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P�gina principal : UIT-T : TSAG : Reuni�n�2024-07-29�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�TSAG� TD-GEN�(2024-07-29)�


ITU-T Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group

Periodo de estudios 2022

Reuni�n� del 2024-07-29 al 2024-08-02

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : [ 2024-07-29 ]� 2024-01-222023-05-302022-12-12

Resultados :202 documentos
Resultados :� 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 �-�Siguiente Next
Documentos Temporales �(GEN)

T�tulo Origen Fecha
[ 687-GEN ]
AI Information Session � TSB 2024-08-02
[ 686-GEN ]
LS/o on Updated Q1/17 and Q15/17 texts for TSAG approval � Rapporteur, RG-WPR 2024-08-01
[ 685-GEN ]
LS/o on the agreement of new Supplement 6 to the ITU-T A-series Recommendations "Guidelines for the development of a standardization gap analysis" [to all study groups] � Rapporteur, RG-WM 2024-08-01
[ 684-GEN ]
LS/o to all study groups on cooperation and coordination with ITU-T study groups � Rapporteur, RG-WPR 2024-08-01
[ 683-GEN ]
Updated RG-WTSA work programme � Rapporteur, RG-WTSA 2024-08-01
[ 682-GEN ]
Outcome of WP2 Adhoc on Resolutions - proposed draft text for new Resolution on Sustainable Digital Transformation � Convenor, WP2 Adhoc on Resolutions 2024-08-01
[ 681-GEN ]
Outcome of Adhoc RG-DT Drafting Session � Rapporteur, RG-DT 2024-08-01
[ 680-GEN ]
"New and emerging technologies" proposed new Resolution from C113 � Associate Rapporteur, RG-IEM 2024-08-01
[ 679-GEN ]
LS/o on A.SupWTSAGL "WTSA preparation guideline on Resolutions" [to ISCG, TDAG, RAG] � Rapporteur, RG-WTSA 2024-08-01
[ 678-GEN ]
LS/o on A.SupWTSAGL "WTSA preparation guideline on Resolutions" and latest WTSA Action Plan [to all ITU-T SGs and regional telecommunication organizations] � Rapporteur, RG-WTSA 2024-08-01
[ 677-GEN ]
Clarification on the set of Questions for SGC � Rapporteur, RG-WPR 2024-08-01
[ 676-GEN ]
LS/o to all study groups on the use of tools to develop ITU-T Recommendations � Rapporteur, RG-WM 2024-08-01
[ 675-GEN ]
LS/o to all study groups about the use of specific editions (with a date of approval) for normative references in clause 2 of ITU-T Recommendations � Rapporteur, RG-WM 2024-08-01
[ 674-GEN ]
LS/o to all study groups on the publication process of revisions, amendments and corrigenda to ITU-T Recommendations | ISO/IEC international standards published as common texts � Rapporteur, RG-WM 2024-08-01
[ 673-GEN ]
LS/o on FG-MV deliverables: allocation and guidance for future work � Chair, WP2/TSAG 2024-07-31
[ 672-GEN ]
RG-SOP: ITU's Strategic Plans � TSB 2024-07-31
[ 671-GEN ]
LS/o on TSAG activities on industry engagement � Rapporteur, RG-IEM 2024-07-31
[ 670-GEN ]
Allocation of FG-MV approved deliverables (from January to June 2024) � Chair, WP2/TSAG 2024-07-30
[ 669-GEN ]
LS/o to all study groups about the resolution of AAP comments � Rapporteur, RG-WM 2024-07-30
[ 668-GEN ]
Proposed modification of Resolution 22 based on contribution C111 � Rapporteur, RG-IEM 2024-07-30
[ 667-GEN ]
Industry Engagement Proposed Actions sorted by target entities � Rapporteur, RG-IEM 2024-07-30
[ 666-GEN ]
Proposed merged Resolution 68 from contributions C102 and C112 � Rapporteur, RG-IEM 2024-07-30
[ 665-GEN ]
RG-SOP: Schedule of meetings in relation to TSAG inputs for the elaboration of the draft Strategic Plan, 2028-2031 � TSB 2024-07-29
[ 664-GEN ]
LS/i on Establishment of new Focus Group on Artificial Intelligence Native for Telecommunication Networks (FG-AINN) [from ITU-T SG13] � ITU-T SG13 2024-07-29
[ 663-GEN ]
LS/i on continuation of JCA-IMT2020 [from ITU-T SG13] � ITU-T SG13 2024-07-29
[ 662-GEN ]
CxO/CTO meetings historical data & impact analysis � TSB 2024-07-29
[ 661-GEN ]
Update on ITU activities on artificial intelligence � TSB 2024-07-29
[ 660-GEN ]
Chairs and vice-chairs of ITU-T study groups, TSAG and SCV � TSB 2024-07-26
[ 659-GEN ]
Non-attendance of chairs/vice-chairs (PP Resolution 208) � TSB 2024-07-26
[ 658-GEN ]
Electronic working methods (EWM): MyWorkspace Improved Benefits for Users � Director, TSB 2024-07-26
[ 657-GEN ]
Update on the Results of Green Digital Action activities related to Green Standards and the World Standards Cooperation (WSC) � TSB 2024-07-26
[ 656-GEN ]
UNGA Resolution 78/287 "International Year of Quantum Science and Technology, 2025" � TSB 2024-07-25
[ 655-GEN ]
IRM: Asia-Pacific Telecommunity preparatory process for WTSA-24 (revised version) � Chair, IRM 2024-07-25
[ 654-GEN ]
IRM: CEPT - European Preparations for WTSA-24 (revised version) � Chair, IRM 2024-07-24
[ 653-GEN ]
LS/r to ITU-T SG2 on using the term "In force" instead of indicating the actual date of Approval of the Recommendations in clause 2 references (reply to SG2-LS103) [from ITU-T SG15] � ITU-T SG15 2024-07-24
[ 652-GEN ]
LS/r on action item 73-17 (Resolution 73 on environment and climate change) (reply to TSAG-LS36) [from ITU-T SG5] � ITU-T SG5 2024-07-24
[ 651-GEN ]
IRM: League of Arab States/AST's update on preparatory process for WTSA-24 � Chair, IRM 2024-07-23
[ 650-GEN ]
Update of the RG-WM work programme � Rapporteur, RG-WM 2024-08-01
[ 649-GEN ]
LS/i on Continuation of JCA-ML with revised ToR [from ITU-T SG13] � ITU-T SG13 2024-07-22
[ 648-GEN ]
LS/r on using the term "In force" instead of indicating the actual date of Approval of the Recommendations in clause 2 references (reply to SG2-LS103 and SG5-LS128) [from ITU-T SG20] � ITU-T SG20 2024-07-22
[ 647-GEN ]
LS/r on utilisation of tools to produce Recommendations (reply to SG17-LS108) [from ITU-T SG20] � ITU-T SG20 2024-07-22
[ 646-GEN ]
LS/i on initiation of the ITU-T Study Group 20 new work items related to metaverse [from ITU-T SG20] � ITU-T SG20 2024-07-22
[ 645-GEN ]
LS/r on latest WTSA Action Plan and draft "WTSA preparation guideline on Resolutions" (reply to TSAG-LS32) [from ITU-T SG20] � ITU-T SG20 2024-07-22
[ 644-GEN ]
LS/r on metaverse (reply to TSAG-LS35) [from ITU-T SG20] � ITU-T SG20 2024-07-22
[ 643-GEN ]
LS/r on draft analysis of operational parts (resolves, instructs etc) of WTSA/PP/WTDC/Council/ITU-R Resolutions (reply to TSAG-LS42) [from ITU-T SG20] � ITU-T SG20 2024-07-22
[ 642-GEN ]
IRM: ATU - Updates on WTSA-24 Preparations � Chair, IRM 2024-07-22
[ 641-GEN ]
Outcomes from the discussions at ITU Council 2024 on the use of "chairman" or "chair" � Director, TSB 2024-07-22
[ 640-GEN ]
Report of the ISO/IEC JTC 1 Plenary (Darwin, Australia, May 2024) � Liaison officer to ISO/IEC JTC 1 2024-07-22
[ 639-GEN ]
Update on Collaboration with UPU � TSB 2024-07-22
[ 638-GEN ]
LS/i on Updated Q1/17 and Q15/17 texts for TSAG approval (SG17 e-plenary, 11-12 July 2024) [from ITU-T SG17] � ITU-T SG17 2024-07-22
Resultados :202 documentos
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