 �-�Suivant Next
Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 62 ]
Proposal to advance current work item Q.39_IoT_MN_test "The architecture and facilities of Model network for IoT testing" � Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation , Rostelecom , SPbSUT Q12/11 2017-01-24
[ 61 ]
Proposal to advance the baseline text of the Q.FW_IoT/Test "Framework for IoT Testing" � Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation , Rostelecom , SPbSUT Q12/11 2017-01-24
[ 60 ]
Proposed additions to draft recommendation Q.FW_CCF � Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) , United Kingdom Q15/11 2017-01-24
[ 59 ]
Proposal to advance in the draft Recommendation Q.TM_Int_sp_test � Universidad Del Pa�s Vasco Q9/11 2017-01-24
[ 58 ]
Implementing Resolution 44 (Hammamet, 2016) - bridging the standardization gap between developing and developed countries � United States of America QALL/11 2017-01-24
[ 57 ]
Q.39_FW_Test_ID_IoT "The framework of testing of identification systems used in IoT � Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation , Rostelecom , SPbSUT Q12/11 2017-01-24
[ 56 ]
Proposed update for draft ITU-T Recommendation Q.NEA-REQ � SK Telecom Q7/11 2017-01-24
[ 55 ]
Proposal for initiating a new work item on signalling requirements and protocols of control and forwarding plane separation of vBNG � China Unicom Q5/11 2017-01-24
[ 54 ]
Proposal for adding IP address pool architecture into Q.BNG-IAP � China Unicom Q5/11 2017-01-24
[ 53 ]
Proposal for adding information flow of S-DBOD into Q.BNG-DBOD � China Unicom Q5/11 2017-01-24
[ 52 ]
Proposal for adding description of S-DBOD architecture into Q.BNG-DBOD � China Unicom Q5/11 2017-01-24
[ 51 ]
Proposal for adding defined terms into Q.BNG-DBOD � China Unicom Q5/11 2017-01-24
[ 50 ]
Signaling requirement of southbound interface of Q.SMO � China Unicom Q4/11 2017-01-24
[ 49 ]
Proposal on consenting Draft recommendation Q.SCO at February 2017 SG11 meeting � China Telecommunications Corporation Q4/11 2017-01-24
[ 48 ]
Proposal for modification of clause 6.2 in Q.CCP � China Telecommunications Corporation Q13/11 2017-01-24
[ 47 ]
Proposals for GPU and disk monitoring parameter in Q.CCP � China Telecommunications Corporation Q13/11 2017-01-24
[ 46 ]
Proposal for summary text in Q.CCP � China Telecommunications Corporation Q13/11 2017-01-24
[ 45 ]
A new work item on Signalling requirements for SD-WAN service � China Telecommunications Corporation Q4/11 2017-01-24
[ 44 ]
Proposal for amendment of Q.731 for enhancement of Calling Party Number security � China Telecommunications Corporation Q2/11 2017-01-24
[ 43 ]
Proposed modification to the draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.CCP "Monitoring parameters set for cloud computing" � Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) Q13/11 2017-01-24
[ 42 ]
Making some editorial modification of Q.BNG-PooL � Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) Q5/11 2017-01-24
[ 41 ]
Proposal for data model description in Q.PVMapping � China Unicom , Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Q4/11 2017-01-24
[ 40 ]
Q.FW_CCF - Update considering the WTSA Resolution 96 (Hammamet, 2016) � Ag�ncia Nacional de Telecomunica��es - ANATEL , Brazil Q15/11 2017-01-23
[ 39 ]
TR-CF_BP - Update on Brazilian Initiatives on the combat of Counterfeit Mobile ICT Devices � Ag�ncia Nacional de Telecomunica��es - ANATEL , Brazil Q15/11 2017-01-23
[ 38 ]
Proposed new recommendation - Framework for combating the use of Stolen Mobile ICT Devices. � Ag�ncia Nacional de Telecomunica��es - ANATEL , Brazil Q15/11 2017-01-23
[ 37 ]
Proposed Plan for implementation of WTSA Resolution 97 (Hammamet, 2016) � Ag�ncia Nacional de Telecomunica��es - ANATEL , Brazil Q15/11 2017-01-23
[ 36 ]
Proposed Plan for implementation of WTSA Resolution 96 (Hammamet, 2016). � Ag�ncia Nacional de Telecomunica��es - ANATEL , Brazil Q15/11 2017-01-23
[ 35 ]
Proposal to extend/enhance/introduce protocol capabilities in case of heterogeneous network environment to support priority calling � Ministry of Communications and Information Technology Q3/11 2017-01-23
[ 34 ]
Proposal to change the title of the work item Q.3961 (Q.TM_Int_sp_test) � A1 Telekom Austria AG Q9/11 2017-01-23
[ 33 ]
Proposed texts for Section 8 of draft ITU-T Recommendation Q.SAN-MIM � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q7/11 2017-01-23
[ 32 ]
Proposed texts for Section 7 of draft ITU-T Recommendation Q.SAN-MIM � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q7/11 2017-01-23
[ 31 ]
Proposed update texts for Section 6 of draft ITU-T Recommendation Q.SAN-MIM � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q7/11 2017-01-23
[ 30 ]
Draft revised Recommendation ITU-T Q.1912.5 "Interworking between Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and Bearer Independent Call Control protocol or ISDN User Part" � A1 Telekom Austria AG , Deutsche Telekom AG Q2/11 2017-01-23
[ 29 ]
X.mp2p-mssr: Proposed modifications of requirements and addition of new terminologies � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q8/11 2017-01-23
[ 28 ]
Withdrawn due to duplication � N/A � 2017-01-23
[ 27 ]
Proposal for amendment of I.570 for enhancement of Calling Party Number security �
NOTE: this contribution is submitted to Q2/11 and Q2/13
China Telecommunications Corporation Q2/11 2017-01-23
[ 26 ]
Withdrawn due to duplication � N/A � 2017-01-23
[ 25 ]
Proposal to Clause 7.3 Functional testing for Q.wa-iop � China Telecommunications Corporation Q14/11 2017-01-23
[ 24 ]
Proposal to start a new work item Q.IMS_NGN_Rel.11 "IMS references to Release 11 for NGN networks" � A1 Telekom Austria AG Q2/11 2017-01-22
[ 23 ]
Withdrawn due to duplication � N/A � 2017-01-22
[ 22 ]
Proposal for signalling procedure of network slicing in Q.PVMapping � China Unicom , Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Q4/11 2017-01-22
[ 21 ]
Simplify the illustration of figures in chapter 7 of Q.IPv6ProBB � Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) Q4/11 2017-01-22
[ 20 ]
Overview of CASC outcomes, future activities (Study Period 2017-2020) � Ghana CASC 2017-01-20
[ 19 ]
Baseline text of the proposed new work item Q. Het_Gateway_Test "The structure of the testing of heterogeneous gateways" � Administration of the Russian Federation, Rostelecom, SPbSUT Q12/11 2017-01-20
[ 18 ]
Proposal to start a new work item Q.Het_Gateway_Test "The structure of the testing of heterogeneous gateways" � Administration of the Russian Federation, Rostelecom, SPbSUT Q12/11 2017-01-20
[ 17 ]
Results of the second stage of conformance testing pilot project on "Mobile network portability (ITU-T Q.Suppl.4)" � Administration of the Russian Federation Q11/11 2017-01-20
[ 16 ]
Proposal to update to ITU-T Recommendation Q.Suppl.4 � Administration of the Russian Federation Q2/11 2017-01-20
[ 15 ]
Proposal to approve a draft Guidelines "ITU-T CASC procedure to appoint ITU-T technical experts" � Ghana CASC 2017-01-20
[ 14 ]
IEC task force "CMC TF ITU Requirements" � Ghana CASC 2017-01-20
[ 13 ]
Proposal to approve a draft Survey report on counterfeit ICT devices in Africa region � Ghana Q15/11 2017-01-20
Resultats:62 documents
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