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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG16 : R�union�2007-06-26�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG16� TD-WP3�(2007-06-26)�


Terminaux, syst�mes et applications multim�dias

P�riode d'�tudes 2005

R�union� du 2007-06-26 au 2007-07-06

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2008-10-032008-09-052008-04-222008-02-01� [ 2007-06-26 ]� 2007-03-302006-11-142006-06-132006-04-032005-07-262005-04-082004-11-16

Resultats:54 documents
R�sultats :� 1 - 2 �-�Suivant Next
Documents Temporaires �(WP3) ��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 289-WP3 ]
Report of Question 9/16 "Variable Bit Rate Coding of Speech Signals" � Rapporteur Q9/16 Q9/16 2007-07-04
[ 288-WP3 ]
LS to Q7/12 SQEG on Optimization/Characterization Phase I Test Conditions for the Q9/16 EV-VBR Wideband Narrowband Modes � Rapporteur Q9/16 Q9/16 2007-07-04
[ 287-WP3 ]
Reply LS to 3GPP2 TSG-C on EVRC-WB Bit-stream interoperability � Rapporteur Q9/16 Q9/16 2007-07-04
[ 286-WP3 ]
Draft revised G.722 Appendix IV "A low-complexity algorithm for packet loss concealment with G.722" (for Approval) � Editor G.722 Appendix IV Q10/16 2007-07-04
[ 285-WP3 ]
Reply LS on collaboration on the activity for IPTV end systems and middleware � Rapporteur Q23/16 a.i. Q23/16 2007-07-04
[ 284-WP3 ]
Report of Question 23/16 "Media Coding" � Rapporteur Q23/16 a.i. Q23/16 2007-07-04
[ 283-WP3 ]
Report of Question 10/16 "Software tools for signal processing standardization activities and maintenance and extension of existing voice coding standards" � Rapporteur Q10/16 Q10/16 2007-07-04
[ 282-WP3 ]
Reply LS to JPEG on image coding activities � Rapporteur Q6/16 Q6/16 2007-07-04
[ 281-WP3 ]
Report of Q8/16 "Generic sound activity detection" � Rapporteur Q8/16 Q8/16 2007-07-04
[ 280-WP3 ]
Draft liaison statements from Q10/16 � Rapporteur Q10/16 Q10/16 2007-07-04
[ 279-WP3 ]
Draft new G.729.1 Amendment 3 "G.729-based embedded variable bit-rate coder: An 8-32 kbit/s scalable wideband coder bitstream interoperable with G.729: Extension of the G.729.1 low-delay mode functionality to 14 kbit/s, and corrections to the main body and Annex B" � Editor G.729.1 Amd.3 Q10/16 2007-07-04
[ 278-WP3 ]
Reply LS to SG 9 on free-viewpoint television requirements � Rapporteur Q6/16 Q6/16 2007-07-04
[ 277-WP3 ]
Reply LS to SG 9 on J.161 revision 1 video codecs � Rapporteur Q6/16 Q6/16 2007-07-04
[ 276-WP3 ]
Reply LS to SG 12 on video coding delay � Rapporteur Q6/16 Q6/16 2007-07-04
[ 275-WP3 ]
LS to MPEG on video coding work � Rapporteur Q6/16 Q6/16 2007-07-04
[ 274-WP3 ]
Reply LS to FG IPTV on video coding technology selection and testing � Associate Rapporteur Q6/16 Q6/16 2007-07-04
[ 273-WP3 ]
Draft new Implementors' Guide for Rec. H.264 Sub-series (for Approval) � Editor H.264 IG Q6/16 2007-07-04
[ 272-WP3 ]
Report of Question 6/16 "Video coding" � Rapporteur Q6/16 Q6/16 2007-07-04
[ 271-WP3 ]
ITU-T G.711 wideband extension optimisation/characterization Quality Assessment Test Plan: Factors and List of Conditions � Rapporteur Q10/16 Q10/16 2007-07-04
[ 270-WP3 ]
Updated media coding summary database � Rapporteur Q23/16 a.i. Q23/16 2007-07-03
[ 269-WP3 ]
ITU-T G.722.1 fullband extension selection phase Processing Test Plan � Rapporteur Q10/16 Q10/16 2007-07-03
[ 268-WP3 ]
List of conditions for the quality assessment test plan of ITU-T G.722.1 fullband extension selection phase � Rapporteur Q10/16 Q10/16 2007-07-03
[ 267-WP3 ]
ITU-T G.711 wideband extension optimisation/characterization processing Test Plan � Rapporteur Q10/16 Q10/16 2007-07-03
[ 266-WP3 ]
Reply LS to SG 13 on next generation speech and audio coding � Rapporteur Q23/16 a.i. Q23/16 2007-07-03
[ 265-WP3 ]
Draft minutes from WP 3/16 review of Questions and working methods for next Study Period � Chairs WP 3/16 Q23/16, Q10/16, Q9/16, Q8/16, Q6/16 2007-07-03
[ 264-WP3 ]
Draft revised Rec. H.264 "Advanced video coding for generic audiovisual services" (for Consent) � Rapporteur Q6/16 Q6/16 2007-07-03
[ 263-WP3 ]
Draft Agenda for WP 3/16 review of Questions and working methods for next Study Period � Chairs WP 3/16 Q23/16, Q10/16, Q9/16, Q8/16, Q6/16 2007-07-02
[ 262-WP3 ]
Draft updated Media Coding Database � Rapporteur Q23/16 a. i. Q23/16 2007-06-27
[ 261-WP3 ]
Integrated text with editorial improvements and corrections for Rec. H.264 Amendments 1 and 2 � Rapporteur Q6/16 Q6/16 2007-06-27
[ 260-WP3 ]
Current text of WP 3/16 Questions � Chairs WP 3/16 Q23/16, Q10/16, Q9/16, Q8/16, Q6/16 2007-06-27
[ 259-WP3 ]
Q10/16 Interim Activities (March 2007- June 2007) � Rapporteur Q10/16 Q10/16 2007-06-25
[ 258-WP3 ]
Text for draft new Recommendation ITU-T T.808 (01/2005) | ISO/IEC 15444-9:2005 Amd.3 "Information technology JPEG 2000 image coding system: Interactivity tools, APIs and protocols: JPIP extensions" (for Consent) � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 Q6/16 2007-06-26
[ 257-WP3 ]
Report on technical progress on the Q9 selected baseline codec � Rapporteur Q9/16 Q9/16 2007-06-25
[ 256-WP3 ]
Maintenance of existing voice coding standards: G.729.1 � Editor G.729.1 Q10/16 2007-06-25
[ 255-WP3 ]
Maintenance of existing voice coding standards: G.722 Appendix IV � Editor G.722 App. IV Q10/16 2007-06-25
[ 254-WP3 ]
G.711 WB extension Qualification Quality Assessment Test Plan � Rapporteur Q10/16 Q10/16 2007-06-22
[ 253-WP3 ]
G.722.1FB qualification phase demo: Experiment 4 (Music) � Rapporteur Q10/16 Q10/16 2007-06-21
[ 252-WP3 ]
G.722.1 Fullband extension Qualification Quality Assessment Test Plan � Rapporteur Q10/16 Q10/16 2007-06-21
[ 251-WP3 ]
G.711 WB extension Qualification Processing Test Plan � Rapporteur Q10/16 Q10/16 2007-06-21
[ 250-WP3 ]
G.722.1 fullband extension Qualification Processing Test Plan � Rapporteur Q10/16 Q10/16 2007-06-21
[ 249-WP3 ]
G.711WB qualification phase test results: Experiment 5 (Clean Speech; MCU mixing) � Rapporteur Q10/16 Q10/16 2007-06-20
[ 248-WP3 ]
G.711WB qualification phase test results: Experiment 4 (Music; narrowband case) � Rapporteur Q10/16 Q10/16 2007-06-20
[ 247-WP3 ]
Draft new ITU-T Rec. T.800 (08/2002)/Cor.2 | ISO/IEC 15444-1:2004/Cor.2 "Information technology -- JPEG 2000 image coding system: Core coding system, TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 2" (for Consent) � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 Q6/16 2007-06-20
[ 246-WP3 ]
Text for draft new ITU-T Recommendation T.809 | ISO/IEC 15444-10 "Information technology - JPEG 2000 image coding system: Extensions for three-dimensional data" (for Consent) � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 Q6/16 2007-06-15
[ 245-WP3 ]
Report of Q8/16 Rapporteur meeting (Geneva, 27-30 March 2007) � Rapporteur Q8/16 Q8/16 2007-04-04
[ 244-WP3 ]
Draft new ITU-T Rec. T. 812 | ISO/IEC 15444-13 "Information technology - JPEG 2000 image coding system: An entry level JPEG 2000 encoder" (for Consent) � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 Q6/16 2007-04-03
[ 243-WP3 ]
Q6/16 Rapporteur's meeting report for Q6/16 and JVT meetings (San Jose, California, USA, 20-27 April 2007) � Rapporteur Q6/16 Q6/16 2007-07-02
[ 242-WP3 ]
Q6/16 Rapporteur's meeting report for Q6/16 and JVT meetings (Marrakech, Morocco, 13-19 January 2007) � Rapporteur Q6/16 Q6/16 2007-06-28
[ 241-WP3 ]
Objectives, agenda and list of documents for Q23/16 � Rapporteur Q23/16 a. i. Q23/16 2007-06-27
[ 240-WP3 ]
Objective, agenda and list of documents for Q10/16 � Rapporteur Q10/16 Q10/16 2007-06-25
Resultats:54 documents
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