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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG16 : R�union�2004-11-16�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG16� TD-PLEN�(2004-11-16)�


Terminaux, syst�mes et applications multim�dias

P�riode d'�tudes 2005

R�union� du 2004-11-16 au 2004-11-26

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2008-10-032008-09-052008-04-222008-02-012007-06-262007-03-302006-11-142006-06-132006-04-032005-07-262005-04-08� [ 2004-11-16 ]�

Resultats:77 documents
R�sultats :� 1 - 2 �-�Suivant Next
Documents Temporaires �(PLEN) ��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 77-PLEN ]
Draft LS to ITU-T SG 9 on future collaboration � SG 16 Chairman QALL/16 2004-11-26
[ 76-PLEN ]
Revised H.350-Series Implementors' Guide (for Approval) � Editor Q4/16 2004-11-26
[ 75-PLEN ]
Draft list of TIES-based email reflectors for SG 16 � TSB QALL/16 2004-11-26
[ 74-PLEN ]
Draft Report of Working Party 2/16 (Multimedia Systems and Terminals) � WP 2/16 Chair Q2/16, Q1/16 2004-11-26
[ 73-PLEN ]
List of outgoing liaison statements from WP 2/16 � WP 2/16 Chairs Q2/16, Q1/16 2004-11-26
[ 72-PLEN ]
WP 2/16 Work Programme � WP 2/16 Chair Q2/16, Q1/16 2004-11-26
[ 71-PLEN ]
Work Programme for Study Group 16 � WP 1/16 chairman Q26/16, Q18/16, Q17/16, Q16/16, Q15/16, Q14/16, Q11/16 2004-11-26
[ 70-PLEN ]
Liaison Statements drafted by WP1/16 � WP 1/16 Chairman Q26/16, Q18/16, Q17/16, Q16/16, Q15/16, Q14/16, Q11/16 2004-11-25
[ 69-PLEN ]
Report of Working Party 1/16 (Modem, fax, and equipment transmission) � WP 1/16 Chairman Q26/16, Q18/16, Q17/16, Q16/16, Q15/16, Q14/16, Q11/16 2004-11-25
[ 68-PLEN ]
SG 16 Liaison Officers to other groups � SG 16 Chairman QALL/16 2004-11-25
[ 67-PLEN ]
Draft new F.750 (ex-F.MDF) "Metadata Framework Recommendation" (for Consent) � Q22/16 Acting Rapporteur Q22/16 2004-11-25
[ 66-PLEN ]
Draft Report of Working Party 3/16 - Media Coding (Geneva, 16-26 November 2004) � WP 3/16 Chair Q9/16, Q6/16, Q23/16, Q10/16 2004-11-25
[ 65-PLEN ]
Updated work plan for WP 3/16 � WP 3/16 Chair Q9/16, Q6/16, Q23/16, Q10/16 2004-11-25
[ 64-PLEN ]
Liaison Statements from WP 3/16 � WP 3/16 Chair Q9/16, Q6/16, Q23/16, Q10/16 2004-11-25
[ 63-PLEN ]
Liste finale des participants - Final list of participants - Lista final de participantes � TSB QALL/16 2004-11-25
[ 62-PLEN ]
Draft new Recommendation H.264.2 "Reference software for H.264 advanced video coding" (for Consent) � Q6/16 Rapporteur Q6/16 2004-11-25
[ 61-PLEN ]
Draft revised H-series Supplement 4: "Repository of generic parameters for ITU-T Recommendations H.460.x sub-series" (for approval) � Editor Q3/16 2004-11-25
[ 60-PLEN ]
New Corrigendum 1 of H.235 (2003) "Security and encryption for H-series (H.323 and other H.245-based) multimedia terminals" (for Consent) � Rapporteur Q25/16 2004-11-25
[ 59-PLEN ]
Draft new Recommendation H.264.1 "Conformance specification for H.264 advanced video coding" (for Consent) � Q6/16 Rapporteur Q6/16 2004-11-25
[ 58-PLEN ]
Draft new H.324 Amendment 1 "Terminal for low bit-rate multimedia communication" (for Consent) � Q1/16 Rapporteur Q1/16 2004-11-25
[ 57-PLEN ]
Draft Revised Recommendation H.263 "Video coding for low bit rate communication" (for Consent) � Q6/16 Rapporteur Q6/16 2004-11-25
[ 56-PLEN ]
Draft revised H.245 "Control protocol for multimedia communication" - Version 11 (For Consent) � Editor H.245 Q2/16 2004-11-25
[ 55-PLEN ]
Draft revised Recommendation H.264 "Advanced video coding for generic audiovisual services" (for Consent) � Q6/16 Rapporteur Q6/16 2004-11-25
[ 54-PLEN ]
Draft revised H-series Supplement 2 "H.248.x sub-series Package Guide" (for Approval) � Editor Q3/16 2004-11-25
[ 53-PLEN ]
Draft new Supplement 1 to T-series Recommendations "Conformance Testing Requirements for Recommendations of the T.170-Series" (for Approval) � Q21(B)/16 Acting Rapporteur Q21/16 2004-11-25
[ 52-PLEN ]
Draft revised H.323 Implementers' Guide (for Approval) � Editor Q2/16 2004-11-25
[ 51-PLEN ]
Draft new H.248.26 Amendment 1: "Phased metering signal and metering detection package" (for Consent) � Editor Q3/16 2004-11-25
[ 50-PLEN ]
A.5 documentation for draft revised H.248.2 � Editor Q3/16 2004-11-24
[ 49-PLEN ]
Draft new Amendment 1 to H.241 "Extended video procedures and control signals for H.300 series terminals: signalling of the H.264 Level 1b" (for Consent) � Editor Q1/16 2004-11-24
[ 48-PLEN ]
Revised H.248.1 Version 1 Implementors' Guide (for Approval) � Editor Q3/16 2004-11-24
[ 47-PLEN ]
Draft revised H.248.23 1 "Enhanced Alerting Packages" (for Consent) � Editor Q3/16 2004-11-24
[ 46-PLEN ]
Revised H.248 Sub-series Implementors' Guide (for Approval) � Editor Q3/16 2004-11-24
[ 45-PLEN ]
Draft new H.248.35 "Coin Operated Phone Control Package" (for Consent) � Editor Q3/16 2004-11-24
[ 44-PLEN ]
Draft new H.248.29 "International CAS Compelled Register Signalling Packages" (for Consent) � Editor Q3/16 2004-11-24
[ 43-PLEN ]
Draft H.248.33 "PCM Frame Spare Bit Package" (for Consent) � Editor Q3/16 2004-11-24
[ 42-PLEN ]
Draft new Recommendation H.248.34 "Stimulus Analogue Line Package" (for Consent) � Rapporteur Q3/16 2004-11-24
[ 41-PLEN ]
Draft new H.248.32 "Detailed Congestion Reporting Package" (for Consent) � Editor Q3/16 2004-11-24
[ 40-PLEN ]
Draft revised H.248.9 "Advanced Media Server Packages" (for Consent) � Editor Q3/16 2004-11-24
[ 39-PLEN ]
Draft revised H.248.2 "Facsimile, text conversation and call discrimination packages" (for Consent) � Editor Q3/16 2004-11-24
[ 38-PLEN ]
Draft new Recommendation H.460.16 "Multiple Message Release Sequence Capability within H.323 Systems" (for Consent) � Editor Q2/16 2004-11-24
[ 37-PLEN ]
Draft revised Implementors' Guide for H.320-series Recommendations (for Approval) � Q1/16 Rapporteur Q1/16 2004-11-24
[ 36-PLEN ]
Draft new Recommendation V.152 "Procedures for supporting Voice-Band Data over IP Networks" (For Consent) � Editor Q11/16 2004-11-24
[ 35-PLEN ]
Draft new H.235 Annex G "Usage of the MIKEY Key Management Protocol for the Secure Real Time Transport Protocol (SRTP) within H.235" (for Consent) � Rapporteur Q25/16 2004-11-24
[ 34-PLEN ]
Draft new Amendment 1 to H.323 Annex D ("Annex Dv3") "Real-time facsimile over H.323 systems: Transport of facsimile signals using RTP " (for Consent) � Editor Q2/16 2004-11-23
[ 33-PLEN ]
Draft new Amendment 1 to T.38 "Addition of Vendor Information in SIP/SDP Call Setup, Corrections to Annex C and Annex D, and Enhanced Implementer's Guidelines" (for Consent) � Editor Q14/16 2004-11-23
[ 32-PLEN ]
Draft new Implementors' Guide for Recommendation H.324 (for Approval) � Q1/16 Rapporteur Q1/16 2004-11-23
[ 31-PLEN ]
Draft new Amendment 1 to V.150.1 "Modification to SSE Reason Identifier codes to support Voice Band Data and Text Relay" � Rapporteur/Editor (V.150.x) Q11/16 2004-11-23
[ 30-PLEN ]
Draft new H.323 Annex M.4 "Tunnelling of Narrowband Signalling Syntax (NSS) for H.323" (for Consent) � Editor Q2/16 2004-11-23
[ 29-PLEN ]
Draft new Corrigendum 1 to H.321 "Adaptation of H.320 visual telephone terminals to B-ISDN environments" (for Consent) � Q1/16 Rapporteur Q1/16 2004-11-23
[ 28-PLEN ]
Draft new Corrigendum 1 to H.310 (09/98)"Broadband audiovisual communication systems and terminals" (for Consent) � Q1/16 Rapporteur Q1/16 2004-11-23
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