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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG02 : R�union�2012-03-21�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG02� TD-WP1�(2012-03-21)�


Telecommunication management and network and service operations

P�riode d'�tudes 2009

R�union� du 2012-03-21 au 2012-03-29

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : [ 2012-03-21 ]� 2011-06-012010-11-092010-05-172009-11-162009-03-24

Resultats:53 documents
R�sultats :� 1 - 2 �-�Suivant Next
Documents Temporaires �(WP1) ��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 215-WP1 ]
Progress report for Question 4/2 � Rapporteur, Q.4/2 Q4/2 2012-03-28
[ 214-WP1 ]
Q.3/2 work programme � Rapporteur, Q.3/2 Q3/2 2012-03-28
[ 213-WP1 ]
Progress report for Question 3/2 � Rapporteur, Q.3/2 Q3/2 2012-03-28
[ 212-WP1 ]
Progress report for Question 1/2 and Question 2/2 � Acting Rapporteur, Q.1/2 Q1/2 2012-03-28
[ 211-WP1 ]
Q.1/2 work programme � Associate Rapporteur, Q.1/2 Q1/2 2012-03-28
[ 210-WP1 ]
Numbering Misuse Ad hoc � Chairman, Numbering misuse ad hoc Q1/2 2012-03-28
[ 209-WP1 ]
Q.2/2 Work Programme � Rapporteur, Q.2/2 Q2/2 2012-03-28
[ 208-WP1 ]
New draft Supplement 1 to Recommendation ITU-T E.106.1 � Editors Q1/2 2012-03-28
[ 207-WP1 ]
Report from the Ad hoc on "New requirements on E.212" � Convener, ad hoc on "New requirements on E.212" Q1/2 2012-03-28
[ 206-WP1 ]
Draft revised text for Q.3/2 for the 2012-2015 study period � Rapporteur, Q.3/2 Q3/2 2012-03-27
[ 205-WP1 ]
New proposed text for Q.2/2 � Rapporteur, Q.2/2 Q2/2 2012-03-27
[ 204-WP1 ]
Revised text for Question 1/2 � Associate Rapporteur, Q.1/2 Q1/2 2012-03-27
[ 203-WP1 ]
Text on draft circular associated with Numbering Misuse � Chairman, ad hoc on numbering misuse Q1/2 2012-03-27
[ 202-WP1 ]
Draft Circular Mobile Network Code (MNC) - possibility of parallell usage of 2 digit and 3 digit MNCs under one geographic Mobile Country Code (MCC) � Convener, ad hoc "New requirements on E.212" Q1/2 2012-03-27
[ 201-WP1 ]
3GPP study on M2M numbering � Associate Rapporteur, Q.1/2 Q1/2 2012-03-26
[ 200-WP1 ]
Draft new Recommendation E.888 � Editor Q1/2 2012-03-26
[ 199-WP1 ]
Presentation: New requirements on E.212 � Associate Rapporteur, Q.1/2 Q1/2 2012-03-26
[ 198-WP1 ]
Presentation: A central hub system for real-time electronic payments between governments and citizens � Rapporteur, Q.3/2 Q3/2 2012-03-23
[ 197-WP1 ]
Presentation: enabling local wireless services - MNC categories � Associate Rapporteur, Q.1/2 Q1/2 2012-03-22
[ 196-WP1 ]
Background Info on IoT and Heterarchic networks � Vice-Chairman, SG2 Q1/2 2012-03-22
[ 195-WP1 ]
CEPT/ECC Report 153 on "Numbering and Addressing in Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Communications" � Associate Rapporteur, Q.1/2 Q1/2 2012-03-22
[ 194-WP1 ]
MTT statement regarding numbering misuse for the Q.1/2 report � Associate Rapporteur, Q.1/2 Q1/2 2012-03-22
[ 193-WP1 ]
Telecom Finance report and revised draft document � Convenor, Telecom Finance Q3/2 2012-03-22
[ 192-WP1 ]
Agenda for Q.3/2 � Rapporteur, Q.3/2 Q3/2 2012-03-21
[ 191-WP1 ]
Agenda for the meeting of Working Party 1/2 � Chairman, WP 1/2 Q4/2, Q3/2, Q2/2, Q1/2 2012-03-20
[ 190-WP1 ]
Draft agenda for Q.4/2 meeting � Rapporteur, Q.4/2 Q4/2 2012-03-16
[ 189-WP1 ]
Agenda for Q.1/2 � Associate Rapporteur, Q.1/2 Q1/2 2012-03-12
[ 188-WP1 ]
Universal International Numbers (Period May 2011 - February 2012) � TSB Q1/2 2012-03-12
[ 187-WP1 ]
Quality of experience and measurement methods � Rapporteur, Q.4/2 Q4/2 2012-03-12
[ 186-WP1 ]
First Contact: Encouraging use of Emergency Contact Details on Mobile Phones � Rapporteur, Q.4/2 Q4/2 2012-03-08
[ 185-WP1 ]
Draft Recommendation Supplement ITU-T E.mil - Guidelines to select Message Identifiers for Land Mobile Alerting Broadcast Capabilities and for Civil Purposes � Editor Q3/2, Q1/2 2012-03-09
[ 184-WP1 ]
iLS - Emergency telecommunications service � ITU-T SG17 Q3/2 2012-03-07
[ 183-WP1 ]
Q.2/2 NP and E.129 Correspondence Group outcome � Rapporteur, Q.2/2 Q2/2 2012-02-28
[ 182-WP1 ]
iLS - LS to ETSI ERM (ERM Radio Microphones, Cordless Audio and Audio Links) TG17 on Technical characteristics of wireless aids for hearing impaired people operating in the VHF and UHF frequency range � ITU-T FG AVA Q4/2 2012-02-23
[ 181-WP1 ]
OECD report on machine-to-machine communications � TSB Q3/2, Q1/2 2012-02-07
[ 180-WP1 ]
Collection and verification of worldwide ETS numbers � TSB Q1/2 2011-12-15
[ 179-WP1 ]
Examples of companies advertising Pacific Island numbers � TSB Q1/2 2011-12-20
[ 178-WP1 ]
Multiple E.212 Mobile Country Codes assigned to one country/political entity � 3GPP TSG SG WG1 Q1/2 2011-12-05
[ 177-WP1 ]
UN OCHA progress report on implementation of codes for disaster relief � TSB Q1/2 2011-11-21
[ 176-WP1 ]
iLS - Network entity identifier requirements � ITU-T SG17 (Geneva, 24 August-2 September) Q3/2, Q1/2 2011-11-09
[ 175-WP1 ]
Confirmed minutes of the first meeting of the ISO/IEC JTAG for the revision of ISO/IEC Guide 71 � Rapporteur, Q.26/16 Q4/2 2011-10-20
[ 174-WP1 ]
Assignment of E.118 IINs for 883 numbers � TSB Q1/2 2011-10-31
[ 173-WP1 ]
iLS - Numbering misuse and fraud incidence � CWG-WCIT12 Q1/2 2011-10-03
[ 172-WP1 ]
iLS - Creation of a unique international resource to be used for global Service Provider Identification (SPID) � IETF, DRINKS WG Q1/2 2011-10-03
[ 171-WP1 ]
Operational Bulletin Notice re. Supplement 2 to E.156 � TSB Q1/2 2011-09-13
[ 170-WP1 ]
iLS - Response - X.discovery � ITU-T SG17 (Geneva, 24 August-2 September 2011) Q3/2, Q1/2 2011-09-13
[ 169-WP1 ]
iLS - X.mob-id: Baseline capabilities and mechanisms of IdM for mobile applications and environment � ITU-T SG17 (Geneva, 24 August-2 September 2011) Q3/2, Q1/2 2011-09-13
[ 168-WP1 ]
iLS - Liaison to ITU-D SG 1 and 2 on "USA Food and Drug Administration (FDA) asks the Global Accessibility Community for Comments on the new Industry Guideline on Mobile Medical Applications" � Convener, JCA-AHF Q4/2 2011-09-13
[ 167-WP1 ]
iLS - New Focus Group on driver distraction (Response to COM 2-LS 107) � FG Distraction (Kyoto, 22-23 August 2011) Q4/2 2011-09-01
[ 166-WP1 ]
Adaptation of ETSI TS on Public Internet Access Points (PIAPs) to an ITU-T Recommendation on PIAPs � Rapporteur, Q.4/2 Q4/2 2011-10-03
Resultats:53 documents
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