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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG 5 : R�union�2013-01-29�: Contributions� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG 5� C�(2013-01-29)�


Environnement et changement climatique

P�riode d'�tudes 2013

R�union� du 2013-01-29 au 2013-02-07

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2017-11-202017-05-152016-10-102016-04-202015-10-122014-12-082014-07-232014-05-192013-12-02

Resultats:89 documents
R�sultats :� 1 - 2 �-�Suivant Next
Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 89 ]
Conclusions and Recommendations for ITU in L 1410 & L 1420 as a result of the Pilot testing on ICT Methodologies � European Union Q18/5 2013-01-18
[ 88 ]
Power supply efficiency and power factor � Telecom Italia S.p.A. Q13/5 2013-01-18
[ 87 ]
Proposal to define categories of handsets for the mobile handsets eco-rating � Telecom Italia S.p.A. Q16/5 2013-01-18
[ 86 ]
Proposal to create a Focus Group on Smart and Sustainable Cities � Telecom Italia S.p.A. , Telef�nica, S.A. Q19/5, Q18/5, Q17/5, Q16/5, Q15/5, Q14/5, Q13/5 2013-01-18
[ 85 ]
Proposal of revised based text for L.methodology ICT in Cities (L.1440), following the October 2012 WP3/5 meeting � Climate Associates Ltd. , European Union , France T�l�com Orange , Telefon AB - LM Ericsson , Telef�nica, S.A. Q18/5 2013-01-18
[ 84 ]
Suggestion to start a revision of L.1420, suggestion of elements to be taken into account � France T�l�com Orange Q18/5 2013-01-18
[ 83 ]
Clarification of emission avoidance term and importance for the ICT sector to keep the term in the ICT Projects Methodology text � Telef�nica, S.A. Q18/5 2013-01-18
[ 82 ]
Criteria to consider when evaluating pros-and cons of eco-rating programs for mobile phones � Telef�nica, S.A. Q16/5 2013-01-18
[ 81 ]
Example of climate change resilient telecommunications infrastructure � Telef�nica, S.A. Q15/5 2013-01-18
[ 80 ]
Information on France Telecom Orange Labs and Paris Diderot university paper on research on ICT impact assessment method in the ITU-T Kaleidoscope 2013 � France T�l�com Orange Q18/5 2013-01-18
[ 79 ]
Position of France Telecom for finalizing study battery � France T�l�com Orange Q13/5 2013-01-18
[ 78 ]
Proposal to the ITU for environmental standards study � European Broadcasting Union Q18/5, Q17/5, Q16/5, Q13/5 2013-01-18
[ 77 ]
Impact of LTE signals on cable-TV reception � Deutsche Welle Q8/5 2013-01-18
[ 76 ]
The case for greater due diligence by the ICT Sector and the need to focus on the environment � Dem. Rep. of the Congo Q13/5 2013-01-18
[ 75 ]
Comments on L.UPA portable � United States Q13/5 2013-01-18
[ 74 ]
Proposal of Scope and basic system configuration for L.archtecture � Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Q19/5 2013-01-18
[ 73 ]
Proposal of study items for safety requirements and overvoltage protections for 400-VDC systems � Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Q5/5 2013-01-18
[ 72 ]
Proposal for updates of L.rareMetals_measurement � Korea (Rep. of) Q13/5 2013-01-18
[ 71 ]
Proposal for indicating both ICT GHG and ICT energy projects � Korea (Rep. of) Q18/5 2013-01-18
[ 70 ]
Proposal for best practices for cloud data centers as revision of ITU-T L.1300 � Korea (Rep. of) Q17/5 2013-01-18
[ 69 ]
2nd draft of K.mpis: Measurement of human exposure levels when a wireless installation is put into service � Korea (Rep. of) Q7/5 2013-01-18
[ 68 ]
Methodology for assessment of GHG emission reduction enabled by ICT based Real-time Navigation Service � Korea (Rep. of) Q18/5 2013-01-18
[ 67 ]
Proposal for inclusion of an Appendix in L.rareMetals-measurement � Korea (Rep. of) Q13/5 2013-01-18
[ 66 ]
Proposed modification of clause 12 of ITU-T L.1300Rev � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q17/5 2013-01-17
[ 65 ]
Proposed modification of clause 11 of ITU-T L.1300Rev � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q17/5 2013-01-17
[ 64 ]
Proposed modification of clause 8 of ITU-T L.1300Rev � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q17/5 2013-01-17
[ 63 ]
Proposed modification of clause 7 of ITU-T L.1300Rev � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q17/5 2013-01-17
[ 62 ]
Proposal for reflection of '2012 Best Practices for the EU Code of Conduct on Data Centres v3.0.8' in ITU-T L.1300Rev � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q17/5 2013-01-17
[ 61 ]
ICT Projects: Comments on current draft of ICT in Projects Recommendation (TD 33) � Telefon AB - LM Ericsson Q18/5 2013-01-17
[ 60 ]
document withdrawn � N/A � Q14/5 2013-01-17
[ 59 ]
Environmental Impact Reduction including E-Waste � Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority (RURA) Q13/5 2013-01-17
[ 58 ]
GSMA HERTF Review of Network Eco Rating Schemes � GSM Association Q16/5 2013-01-17
[ 57 ]
Draft Questions for the GSMA Eco Rating Methodology � GSM Association Q16/5 2013-01-17
[ 56 ]
Proposed Appendix to ITU-T Recommendation K.52 - software � TELEKOMUNIKACJA POLSKA S.A. Q7/5 2013-01-17
[ 55 ]
Updated version of the software EMF-estimator (v 3.0.0) � TELEKOMUNIKACJA POLSKA S.A. Q7/5 2013-01-17
[ 54 ]
Handbook on human exposure to EMF � TELEKOMUNIKACJA POLSKA S.A. Q7/5 2013-01-17
[ 53 ]
Slides for discussion of L.UPA portable � France T�l�com Orange Q13/5 2013-01-17
[ 52 ]
Introducing the research project BATS (Broadband Access via integrated Terrestrial & Satellite systems) � Climate Associates Ltd. Q14/5 2013-01-17
[ 51 ]
Early draft for L.UPA portable � France T�l�com Orange Q13/5 2013-01-17
[ 50 ]
Proposal for refining clause 6 and 12 by resolving their editor notes � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q18/5 2013-01-17
[ 49 ]
Proposal for adding the project plan documentation form as informative � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q18/5 2013-01-17
[ 48 ]
Clarifications between ITU-T L.1410 and ITU-T L.methodology ICT projects and Corresponding proposal for refinement of ITU-T L.methodology ICT projects � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q18/5 2013-01-17
[ 47 ]
Proposal for removal of GHG emission avoidance and update of the definition of GHG emission reduction � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q18/5 2013-01-17
[ 46 ]
Proposed contents of a handbook on setting up low-cost sustainable telecom infrastructure in rural areas in developing nations � The ITU Association of Japan Q14/5 2013-01-17
[ 45 ]
Development of a handbook on life-cycle management of ICT equipment � UNEP Q13/5 2013-01-17
[ 44 ]
Proposal for the Handbook on good practices - Setting up a low cost sustainable telecommunication infrastructure for rural communications in developing countries � NEC Corporation Q14/5 2013-01-17
[ 43 ]
L.1440 ICT Cities: Proposed revised text for chapter 7.1 Establishing the city boundaries � Telefon AB - LM Ericsson Q18/5 2013-01-17
[ 42 ]
L.1440 ICT in Cities: Proposed draft initial text for chapter 9.3 Methodology for the assessment of ICT services in cities � Telefon AB - LM Ericsson Q18/5 2013-01-17
[ 41 ]
L.1440 ICT in Cities: Proposed draft text for chapter 6 General principles for impact assessment of ICT in cities � Telefon AB - LM Ericsson Q18/5 2013-01-17
[ 40 ]
Comments and proposed new text for baseline text ICT in Cities Recommendation � Telefon AB - LM Ericsson Q18/5 2013-01-17
Resultats:89 documents
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