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Page d'accueil : UIT-D : SG02 : R�union�2011-09-12�: Documents d'information� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-D�SG02� INF�(2011-09-12)�


Commission d'�tudes 2

R�union� du 2011-09-12 au 2011-09-16

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2013-09-162012-09-172010-09-13

Resultats:63 documents
R�sultats :� 1 - 2 �-�Suivant Next
Documents d'information��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 78 ]
Monitoring of climate change and microwave satellite remote sensing � France Q24/2 2011-09-13
[ 77 ]
Disaster Response in the Field of ICT after the Great East Japan Earthquake � Japan Q22-1/2 2011-09-14
[ 76 ]
Fiber Effect � T�rk Telekom Group Q10-3/2 2011-09-13
[ 75 ]
CEE Regional Working Group - a cooperation project in our region � Romania Q11-3/2 2011-09-13
[ 74 ]
Future Networks by ITU-T � Telecommunication Standardization Bureau Q10-3/2 2011-09-15
[ 73 ]
European Commission Recomendation on Next Generation Access Networks (NGAN) - September 20, 2010 � Telecom Italia S.p.A. Q26/2 2011-09-15
[ 72 ]
Proposal to Host ITU-D SG2 Q10-3/2, Q11-3/2, Q22-1/2, Q25/2 Rapporteur's Group Meetings and the 2012 ITU-MIC Workshop on Disaster Communications (15-21 March 2012) � Japan Q25/2, Q22-1/2, Q11-3/2, Q10-3/2 2011-09-16
[ 71 ]
ITU-T Work Program Highlights � Telecommunication Standardization Bureau Q09-3/2 2011-09-12
[ 70 ]
Questions relating to Article 11 Notification Procedures For Broadcasting (BS) � Radiocommunication Bureau Q11-3/2 2011-09-13
[ 69 ]
CITEL and Disaster Communications � Rapporteur for Question 22-1/2 Q22-1/2 2011-09-14
[ 68 ]
Comprehensive Disaster Response Resource Project � International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) Q22-1/2 2011-09-14
[ 67 ]
Space-based Solutions in Support of Disaster Management & Emergency Response � UN-SPIDER Q22-1/2 2011-09-14
[ 66 ]
Second draft of the toolkit for creating ICT-based services using mobile communications for e-government services � Intervale (Russian Federation) Q17-3/2 2011-09-15
[ 65 ]
Snapshot on the UNFCCC process: Possible areas of focus for ITU � General Secretariat Q24/2 2011-09-16
[ 64 ]
Digital TV switchover in Europe � European Broadcasting Union (EBU) Q11-3/2 2011-09-13
[ 63 ]
BDT Innovation Strategy � Telecommunication Development Bureau QALL 2011-09-16
[ 62 ]
Standards Q&A � Telecommunication Standardization Bureau QALL 2011-09-16
[ 61 ]
Assignment of tasks for Question 10-3/2 Vice-Rapporteurs � Rapporteur for Question 10-3/2 Q10-3/2 2011-09-11
[ 60 ]
Call for Volunteers to draft Chapters of Final Report � Rapporteur for Question 10-3/2 Q10-3/2 2011-09-11
[ 59 ]
ITU-R Study Group Activities � Radiocommunication Bureau Q09-3/2 2011-09-10
[ 58 ]
TEPE - Turk Telekom Technological Cooperation: Integrated Healthcare Management Information System � T�rk Telekom Group Q14-3/2 2011-09-09
[ 57 ]
ITU-T Focus Groups of Particular Interest to Developing Countries � T�rk Telekom Group Q09-3/2 2011-09-09
[ 56 ]
Case Study from Turkey: Turk Telekom-Acibadem Mobile Emergency Health Bundle Services � T�rk Telekom Group Q14-3/2 2011-09-09
[ 55 ]
Overview of Fixed and Mobile Broadband environment in Japan � Japan Q25/2, Q10-3/2 2011-09-09
[ 54 ]
Broadband in the Gambia � Gambia (Republic of the) Q25/2 2011-08-16
[ 53 ]
Report of the ITU-MIC Regional Meeting on ICT for e-Health, Tokyo Japan, 10-11 March 2011 � Tokai University Q14-3/2 2011-09-06
[ 52 ]
Bridging The Standardization Gap � Telecommunication Standardization Bureau QALL 2011-09-05
[ 50 ]
Rapport sur les TIC et le d�veloppement durable en Suisse � Switzerland (Confederation of) Q24/2 2011-09-03
[ 48 ]
Matters arising from the 2011 TDAG Meeting (29 June - 1 July 2011) with relevance to the work of Study Groups � Telecommunication Development Bureau QALL 2011-09-01
[ 47 ]
WHO-ITU National eHealth Roadmap Development Toolkit � BDT Focal Point for Question 14-3/2 Q14-3/2 2011-08-30
[ 46 ]
Status Report on NGN Recommendations Relevant to Question 26/2 � BDT Focal Point for Question 26/2 Q26/2 2011-08-01
[ 45 ]
Electrical and electronic appliances � Switzerland (Confederation of) Q24/2, Q24/1 2011-08-22
[ 44 ]
Analysis of factors that influence both the demand of broadband services and the deployment of broadband networks � Egypt (Arab Republic of) Q25/2, Q07-3/1 2011-08-19
[ 43 ]
Tariff issues in the evolution of NGN in the Gambia � Gambia (Republic of the) Q26/2, Q12-3/1 2011-08-19
[ 42 ]
The progress of LTE TDD in China � China (People's Republic of) Q25/2 2011-08-19
[ 41 ]
Uganda's approach to implementing broadband connectivity in underserved areas � Uganda (Republic of) Q17-3/2, Q14-3/2, Q10-3/2, Q07-3/1 2011-08-18
[ 40 ]
Strategies, Methods, Challenges and the Way Forward in the Migrating Process from Analogue Terrestrial Broadcasting Techniques to Digital Terrestrial Broadcasting Techniques in Rwanda � Rwanda (Republic of) Q11-3/2 2011-08-16
[ 39 ]
Health Management Information System in Uzbekistan � Uzbekistan (Republic of) Q14-3/2 2011-08-05
[ 38 ]
Telecom/ICTs for Rural and Remote Areas - Universal Service Experience of Pakistan � Pakistan (Islamic Republic of) Q10-3/2 2011-08-12
[ 37 ]
Acces aux R�seaux et Backhaul � BDT Focal Point for Question 25/2 Q25/2 2011-08-19
[ 36 ]
Statistics and Strategic Action Plan of Telecommunication/ICT Development in Bangladesh: Rural and Remote Areas � Bangladesh (People's Republic of) Q25/2, Q10-3/2 2011-08-15
[ 35 ]
Uganda's Road to e-Government � Uganda (Republic of) Q17-3/2 2011-08-10
[ 34 ]
Communications TIC dans les zones rurales isol�es � Democratic Republic of the Congo Q10-3/2 2011-08-09
[ 33 ]
ICT and Climat Change: The Case of Sudan � Sudan (Republic of the) Q24/2 2011-08-10
[ 32 ]
ICT and Climate Change: The Context of Nepal � Nepal(Republic of) Q24/2 2011-08-10
[ 31 ]
Migration to NGN in Developing Countries � Nepal (Republic of) Q26/2 2011-08-10
[ 30 ]
Valoraci�n del uso del espectro radioel�ctrico destinado a radiocomunicaciones. � Cuba RES.9 2011-08-08
[ 29 ]
ICT&CC relevant standardization activities of ISO, IEC and ISO/IEC JTC 1 � Korea (Republic of) Q24/2 2011-08-09
[ 28 ]
The Construction of KGRN(Korea Government Radio Network) � Korea (Republic of) Q22-1/2 2011-08-09
[ 27 ]
KONEPS (Korea Online e-Procurement System) � Korea (Republic of) Q17-3/2 2011-08-09
Resultats:63 documents
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