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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG15 : R�union�2011-12-05�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG15� TD-WP1�(2011-12-05)�


Transport network structures

P�riode d'�tudes 2009

R�union� du 2011-12-05 au 2011-12-16

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2012-09-10� 2012-05-11� [ 2011-12-05 ]� 2011-09-162011-02-142010-10-222010-05-312010-01-152009-09-282009-05-152008-12-01

Resultats:146 documents
R�sultats :� 1 - 2 - 3 �-�Suivant Next
Documents Temporaires �(WP1) ��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 671-WP1 ]
Meeting report and minutes for Q2/15 meeting (Geneva, 12 December 2011) � Rapporteur Q2/15 Q2/15 2011-12-15
[ 670-WP1 ]
G.hn: Ad hoc Report for maximum ACK window size and FLCTRL field � Editor G.hn Q4/15 2011-12-15
[ 669-WP1 ]
oLS: Liaison to ITU-R SG 1 and SG 5 regarding G.9959 (ex-G.wnb), narrowband wireless home networking � Rapporteur Q4/15 Q4C/15 2011-12-14
[ 668-WP1 ]
Results - Trial Re-Organization of Q4/SG15 � Rapporteur Q4/15 Q4/15, Q2/14, Q1/15 2011-12-14
[ 667-WP1 ]
G.9980 proposal (to be read with TD666/WP1) � Editor G.9980 Q4/15, Q2/15, Q1/15 2011-12-14
[ 666-WP1 ]
Proposed - A.5 justification information for draft Recommendation ITU-T G.9980 (to be read with TD667/WP1) � Editor G.9980 Q4/15, Q2/15, Q1/15 2011-12-14
[ 665-WP1 ]
Report of the G.fast Ad Hoc Session on Service Rates � G.fast Rates Ad Hoc Chair Q4/15 2011-12-14
[ 664-WP1 ]
G.ploam: Updated Issues list � Editor G.997.1 Q4/15 2011-12-14
[ 663-WP1 ]
G.hs: Updated Issues list � Editor G.994.1 Q4/15 2011-12-14
[ 662-WP1 ]
Proposed new description of Q1/15 � Chairman WP1/15 Q4/15, Q2/15, Q1/15 2011-12-13
[ 661-WP1 ]
iLS: Liaison letter to ITU-T from Z-Wave Alliance regarding G.wnb � Z-Wave Alliance Q4C/15 2011-12-13
[ 660-WP1 ]
Q1/15 meeting report (Geneva, December 2011) � N/A � 2011-12-12
[ 659-WP1 ]
Timing aspects in G.993.2 (VDSL2) � Rapporteur Q4a/15 Q4A/15 2011-12-12
[ 658-WP1 ]
G.fast: Status of the work on G.fast for discussion with Q2/15 � Editor G.fast Q4/15, Q2/15 2011-12-12
[ 657-WP1 ]
Discussion document for Dec 2011 Joint meeting Q1, 2 and 4/15 � Rapporteur Q2/15 Q4/15, Q2/15, Q1/15 2011-12-09
[ 656-WP1 ]
German regulator's input to the discussion on ITU-T G.9980 � Rapporteur Q2/15 Q2/15 2011-12-09
[ 655-WP1 ]
Version 19 of the ANT Standards Work Plan � Rapporteur Q1/15 Q1/15 2011-12-07
[ 654-WP1 ]
Version 21 of the ANT Standards Overview � Rapporteur Q1/15 Q1/15 2011-12-07
[ 653-WP1 ]
oLS: Liaison to Broadband Forum � Rapporteur Q4/15 Q4/15 2011-12-07
[ 652-WP1 ]
oLS: Liaison to Broadband Forum regarding AELEM kl0 accuracy requirements � Rapporteur Q4/15 Q4/15 2011-12-07
[ 651-WP1 ]
iLS: G.vdsl: Liaison from BBF regarding kl0 accuracy � Broadband Forum Q4/15 2011-12-07
[ 650-WP1 ]
iLS: Control of interleaver memory split � Broadband Forum Q4/15 2011-12-07
[ 649-WP1 ]
WP1/15 meeting report (Geneva, December 2011) � Chairman WP1/15 Q4/15, Q2/15, Q1/15 2011-12-07
[ 648-WP1 ]
Recommendation ITU-T G.987.3 (10/2010) - Living list � Editor G.987.3 Q2/15 2011-12-07
[ 647-WP1 ]
Recommendation ITU-T G.984.3 (3/2008) - Living list for Amendment 3 � Editor G.984.3 Q2/15 2011-12-07
[ 646-WP1 ]
Q1/15 meeting agenda (Geneva, 12 December 2011) � Rapporteur Q1/15 Q1/15 2011-12-08
[ 645-WP1 ]
Reserved for: Question 4a/15 meeting report � N/A � 2011-12-05
[ 644-WP1 ]
Q4a /15 sessions agenda (December 2011) � Rapporteur Q4a/15 Q4A/15 2011-12-05
[ 643-WP1 ]
G.hn: Updated Issues List for the continuing work on G.hn � Editor G.hn Q4/15 2011-12-05
[ 642-WP1 ]
G.fast: Updated issues list for G.fast � Editor G.fast Q4/15 2011-12-05
[ 641-WP1 ]
G.fast: Work programme for G.fast � Editor G.fast Q4/15 2011-12-05
[ 640-WP1 ]
Reserved for: Draft report of the Question 4b sessions of WP1/15 � N/A � 2011-12-05
[ 639-WP1 ]
Draft agenda for the Q4b/15 sessions of WP1/15 (December 2011) � Rapporteur Q4b/15 Q4B/15 2011-12-05
[ 638-WP1 ]
G.hn: Updated draft of G.9963 � Editor G.9963 Q4/15 2011-12-05
[ 637-WP1 ]
G.hn: Updated draft of G.9962 � Editor G.9962 Q4/15 2011-12-05
[ 636-WP1 ]
G.hn: Updated draft text for G.9961 (2010) Corrigendum 2 � Editor G.9961 Q4/15 2011-12-05
[ 635-WP1 ]
G.hn: Updated draft text for G.9961 Amendment 2 � Editor G.9961 Q4/15 2011-12-05
[ 634-WP1 ]
G.hn: Updated draft of G.9961 corrigendum 1 � Editor G.9961 Q4/15 2011-12-05
[ 633-WP1 ]
G.hn: Updated draft of G.9961 amendment 1 � Editor G.9961 Q4/15 2011-12-05
[ 632-WP1 ]
G.hn: Updated draft of G.9960 � Editor G.9960 Q4/15 2011-12-05
[ 631-WP1 ]
iLS: Liaison to ITU ANT � ETSI TC ATTM Q1/15 2011-12-04
[ 630-WP1 ]
G.hn: Proposed revisions to draft G.9964 for decision � Editor G.hn Q4/15 2011-12-04
[ 629-WP1 ]
G.hnem work plan � Editor G.hnem Q4/15 2011-12-04
[ 628-WP1 ]
G.wnb work plan � Editor G.wnb Q4/15 2011-12-04
[ 627-WP1 ]
iLS: Progress of Broadband Forum Optical-Layer Management Working Text (WT 287) � Broadband Forum Q2/15 2011-12-03
[ 626-WP1 ]
iLS: Report and results from May, 2011 G.hn Interoperability Plugfest � Broadband Forum Q4/15 2011-12-04
[ 625-WP1 ]
G.lt issues list � Editor G.lt Q4/15 2011-12-03
[ 624-WP1 ]
Rogue ONU Examples � Editor G.sup49 Q2/15 2011-12-01
[ 623-WP1 ]
G.fast: Updated Issues List for G.fast � Editor G.fast Q4/15 2011-12-01
[ 622-WP1 ]
G.hn: Updated Issues List for continuing work on G.hn � Editor G.hn Q4/15 2011-12-01
Resultats:146 documents
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