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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG 20 : Reuni�n�2018-12-03�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG 20� TD-GEN�(2018-12-03)�


IoT and smart cities

Periodo de estudios 2017

Reuni�n� del 2018-12-03 al 2018-12-13

Lugar : China [Wuxi]

Otras reuniones : 2022-02-032021-10-112021-05-172020-12-162020-11-062020-07-062019-11-252019-04-09� [ 2018-12-03 ]� 2018-05-062018-01-242017-09-042017-03-13

Resultados :247 documentos
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Documentos Temporales �(GEN) ��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 1117-GEN ]
JCA-IoT and SC&C Draft LS/o on inputs related to ITU-T SG20 participation in Global Standards Collaboration GSC-22, Montreaux, 26-27 March 2019 [to ISO and IEC] � JCA-IoT and SC&C QALL/20 2018-12-13
[ 1116-GEN ]
Draft LS/o/r on ITU inter-Sector coordination: ITU-R Working Parties 1A, 1B, and 1C versus ITU-T Questions (reply to ITU-R SG 1 - R15-SG01-C-0142 -E) [to ITU-R SG 1] � ITU-T SG20 Q6/20 2018-12-12
[ 1115-GEN ]
A.1 justification for proposed new draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.IoT-AV-Reqts "Requirements and capability framework of IoT infrastructure to support network-assisted autonomous vehicles" � Rapporteur Q2/20 Q2/20 2018-12-12
[ 1114-GEN ]
Draft LS/o/r on matching of ITU-D SG1 and SG2 Questions of interest to ITU-T Study Groups (reply to ITU-D SG 2 - C102 -E) [to ITU-D Study Group 1, ITU-D Study Group 2] � ITU-T SG20 Q5/20 2018-12-12
[ 1113-GEN ]
Draft LS/o/r on new terms and definitions in ITU-T SG20 (reply to SCV LS1) [to SCV] � ITU-T SG20 Q5/20 2018-12-12
[ 1112-GEN ]
Draft LS/o/r on progress of M.somm: framework of smart operations, management and maintenance (reply to SG2-LS70 -E) [to ITU-T SG2] � ITU-T SG20 Q4/20 2018-12-12
[ 1111-GEN ]
Living List of Question 4/20: Autonomic control and management platform � Rapporteur Q4/20 Q4/20 2018-12-12
[ 1110-GEN ]
Request to maintain the Approval Process for draft Recommendation Y.Iot-Interop "An architecture for IoT interoperability" � TSB QALL/20, Q6/20 2018-12-11
[ 1109-GEN ]
Draft LS/o/r on the invitation from ITU-D SG2 to collaborate on relevant topics of e-health. (reply to ITU-DQ2/2-C106 -E) [to ITU-D SG2] � ITU-T SG20 Q7/20 2018-12-11
[ 1108-GEN ]
Draft LS/o on Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.IoT-DIS-arc "Requirements and functional architecture of decentralized identification service for IoT devices" [to W3C] � ITU-T SG20 Q3/20 2018-12-11
[ 1107-GEN ]
Initial Output Text for New Draft Recommendation of Y.IoT-AR, Framework for AR and VR based control in IoT (Wuxi, 3-13 December 2018) � Editors Q4/20 2018-12-11
[ 1106-GEN ]
A.1 justification for new draft Recommendation Y.IoT-AR, Framework for AR and VR based control in IoT (Wuxi, 3-13 December 2018) � Editors Q4/20 2018-12-11
[ 1105-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation "Requirements and Functional Architecture for Smart Street Light Service" (Y.SSL) for consent, output of Q4/20 meeting, Wuxi, 3-13 December 2018 � Editors Q4/20 2018-12-11
[ 1104-GEN ]
Draft LS/o/r to JCA-IMT2020 for answers on update information in the IMT2020 roadmap (reply to JCA-IMT2020 - LS05 -E) [to JCA-IMT2020] � ITU-T SG20 Q4/20, Q3/20, Q2/20, Q1/20 2018-12-11
[ 1103-GEN ]
Draft LS/o/r to SG13 for answers on final reviewing Cloud Computing Standardization Roadmap and providing missing or update information (reply to SG13 - LS71 -E) [to ITU-T SG13] � ITU-T SG20 Q4/20, Q3/20, Q2/20, Q1/20 2018-12-11
[ 1102-GEN ]
Living list for Q3/20, output of Q3/20 meeting (Wuxi, 3-13 December 2018) � Rapporteur Q3/20 Q3/20 2018-12-11
[ 1101-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.IoT-ITS-framework, output of Q.2/20 Wuxi meeting, 3-13 December 2018 � Editors Q2/20 2018-12-11
[ 1100-GEN ]
Draft output text for Y.IoT-BoT-fw "Framework of blockchain of things as decentralized service platform" at the meeting of Q4/20 (Wuxi, 3-13 December 2018) � Editors Q4/20 2018-12-11
[ 1099-GEN ]
Draft Supplement ITU-T Y.Sup.IoT-Eco-Plan "Framework for Internet of things ecosystem master plan", output of Q2/20 meeting, Wuxi, 3-13 December 2018 � Editors Q2/20 2018-12-11
[ 1098-GEN ]
A.1 justification for new draft Supplement to Y.4409 (Requirements and architecture of the home energy management system and home network services) at Q4 meeting (Wuxi, 3-13 December 2018) � Editor Q4/20 2018-12-11
[ 1097-GEN ]
Initial Output Text for New Draft Supplement to Y.4409 (Requirements and architecture of the home energy management system and home network services � Editor Q4/20 2018-12-11
[ 1096-GEN ]
Initial Output Text for New Draft Recommendation of Y.IoT-Lift, Framework of IoT based monitoring and management for Lift (Wuxi, 3-13 December 2018) � Editors Q4/20 2018-12-11
[ 1095-GEN ]
A.1 justification for new draft Recommendation Y.IoT-Lift, Framework of IoT based monitoring and management for Lift (Wuxi, 3-13 December 2018) � Editors Q4/20 2018-12-11
[ 1094-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation "Requirements and Functional Architecture of Smart Residential Community" (Y.SC_Residential) for consent, output of Q4/20 meeting (Wuxi, 3-13 Dec 2018) � Editors Q4/20 2018-12-11
[ 1093-GEN ]
Initial Output Text for New Draft Recommendation of Y.IoT-VLC (Framework of IoT Services based on VLC) � Editors Q4/20 2018-12-11
[ 1092-GEN ]
A.1 justification for new draft Recommendation Y.IoT-VLC "Framework of IoT Services based on Visible Light Communications" at Q4 meeting (Wuxi, 3-13 December 2018) � Editors Q4/20 2018-12-11
[ 1091-GEN ]
Output text for draft Recommendation Y.STIS-fm "Function and metadata of Spatiotemporal Information Service for SSC" of Q4/20 meeting, Wuxi, 3-13 December 2018 � Editors Q4/20 2018-12-11
[ 1090-GEN ]
Y.IoT-LISF "Lightweight intelligent software framework for IoT devices": Initial and Updated draft (Wuxi, 3-13 December 2018) � Editors Q4/20 2018-12-11
[ 1089-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation "Service Functionalities of Self-quantification over Internet of Things" (Y.IoT-SQ-fns) for consent, output of Q4/20 meeting, Wuxi, 3-13 December 2018 � Editor Q4/20 2018-12-11
[ 1088-GEN ]
Draft output text for Y.del-fw, Framework of delegation service for the IoT devices (Wuxi, 3-13 December 2018) � Editors Q4/20 2018-12-11
[ 1087-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.ISG-fr,"Framework of Smart Greenhouse Service," an output of Question 4/20 meeting, Wuxi, 3-13 December 2018 � Editors Q4/20 2018-12-11
[ 1086-GEN ]
Draft LS/o/r on Big data Standardization Roadmap (reply to SG13-LS72-E) [to ITU-T SG13] � ITU-T SG20 Q1/20 2018-12-11
[ 1085-GEN ]
JCA-IoT and SC&C Draft LS/o on "Presentation on the activities carried out by the Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Society, Ecuador (MINTEL) on smart cities [to ITU-D SG2] � JCA-IoT and SC&C QALL/20 2018-12-11
[ 1084-GEN ]
JCA-IoT and SC&C Draft LS/o on Global Portal [to ITU-D SG2] � JCA-IoT and SC&C QALL/20 2018-12-11
[ 1083-GEN ]
Draft Report of the twentieth JCA-IoT and SC&C meeting (Wuxi, China, 3-13 December 2018) � JCA-IoT and SC&C Co-conveners QALL/20 2018-12-11
[ 1082-GEN ]
Y.isms (ex. Y.ism-ssc): output text (Wuxi, 3-13 December 2018) � Editor Q1/20 2018-12-11
[ 1081-GEN ]
Y.nmm-isms (ex. Y.isw-ssc): Output text (Wuxi, 3-13 December 2018) � Editors Q1/20 2018-12-11
[ 1080-GEN ]
Input provided by C421R1 authors, building on C421R1, and A.1 justification for proposed new work item "Y.CR-AV, Requirements of IoT infrastructure for connectivity of network-assisted autonomous vehicles" - for discussion at Q2/20 Tue 11 Dec 2018 session � Rapporteur Q2/20 Q2/20 2018-12-11
[ 1079-GEN ]
Updated Q2/20 Living List - output of Q2/20 meeting, Wuxi, 3-13 December 2018 � Rapporteur Q2/20 Q2/20 2018-12-11
[ 1078-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.UCS-Reqts, "Requirements and capabilities of user-centric work space service", output of Q2/20 meeting, Wuxi, 3-13 December 2018 � Editors Q2/20 2018-12-11
[ 1077-GEN ]
Request to change the Approval Process for draft Recommendation Y.Iot-Interop "An architecture for IoT interoperability" � TSB QALL/20, Q6/20 2018-12-10
[ 1076-GEN ]
LS/i on New Recommendation Y.cvms, "Considerations for Realizing Virtual Measurement Systems" [from ITU-T SG12] � ITU-T SG12 Q2/20 2018-12-10
[ 1075-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.IoT-UM-reqts "Requirements and Use Cases for Universal Communication Module of Mobile IoT devices", output of Q2/20 meeting, Wuxi, 3-13 December 2018 � Editors Q2/20 2018-12-10
[ 1074-GEN ]
Draft LS/o on referencing ITU-T E.164 in Y.AERS-msd [to ITU-T SG2] � ITU-T SG20 Q3/20 2018-12-10
[ 1073-GEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new Y.IoT-ics � Editors Q3/20 2018-12-10
[ 1072-GEN ]
Y.SmartAirport "Services and high-level requirements of smart airports for interaction with external platforms" - output of Q2/20 meeting, Wuxi, 3-13 December 20918 � Editors Q2/20 2018-12-10
[ 1071-GEN ]
Draft LS/o/r on new ITU-T SG2 terms and definitions (reply to SCV - Ref: SCV- TD69 -E) [to SCV] � ITU-T SG20 Q5/20 2018-12-10
[ 1070-GEN ]
Draft LS/o/r on collaboration (reply to ITU-D SG1-C96 -E) [to ITU-D SG1] � ITU-T SG20 Q5/20 2018-12-10
[ 1069-GEN ]
Draft output file for technical report on "Interaction between physical and digital cities for building Smart Sustainable City" (Wuxi, 3-13 December 2018) � Editors Q5/20 2018-12-10
[ 1068-GEN ]
Y.WPT-usecase : Output document for consent from Q2/20 meeting, Wuxi, 3-13 December 2018 � Editor Q2/20 2018-12-10
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