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P�gina principal : UIT-T : TSAG : Reuni�n�2020-02-10�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�TSAG� TD-GEN�(2020-02-10)�


ITU-T Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group

Periodo de estudios 2017

Reuni�n� del 2020-02-10 al 2020-02-14

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2022-01-102021-10-252021-01-112020-09-21� [ 2020-02-10 ]� 2019-09-232018-12-102018-02-262017-05-01

Resultados :132 documentos
Resultados :� 1 - 2 - 3 �-�Siguiente Next
Documentos Temporales �(GEN)

T�tulo Origen Fecha
[ 770 ]
Opening address at TSAG Meeting, 10 February 2020 � Secretary-General, ITU 2020-02-21
[ 769 ]
List of TDs of the 5th TSAG meeting � TSB 2020-02-24
[ 768 ]
Draft LS on WTSA-20 preparations concerning work programme and structure [to Regional Organizations] � Rapporteur, TSAG RG WP 2020-02-13
[ 767 ]
World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly(WTSA-20) and Global Standards Symposium (GSS-20) � TSB 2020-02-13
[ 766 ]
Summary of Outcomes for TSAG Rapporteur Group on Creation, Participation and Termination of Regional Groups (RG-CPTRG) � Rapporteur, TSAG RG-CPTRG 2020-02-13
[ 765 ]
LS/o on hot topics � TSAG 2020-02-13
[ 764 ]
Hot Topics Repository � Rapporteur, TSAG RG-StdsStrat 2020-02-13
[ 763 ]
Draft LS on WTSA-20 preparations concerning work programme and structure [to all ITU-T SGs] � Rapporteur, TSAG RG WP 2020-02-13
[ 762 ]
LS/o about TSAG Information Session on Network 2030 � TSAG 2020-02-13
[ 761 ]
LS/o with announcement of publication of Manual for rapporteurs and editors � Rapporteur, TSAG RG-WM 2020-02-13
[ 760 ]
Rapporteur and Editor Manual - for approval � Rapporteur, TSAG RG-WM 2020-02-12
[ 759 ]
Summary of restructuring proposals reviewed by TSAG (Geneva, 10-14 February 2020) � Rapporteur, TSAG RG WP 2020-02-12
[ 758 ]
Addition to Resolution 1, clause 8 - announcement of the approval process change � Ad-hoc convener 2020-02-12
[ 757 ]
TSAG Information Session on Network 2030 � Moderator, information session 2020-02-12
[ 756 ]
Draft LS/r on creation of new Question 23/16 (Digital culture-related systems and services) (SG16 LS166) [to ITU-T SG16] � Rapporteur, TSAG RG-WP 2020-02-12
[ 755 ]
ITU-T study group participation statistics (2017-2020) � TSB 2020-02-10
[ 754 ]
Remote Participation during a crisis � TSB 2020-02-10
[ 753 ]
Announcement to be read by Chairmen for best practice of remote participation and interpretation � TSB 2020-02-10
[ 752 ]
ETSI - ITU-T collaboration � Director, TSB 2020-02-09
[ 751 ]
Meeting output - Principles, Guidelines on streamlining Resolutions, and for drafting Resolutions � Rapporteur, TSAG Rapporteur Group "Review of WTSA Resolutions" 2020-02-08
[ 750 ]
LS on mergers of SG15 Questions [from ITU-T SG15] � ITU-T SG15 2020-02-10
[ 749 ]
LS/r on WTSA-20 preparations (reply to TSAG-LS20) [from ITU-T SG15] � ITU-T SG15 2020-02-10
[ 748 ]
LS on ITU-T SG15 Electronic Working Methods [from ITU-T SG15] � ITU-T SG15 2020-02-10
[ 747 ]
LS/r to TSAG on ITU inter-Sector coordination (reply to TSAG-LS22) [from ITU-T SG15] � ITU-T SG15 - Promotion and Coordination Group 2020-02-10
[ 746 ]
LS/r on suppression of Resolution 77 and Resolution 90 (reply to TSAG-LS21R2) [from ITU-T SG15] � ITU-T SG15 2020-02-07
[ 745 ]
LS on OTNT Standardization Work Plan Issue 27 [from ITU-T SG15] � ITU-T SG15 2020-02-10
[ 744 ]
LS on the new version of the Home Network Transport (HNT) Standards Overview and Work Plan [from ITU-T SG15] � ITU-T SG15 2020-02-11
[ 743 ]
LS on the new version of the Access Network Transport (ANT) Standards Overview and Work Plan [from ITU-T SG15] � ITU-T SG15 2020-02-11
[ 742 ]
Situational updates on 2019-nCoV outbreak � TSB 2020-02-08
[ 741 ]
IEC/ISO/ITU-T SPCG recommendation on TSAG-TD699, LS on creation of new Question Q23/16 (Digital culture-related systems and services) [from ITU-T SG16] � SPCG Chair 2020-02-07
[ 740 ]
LS on Draft African common proposals for WTSA-20 for consideration by TSAG meeting, Geneva 10 - 14 February 2020 [from ATU] � African Telecommunication Union 2020-02-07
[ 739 ]
Draft LS/o on WTSA-20 regional focal points and coordinators [to regional organizations (APT, Arab Group, ATU, CEPT, CITEL, RCC)] � TSAG 2020-02-09
[ 738 ]
draft LS/o on streamlining Resolutions [to ISCG, ISC-TF, TDAG, RAG, all ITU-T study groups, regional organizations (APT, Arab Group, ATU, CEPT, CITEL, RCC)] � TSAG 2020-02-09
[ 737 ]
LS/r on streamlining WTSA Resolutions (reply to TSAG-LS21) [from ITU-T SG2] � ITU-T SG2 2020-02-07
[ 736 ]
LS/r on WTSA-20 preparations (reply to TSAG-LS020) [from ITU-T SG2] � ITU-T SG2 2020-02-07
[ 735 ]
TSB projects � TSB 2020-02-10
[ 734 ]
Update of the hot topics list � Rapporteur, TSAG RG-StdsStrat 2020-02-09
[ 733 ]
Draft updated mapping of WTSA Resolutions and ITU-T A-Series Recommendations to TSAG Rapporteur groups � TSB 2020-02-04
[ 732 ]
Consolidation of TSAG restructuring proposals � TSB 2020-02-03
[ 731 ]
WTSA-20: Tools and guidelines for document preparation, submission and tracking � TSB 2020-02-03
[ 730 ]
TSAG restructuring principles (TSAG-R7, February 2016) � TSB 2020-02-01
[ 729 ]
ITU-T study group Question level statistics (2017-2020) � TSB 2020-02-01
[ 728 ]
ITU-T Environment and Smart Sustainable Cities: Year in Review and Upcoming Activities for 2019-2020 brochure � TSB 2020-02-01
[ 727 ]
Update on Bridging the Standardization Gap activities � TSB 2020-01-31
[ 726 ]
FG-QIT4N progress report � Co-chairmen, FG-QIT4N 2020-01-31
[ 725 ]
ITU-T SG and FG work on AI/ML � TSB 2020-01-31
[ 724 ]
WTSA-20 regional focal points and coordinators � TSB 2020-01-29
[ 723 ]
Updated analysis from TSB investigations on the feasibility of automated generation of statistics � TSB 2020-01-24
[ 722 ]
Draft LS/o on ITU inter-Sector coordination [to ISCG, TDAG, ITU-D SGs, RAG, ITU-R SGs, ITU-T SGs] � TSAG 2020-02-12
[ 721 ]
Living List on issues regarding Strengthening Collaboration � Rapporteur, TSAG Rapporteur Group "Strengthening Collaboration" 2020-02-12
Resultados :132 documentos
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