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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG 9 : R�union�2021-11-15�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG 9� TD-GEN�(2021-11-15)�


Broadband cable and TV

P�riode d'�tudes 2017

R�union� du 2021-11-15 au 2021-11-24

Lieu : E-Meeting

Autres r�unions : [ 2021-11-15 ]� 2021-04-192021-01-262020-11-252020-07-07� 2020-06-23� 2020-04-162019-06-062018-11-212018-01-222017-05-24

Resultats:179 documents
R�sultats :� 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 �-�Suivant Next
Documents Temporaires �(GEN) ��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 1320-GEN ]
LS/o/r on the new version of the reference table and pilot projects on Conformance and Interoperability testing. (SG11-LS211) [to ITU-T SG11] � Rapporteur Q10/9 Q10/9 2021-11-23
[ 1319-GEN ]
LS/o/r on the new version of the Home Network Transport (HNT) Standards Overview and Work Plan (SG15-LS299) [to ITU-T SG15] � Rapporteur Q10/9 Q10/9 2021-11-23
[ 1318-GEN ]
LS/o/r on Telecommunication Management and OAM Project Plan (SG2-LS203) [to ITU-T SG2] � Rapporteur Q10/9 Q10/9 2021-11-23
[ 1317-GEN ]
LS/o/r on the new version of the Access Network Transport (ANT) Standards Overview and Work Plan (SG15-LS298) [to ITU-T SG15] � Rapporteur Q10/9 Q10/9 2021-11-23
[ 1316-GEN ]
LS/o/r on new ITU-T SG9 terms and definitions (SG2-LS197, SCV-LS37, SCV-LS40) [to ITU-T SCV; ITU-R CCV; ITU-T SG2, All other ITU-T Study Groups] � Rapporteur Q10/9 Q10/9 2021-11-23
[ 1315-GEN ]
LS/o/r on approval of new terms and definitions (SG16-LS223) [to ITU-T SG16] � Rapporteur Q10/9 Q10/9 2021-11-23
[ 1314-GEN ]
Draft Report of the 14th IRG-IBB meeting (Online, 18 November 2021) � Co-chair, IRG-IBB QALL/9, Q5/9 2021-11-23
[ 1313-GEN ]
Draft agenda of WP1/9 and WP2/9 sessions � TSB QALL/9 2021-11-22
[ 1312-GEN ]
LS/o/r on the current baseline text of draft new Recommendation ITU-T J.cable-mabr "Requirements of multicast adaptive bitrate (M-ABR) IP delivery" (DVBTM-MCAST-0056) [to DVB, ETSI TC Cable, CableLabs] � Rapporteur Q9/9 Q9/9 2021-11-22
[ 1311-GEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft revised J.299-rev � Rapporteur Q6 Q6/9 2021-11-22
[ 1310-GEN ]
LS/o/r on smart TV Operating System (IRG-IBB-LS6) [to ITU-T SG16, ITU-R SG6 WP6B] � Rapporteur Q5/9 Q5/9 2021-11-22
[ 1309-GEN ]
Consent - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T J.1205 (ex J.stvos-hal) "The HAL API of a smart TV operating system" � Editor Q5/9 2021-11-22
[ 1308-GEN ]
Consent - Draft revised Recommendation ITU-T J.1204 "The security framework of a smart TV operating system" � Editor Q5/9 2021-11-22
[ 1307-GEN ]
Consent - Draft revised Recommendation ITU-T J.1203 "The specification of a smart TV operating system" � Editor Q5/9 2021-11-22
[ 1306-GEN ]
Consent - Draft revised Recommendation ITU-T J.1202 "The architecture of a smart TV operating system" � Editor Q5/9 2021-11-22
[ 1305-GEN ]
Consent - Draft revised Recommendation ITU-T J.1201 "Functional requirements of a smart TV operating system" � Editor Q5/9 2021-11-22
[ 1304-GEN ]
LS/o/r on "Call for contribution to ITU-T FG-AN Build-a-thon/PoC" (FGAN-LS-07) [to ITU-T FG-AN] � Rapporteur Q12/9 Q12/9 2021-11-22
[ 1303-GEN ]
LS/o on final approval of Recommendation ITU-T J.1631 [to ITU-T SG12, ETSI TC Cable] � Rapporteur Q9/9 Q9/9 2021-11-22
[ 1302-GEN ]
Output - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T J.cable-mabr "Requirements of multicast adaptive bit rate (M-ABR) IP delivery" � Editor Q9/9 2021-11-22
[ 1301-GEN ]
LS/o/r on AAP Consent of draft revised Recommendation ITU-T J.299 "Functional Requirements for remote management of cable STB by Auto Configuration Server (ACS)" (LIAISE-447) [to ARIB, BBF, ETSI TC Cable, ITU-T Q13/SG16, SCTE] � Rapporteur Q6/9 Q6/9 2021-11-22
[ 1300-GEN ]
LS/o on AAP Consent of draft new Recommendation ITU-T J.1612 "The Architecture for Smart Home Gateway" [to BBF, SG15, SG16, SG20] � Rapporteur Q6/9 Q6/9 2021-11-22
[ 1299-GEN ]
Consent - Draft revised Recommendation ITU-T J.299 "Functional Requirements for remote management of cable STB by Auto Configuration Server (ACS)" � Editor Q6/9 2021-11-22
[ 1298-GEN ]
Consent - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T J.1612 (ex J.pcnp-smgw-arch),"The Architecture for Smart Home Gateway" � Editor Q6/9 2021-11-22
[ 1297-GEN ]
Consent - Draft revised Recommendation for ITU-T J.1028 "Downloadable conditional access system for unidirectional networks - Terminal system" � Editors of J.1028rev Q2/9 2021-11-22
[ 1296-GEN ]
Consent - Draft revised Recommendation for ITU-T J.1027 "Downloadable conditional access system for unidirectional networks - System architecture" � Editors of J.1027rev Q2/9 2021-11-22
[ 1295-GEN ]
Consent - Draft revised Recommendation for ITU-T J.1026 "Downloadable conditional access system for unidirectional networks - Requirements" � Editors of J.1026rev Q2/9 2021-11-22
[ 1294-GEN ]
Collection of issues for Question 9/9 - Issues list � Rapporteur Q9/9 Q9/9 2021-11-22
[ 1293-GEN ]
Proposed updates on SG9 Questions texts to be included in report of SG9 to WTSA, Part 2 � SG9 Chairman QALL/9 2021-11-21
[ 1292-GEN ]
Report of Working Party 2/9 meeting � Chairman WP2/9 Q9/9, Q8/9, Q5/9, Q12/9, Q11/9 2021-11-19
[ 1291-GEN ]
Report of Working Party 1/9 meeting � Chairman WP1/9 Q7/9, Q6/9, Q4/9, Q2/9, Q1/9 2021-11-19
[ 1290-GEN ]
LS/o on AAP Consent of draft new Recommendation ITU-T J.483 (ex J.rfip-switching-arch) "Architecture and Functional Specifications of a radio frequency (RF)/Internet protocol (IP) video switching system" [to ETSI TC Cable, ITU-T Q13/SG16, CableLabs, SCTE] � Rapporteur Q1/9 Q1/9 2021-11-19
[ 1289-GEN ]
LS/o on AAP consent of draft new Recommendation ITU-T J.1111 (ex J.AIP- DVCS) "Requirements for Advanced IP-based digital video convergence service" [to ETSI TC Cable, RRA] � Rapporteur Q7/9 Q7/9 2021-11-19
[ 1288-GEN ]
LS/o on Agreement of draft new Technical Paper ITU-T JSTP-IPVB-UC (ex TP.ipvb-ucase) "Use cases and service scenario of IP Video Broadcast (IPVB) for CATV Networks" and JSTP-IPVB-ACC (ex TP.ipvb-acc) "Analysis of the cost and complexity of IPVB technology" [to ITU-T SG16, ETSI TC Cable, SCTE, CCSA] � Rapporteur Q7/9 Q7/9 2021-11-19
[ 1287-GEN ]
LS/o on AAP consent of draft new Recommendation ITU-T J.198.1(ex J.HiNoC3-REQ) "Functional requirements for third-generation HiNoC"[to ITU-T SG15, ETSI TC-Cable, IEC TC100, RRA, TTC, IEEE 802.3 Ethernet WG, CCSA] � Rapporteur Q7/9 Q7/9 2021-11-19
[ 1286-GEN ]
Agreement - Draft new Technical Paper ITU-T JSTP-IPVB-UC (ex TP.ipvb-ucase) "Use cases and service scenario of IP Video Broadcast (IPVB) for CATV Networks" � Editor Q7/9 2021-11-19
[ 1285-GEN ]
Agreement - Draft new Technical Paper ITU-T JSTP-IPVB-ACC (ex TP.ipvb-acc) "Analysis of the cost and complexity of IPVB technology" � Editor Q7/9 2021-11-19
[ 1284-GEN ]
Consent - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T J.1111 (ex. J.AIP-DVCS) "Requirements for Advanced IP-based digital video convergence service" � Editor Q7/9 2021-11-19
[ 1283-GEN ]
Consent - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T J.198.1 (ex. J.HiNoC3-REQ) "Functional requirements for third-generation HiNoC" � Editor Q7/9 2021-11-19
[ 1282-GEN ]
LS/o on consent of ITU-T Recommendations J.1401 (ex. J.dtc-distribution-req) "Television Content Distribution Platforms: Requirements for Open Access and Signal Quality" [to ITU-D SG1] � Rapporteur Q4/9 Q4/9 2021-11-19
[ 1281-GEN ]
Consent - draft new Recommendation ITU-T J.1401 (ex. J.dtc-distribution-req) "Television Content Distribution Platforms: Requirements for Open Access and Signal Quality" � Editor Q4/9 2021-11-19
[ 1280-GEN ]
Output - draft new Recommendation ITU-T J.acc-us-prof "Common user profile format for audiovisual content" (to be progressed) � Editor Q11/9 2021-11-18
[ 1279-GEN ]
Draft report of 21st IRG-AVA meeting (Virtual Geneva, 16th November 2021) � IRG-AVA Co-Chairs Q11/9 2021-11-18
[ 1278-GEN ]
Consent - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T J.1304 (ex. J.cable-ott) "Functional requirements for service collaboration between cable television operator and OTT service provider" � Editor Q9/9 2021-11-18
[ 1277-GEN ]
Consent - Corrigendum to Recommendation ITU-T J.482 "Requirements of a radio frequency (RF)/Internet protocol (IP) video switching system" � Editor Q1/9 2021-11-17
[ 1276-GEN ]
Consent - Draft Recommendation ITU-T J.483 (ex. J.rfip-switching-arch) "Architecture and Functional Specifications of a radio frequency (RF)/Internet protocol (IP) video switching system" � Editor Q1/9 2021-11-17
[ 1275-GEN ]
Consent - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T J.1303 (e.x. J.CBCMS.part3) "The specification of cloud-based converged media service to support IP and Broadcast Cable TV - System specification on collaboration between production media cloud and cable service cloud" � Editor Q8/9 2021-11-17
[ 1274-GEN ]
LS/o on AAP consent of the draft Recommendation ITU-T J.1303 (e.x. J.CBCMS part3) and the update to the Artificial Intelligence Standardization Roadmap [to ITU-T SG13] � Rapporteur Q8/9 Q8/9 2021-11-17
[ 1273-GEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new J.pcnp-smgw-arch � Editor Q6/9 2021-11-17
[ 1272-GEN ]
Report of Q12/9 meeting � Rapporteur Q12/9 Q12/9 2021-11-17
[ 1271-GEN ]
Report of Q11/9 meeting � Rapporteur Q11/9 Q11/9 2021-11-17
Resultats:179 documents
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