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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SSG : R�union�2003-06-02�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SSG� TD-GEN�(2003-06-02)�


IMT-2000 et syst�mes ult�rieurs

P�riode d'�tudes 2001

R�union� du 2003-06-02 au 2003-06-06

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2004-10-012004-04-192003-11-17� [ 2003-06-02 ]� 2002-11-042002-05-21� 2002-02-20� 2001-08-30� 2001-05-07� 2000-12-11�

Resultats:126 documents
R�sultats :� 1 - 2 - 3 �-�Suivant Next
Documents Temporaires �(GEN) ��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 126-GEN ]
List of outgoing Liaison Statement, Special Study Group, Geneva 2 - 6 June 2003 � Interim SSG LS coordinator QALL 2003-06-06
[ 125-GEN ]
New Recommendation Q.1741.3 for consent � Editor of Recommendation Q.1741.3 Q3/SSG 2003-06-06
[ 124-GEN ]
New Recommendation Q.1742.2 for consent � Editor of Recommendation Q.1742.2 Q3/SSG 2003-06-05
[ 123-GEN ]
Report of Q.7/SSG meeting held in Geneva 02-06 March 2003 � Rapporteur for Q.7/SSG Q7/SSG 2003-06-05
[ 122-GEN ]
Response to Planned Q.1/2 Revision to E.212 � Rapporteur Q.7/SSG Q7/SSG 2003-06-05
[ 121-GEN ]
Q.5/SSG Meeting Report � Q.5/SSG Rapporteur Q5/SSG 2003-06-05
[ 120-GEN ]
Strategy for migration of mobile networks to IMT-2000 and beyond � Q.5/SSG Rapporteur Q5/SSG 2003-06-05
[ 119-GEN ]
Strategy for migration of mobile networks to IMT-2000 and beyond � Q.5/SSG Rapporteur Q5/SSG 2003-06-05
[ 118-GEN ]
Strategy for migration of mobile networks to IMT-2000 and beyond � Q.5/SSG Rapporteur Q5/SSG 2003-06-05
[ 117-GEN ]
Strategy for migration of mobile networks to IMT-2000 and beyond � Q.5/SSG Rapporteur Q5/SSG 2003-06-05
[ 116-GEN ]
Process for development and approval of Edition 2 of the Handbook on deployment of IMT-2000 � Q.5/SSG Rapporteur Q5/SSG 2003-06-05
[ 115-GEN ]
Liaison statement: "Request to SDOs for Q.1742.3 publication status" � Editor Q3/SSG 2003-06-05
[ 114-GEN ]
Final List of Participants � TSB QALL 2003-06-05
[ 113-GEN ]
Q.FMCReq: Principles and requirements for convergence of fixed and existing IMT-2000 systems � Acting Editor, Q.7/SSG Q7/SSG 2003-06-05
[ 112-GEN ]
Implications for Inter-System Mobility Management of Wireless GRID Networks and Virtual Markets for Sharing Resources in Dynamic Ad-hoc Environments � Rapporteur for Q.2/SSG Q2/SSG, Q1/SSG 2003-06-05
[ 111-GEN ]
Liaison Statement on Status of ITU-T Draft Rec. Q.SNFB � ITU-T Q.1/SSG Q1/SSG 2003-06-05
[ 110-GEN ]
Report of SSG meeting held in Geneva 2-6 June 2003 � Rapporteur for Q.2/SSG Q2/SSG 2003-06-05
[ 109-GEN ]
Report on Q.6/SSG Meeting � Rapporteur for Question 6/SSG Q6/SSG 2003-06-05
[ 108-GEN ]
Report on Question 1/SSG meeting in Geneva (2-6 June 2003) � Q.1/SSG Rapporteur Q1/SSG 2003-06-05
[ 107-GEN ]
Report on PDNR Q.SNFB Meeting in Geneva (2-6 June 2003) � PDNR Q.SNFB Co-Editors Q1/SSG 2003-06-05
[ 106-GEN ]
Support for BDT Seminars on IMT-2000 in 2003 � SSG Chairman QALL 2003-06-05
[ 105-GEN ]
Draft Liaison Statement to SG 11 regarding deletion of obsolete Q.10xx-series Recommendations � SSG Chairman Q3/SSG 2003-06-05
[ 104-GEN ]
Starting point of next deliverable for Fixed Mobile Convergence (FMC) � SSG Vice-Chairman Q7/SSG 2003-06-05
[ 103-GEN ]
Referencing of CWTS, TIA, TTA, TTC, T1, ETSI and ARIB documents in draft new Recommendation Q.1741.3 � Q.3/SSG Rapporteur Q3/SSG 2003-06-04
[ 102-GEN ]
Draft 1 of the SSG Meeting Report � SSG Chairman QALL 2003-06-04
[ 101-GEN ]
Draft new Recommendation Q.SNFB, version 1.0 � Q.SNFB Co-Editors Q1/SSG 2003-06-04
[ 100-GEN ]
WTSA 2004 Preparation Ad hoc- Report � Chairman QALL 2003-06-04
[ 99-GEN ]
Referencing of IETF documents � Editor Q.1741.3 Q3/SSG 2003-06-04
[ 98-GEN ]
Q.3/SSG meeting report � Rapporteur, Q.3/SSG Q3/SSG 2003-06-04
[ 97-GEN ]
Editorial Refinement to Q.FMCReq � Acting Editor, Q.7/SSG Q7/SSG 2003-06-04
[ 96-GEN ]
Revised draft Q.6/SSG output document � Rapporteur for Q.6/SSG Q6/SSG 2003-06-04
[ 95-GEN ]
LS on Signalling Requirements for IP-QOS � Rapporteur Q.F/16 Q7/SSG, Q6/SSG, Q1/SSG 2003-06-03
[ 94-GEN ]
Status of F.706 � Rapporteur ad interim Q.I/16 Q7/SSG, Q6/SSG, Q1/SSG 2003-06-03
[ 93-GEN ]
Final Report of the Workshop on Telecommunications for Disaster Relief � Rapporteur ad interim Q7/SSG, Q6/SSG 2003-06-03
[ 92-GEN ]
Technical Survey of the Lawful Interception Requirement & Standardization � SSG Vice-Chairman Q7/SSG 2003-06-03
[ 91-GEN ]
WTSA 2004 Preparation Ad hoc- Agenda � Chairman QALL, 2003-06-03
[ 90-GEN ]
Proposed draft agenda for Question 7/SSG meeting in Geneva (2-6 June 2003) � Q.7/SSG Rapporteur Q7/SSG 2003-06-02
[ 89-GEN ]
Meeting schedule � SSG Vice-Chairman QALL 2003-06-02
[ 88-GEN ]
Report on Question 1/SSG Activities since last SSG meeting in Geneva � Q.1/SSG Rapporteur Q1/SSG 2003-06-02
[ 87-GEN ]
Materials from restructuring reflector � SSG Vice-Chairman QALL 2003-06-02
[ 86-GEN ]
Proposed Document Allocation � SSG Chairman QALL 2003-05-30
[ 85-GEN ]
Addition to SSG's Promotion Report to TSAG � SSG Chairman QALL 2003-05-30
[ 84-GEN ]
ITU-T SSG at 3GPP PCG and OP Meetings � SSG Chairman QALL 2003-05-30
[ 83-GEN ]
GSC-08 Resolutions � SSG Chairman QALL 2003-05-30
[ 82-GEN ]
Relationship with OMA � SSG Chairman QALL 2003-05-30
[ 81-GEN ]
Strategy for migration of mobile networks to IMT-2000 and beyond � Chairman, ITU-D Study Group 2 Q.5/SSG 2003-05-30
[ 80-GEN ]
Meeting facilities and information � TSB QALL 2003-05-30
[ 79-GEN ]
ITU Workshops and Seminars � TSB QALL 2003-05-30
[ 78-GEN ]
Proposed draft agenda for Question 1/SSG meeting in Geneva (2-6 June 2003) � Q.1/SSG Rapporteur Q1/SSG 2003-05-30
[ 77-GEN ]
List of contributions and delayed contributions - Special Study Group, Geneva 2 - 6 June 2003 � TSB QALL 2003-05-29
Resultats:126 documents
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