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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG17 : Reuni�n�2023-02-21�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG17� TD-PLEN�(2023-02-21)�



Periodo de estudios 2022

Reuni�n� del 2023-02-21 al 2023-03-03

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2024-09-022024-07-112024-02-202023-08-292023-05-08� [ 2023-02-21 ]� 2022-08-232022-05-10

Resultados :396 documentos
Resultados :� 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 �-�Siguiente Next
Documentos Temporales �(PLEN) ��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 1071-PLEN ]
A.25 justification information for draft new X.1278.2 (X.ctap21): Client to Authenticator Protocol �
This TD has been posted after the SG17 meeting to facilitate the AAP process
Editor Q10/17 2023-03-30
[ 1070-PLEN ]
A.25 justification information for draft new X.1277.2 (X.uaf12): FIDO Universal Authentication Framework (UAF) �
This TD has been posted after the SG17 meeting to facilitate the AAP process
Editor Q10/17 2023-03-30
[ 1069-PLEN ]
LS/o on new work item: work item TP.inno-2.0: "Description of the incubation mechanism and ways to improve it" [to TSAG] � ITU-T Study Group 17 Q15/17 2023-03-06
[ 1068-PLEN ]
LS/o on initiation of new work item X.mt-feature: "Security features to assess mobile terminal security" [to GSMA FASG, GSMA DSG, ETSI TC CYBER] � ITU-T Study Group 17 Q6/17 2023-03-02
[ 1067-PLEN ]
LS/o on Decision regarding FIDO A.25 submission on UAF 1.2 and CTAP 2.1 [to Fido Alliance] � ITU-T Study Group 17 Q10/17 2023-03-01
[ 1066-PLEN ]
LS/o on work progress on Quantum-based security in SG17 [to JCA-QKDN, ITU-T SG11, ITU-T SG13, ETSI ISG-QKD, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC27 WG3] � ITU-T Study Group 17 Q15/17 2023-03-01
[ 1065-PLEN ]
Strategic framework for SG17RG-AFR � Chairman, SG17RG-AFR QALL/17 2023-03-01
[ 1064-PLEN ]
Baseline text for Technical Report XSTR-KYC: e-KYC use cases in digital financial services � Rapporteur, Q10/17 Q10/17 2023-03-01
[ 1063-PLEN ]
A.13 justification for proposed Technical Report ITU-T XSTR-KYC, " e-KYC use cases in digital financial services" � Rapporteur, Q10/17 Q10/17 2023-03-01
[ 1062-PLEN ]
A.1 justification for Client to Authenticator Protocol (CTAP21) � Rapporteur, Q10/17 Q10/17 2023-03-01
[ 1061-PLEN ]
A.1 justification for Universal authentication framework (X.uaf12) � Rapporteur, Q10/17 Q10/17 2023-03-01
[ 1060-PLEN ]
LS/o on starting work on X.jss [to IETF SAAG] � ITU-T Study Group 17 Q11/17 2023-03-01
[ 1059-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for X.sec_QKDN_AA: Authentication and authorization in QKDN � Editor Q15/17 2023-03-01
[ 1058-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for X.sec_QKDN_CM: Security requirements and measures for quantum key distribution networks - control and management � Editor Q15/17 2023-03-01
[ 1057-PLEN ]
LS/o on ITU-T X.1051 | ISO/IEC 27011 (Synchronization of the approval process) [to ISO/IEC JTC1 SC27] � ITU-T Study Group 17 Q3/17 2023-03-01
[ 1056-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for X.scpa: Security Measures for Countering Password Related Online Attacks � Editor Q7/17 2023-03-01
[ 1055-PLEN ]
LS/o on the collaboration with OASIS to establish using "Secure QR code Authentication V1.0" [to OASIS ESAT TC] � ITU-T Study Group 17 Q10/17 2023-03-01
[ 1054-PLEN ]
LS/o on the new work item on Security requirements and guidelines of application and service for smart city platform [to ITU-T SG20, ISO/IEC JTC1 SC27 WG4] � ITU-T Study Group 17 Q7/17 2023-03-01
[ 1053-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for X.srmpc: Security requirements for monitoring physical city assets � Editor Q7/17 2023-03-01
[ 1052-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for X.smsrc: Security Measures for Smart Residential Community � Editor Q7/17 2023-03-01
[ 1051-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for X.smdtsc: Security measures for digital twin system of smart cities � Editor Q7/17 2023-03-01
[ 1050-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for X.smdtf: Security measures for digital twin federation in smart cities and communities � Editor Q7/17 2023-03-01
[ 1049-PLEN ]
Proposal for new work item: Open Standard Identity APIs (OSIA) Specifications version 6.1.0 � Rapporteur, Q10/17 Q10/17 2023-03-01
[ 1048-PLEN ]
Documents transferred to CG on SG17 preparation for WTSA-24 for period of March - July 2023 � Chairman. special session QALL/17 2023-03-01
[ 1047-PLEN ]
LS/o on status of security studies in ITU-T SG17 [to ITU-D Q3/2] � ITU-T Study Group 17 QALL/17, Q1/17 2023-03-01
[ 1046-PLEN ]
LS/o on SG17 decision about JCA-COP [to TSAG] � ITU-T Study Group 17 Q1/17 2023-03-01
[ 1045-PLEN ]
2nd Revised baseline text for X.suppl.uc-dcc: Use cases for digital COVID-19 certificates � Editor Q7/17 2023-02-28
[ 1044-PLEN ]
5th Revised baseline text for X.oob-sa: Framework for out-of-band server authentication using mobile devices � Editor Q10/17 2023-02-28
[ 1043-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for X.gpwd: Threat Analysis and guidelines for securing password and passwordless authentication solutions � Editor Q10/17 2023-02-28
[ 1042-PLEN ]
Materials for Discussion on the items related to the authentication with QR Codes � Rapporteur, Q10/17 Q10/17 2023-02-28
[ 1041-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for X.1251rev: A framework for user control of digital identity � Editor Q10/17 2023-02-28
[ 1040-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for XSTR-SUSS-Rev: Successful use of security standards to 3rd Edition � Editor Q1/17 2023-02-28
[ 1039-PLEN ]
FIGI texts for Technical Report � Rapporteur, Q10/17 Q10/17 2023-02-28
[ 1038-PLEN ]
Cryptographic algorithm migration � Editor Q11/17 2023-02-28
[ 1037-PLEN ]
LS/o/r on the initiation of new work items on ITU-T F.VSAI-ARCH and H.ADSDP-spec (reply to SG16-LS33) [to ITU-T SG16, CITS] � ITU-T Study Group 17 Q13/17 2023-02-28
[ 1036-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for X.1250rev: Baseline capabilities for enhanced identity management and interoperability � Editor Q10/17 2023-02-28
[ 1035-PLEN ]
4th Revised baseline text for TR.sgfdm: Technical Report: Security guidelines for FHE-based data aggregation in machine learning � Editor Q7/17 2023-02-28
[ 1034-PLEN ]
1st Baseline text for X.sup-cdc: Supplement to ITU-T X.1060 - Framework for the creation and operation of a cyber defence centre � Editor Q3/17 2023-02-28
[ 1033-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for X.1144: eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) 3.1 � Editor Q7/17 2023-02-28
[ 1032-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for X.sc-iot: Security Controls for Internet of Things (IoT) systems � Editor Q6/17 2023-02-28
[ 1031-PLEN ]
LS/o on SG17 Lead Study Reports [to TSAG] � ITU-T Study Group 17 Q1/17 2023-02-28
[ 1030-PLEN ]
LS/o on Current modes of encryption of AES [to ISO/IEC/JTC 1/SC 27] � ITU-T Study Group 17 Q11/17 2023-02-28
[ 1029-PLEN ]
LS/o/r on Request of support from ITU-T SG17 for the definition of an LDAP schema for attribute certificates (reply to IEC TC 57 WG15-LS2) [to IEC TC 57 WG15] � ITU-T Study Group 17 Q11/17 2023-02-28
[ 1028-PLEN ]
LS/o/r on Invitation to update the information in the IMT-2020 and beyond roadmap (reply to JCA-IMT2020-LS12) [to JCA-IMT2020] � ITU-T Study Group 17 Q2/17 2023-02-28
[ 1027-PLEN ]
Proposal for new work item X.qkssa: Guidelines for a quantum key service system for applications � Rapporteur, Q15/17 Q15/17 2023-02-28
[ 1026-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for TR.zt-acp: Guidelines for zero trust based access control platform in telecommunication network � Editor Q2/17 2023-02-28
[ 1025-PLEN ]
LS/o/r on the consent of ITU-T Y.3539 (formerly Y.ccrm) "Cloud computing - Framework of risk management" (reply to SG13-LS53) [to ITU-T SG13] � ITU-T Study Group 17 Q8/17 2023-02-28
[ 1024-PLEN ]
LS/o on approved, determined and new work items related to cloud computing security [to ITU-T SG13] � ITU-T Study Group 17 Q8/17 2023-02-28
[ 1023-PLEN ]
LS/o/r on initiation of new work item draft ITU-T Y.mc-arch "Cloud computing - Functional architecture for multi-cloud" (reply to SG13-LS56) [to ITU-T SG13] � ITU-T Study Group 17 Q8/17 2023-02-28
[ 1022-PLEN ]
LS/o to reply comments to first WD of ISO/IEC 27017 (common text with ITU-T X.1631) [to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC27/WG1] � ITU-T Study Group 17 Q8/17 2023-02-28
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