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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG 2 : Reuni�n�2021-11-08�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG 2� TD-PLEN�(2021-11-08)�


Operational aspects

Periodo de estudios 2017

Reuni�n� del 2021-11-08 al 2021-11-19

Lugar : E-Meeting

Otras reuniones : [ 2021-11-08 ]� 2021-05-312020-12-182020-09-072020-05-272019-12-042019-02-192018-07-042017-11-272017-03-29

Resultados :101 documentos
Resultados :� 1 - 2 - 3 �-�Siguiente Next
Documentos Temporales �(PLEN) ��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 101-PLEN ]
Proposed TSB Circular on relay services � Chairman, ITU-T SG2 Q1/2 2021-11-17
[ 100-PLEN ]
List of outgoing liaison statements � TSB QALL/2 2021-11-17
[ 99-PLEN ]
Presentation of drafting of definitions (duplicate of SCV-TD156) � Rapporteur, SCV QALL/2 2021-11-17
[ 98-PLEN ]
Proposal for extension of the Focus Group on AI for Natural Disaster Management (FG-AI4NDM) � Chairman, ITU-T SG2 QALL/2 2021-11-16
[ 97-PLEN ]
Baseline text for new work item M.fcnhe:" Framework of communication network health evaluation" � Rapporteur, Q6/2 Q6/2 2021-11-16
[ 96-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for E.ENUMINF: "Differentiating between ENUM and Infrastructure ENUM" � Editor, E.ENUMINF Q1/2 2021-11-16
[ 95-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for Q.819 (ex. Q.rest): "REST-based management services" (for consent) � Editor, Q.819 Q7/2 2021-11-16
[ 94-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new X.rest-ics � Editor, X.rest-ics Q7/2 2021-11-16
[ 93-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for X.786 (ex. X.rest-ics): "Guidelines for implementation conformance statement proformas associated with REST-based management systems" (for consent) � Editor, X.786 Q7/2 2021-11-16
[ 92-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new Q.rest � Editor, Q.rest Q7/2 2021-11-16
[ 91-PLEN ]
A.13 justification for the new work item TR.PCM: "Permitted call masking" � Rapporteur, Q3/2 Q3/2 2021-11-12
[ 90-PLEN ]
A.13 justification for the new work item TR.SPN: " Spoofing using national number" � Rapporteur, Q3/2 Q3/2 2021-11-12
[ 89-PLEN ]
Proposed new work item on: "Requirements of Intelligent Customer Service for Communication Network Operation" � Rapporteur, Q5/2 Q5/2 2021-11-12
[ 88-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for M.rfmls: ''Management Requirements for Federated Machine Learning Systems'' � Editor, M.rfmls Q5/2 2021-11-12
[ 87-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for M.rla-AI: ''Requirements for Log Analysis with AI-enhanced Management System'' � Editor, M.rla-AI Q5/2 2021-11-12
[ 86-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for M.rmnoc-AI: ''Requirements for the management of network operation cost within AITOM in telecom operational aspects'' � Editor, M.rmnoc-AI Q5/2 2021-11-12
[ 85-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for M.rrsp: ''Requirements for robot-based on-site smart patrol of telecommunication network'' � Editor, M.rrsp Q5/2 2021-11-12
[ 84-PLEN ]
Initial baseline text for revisions to Rec. ITU-T E.190 � Editor, E.190 Q1/2 2021-11-12
[ 83-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for M.3381 (M.resm-AI): "Requirements for energy saving management of 5G RAN system with AI" (for consent) � Editor, M.resm-AI Q5/2 2021-11-12
[ 82-PLEN ]
Draft Agenda - SG2 ad-hoc meeting for Liaison Statement coordination (Friday, 12 November 2021, 13h50-15h00) � Chairman, ITU-T SG2 QALL/2 2021-11-11
[ 81-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for Q.819 (Q.rest): "REST-based management services" (output of Q7/2 e-meeting, 2 November 2021) � Editor, Q.rest Q7/2 2021-11-10
[ 80-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for X.786 (X.rest-ics): "Guidelines for implemention conformance statement proformas associated with REST-based management systems" (output of the Q7/2 e-meeting, 2 November 2021) � Editor, X.rest Q7/2 2021-11-10
[ 79-PLEN ]
Terms and Definitions of FG-AI4NDM � TSB QALL/2 2021-11-09
[ 78-PLEN ]
ENUM � Chairman, WP1/2 Q3/2, Q2/2, Q1/2 2021-11-05
[ 77-PLEN ]
Meeting Report for Question 7/2 (virtual, 2 November 2021) � Rapporteur, Q7/2 Q7/2 2021-11-05
[ 76-PLEN ]
Communication received by the TSB Director from iBASIS titled "Cooperation re Access Global Service" addressed to Athalos � TSB Q1/2 2021-11-04
[ 75-PLEN ]
Enquiry received by TSB: "IIN for SIM cards used exclusively in private networks" � TSB Q1/2 2021-11-01
[ 74-PLEN ]
Submission of additional information to Council/CWG-FHR on INR revenue collection � TSB Q1/2 2021-10-26
[ 73-PLEN ]
Timeline of discussions regarding requests for an assignment of a global numbering resource to provide services for persons with disabilities � Chairman, ITU-T SG2; Rapporteur, Q1/2 Q1/2 2021-10-26
[ 72-PLEN ]
Communication received by the TSB Director from The Netherlands (Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy) titled "Request for E.164 Shared Country Code and Identification Code for Athalos Global Enterprise Access Network" � TSB Q1/2 2021-10-25
[ 71-PLEN ]
Meeting Report for Question 5/2 (virtual, 20 October 2021) � Rapporteur, Q5/2 Q5/2 2021-10-25
[ 70-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for M.rfmls: "Management Requirements for Federated Machine Learning Systems"(output of the Q5/2 virtual RGM, 20 October 2021) � Editor, M.rfmls Q5/2 2021-10-25
[ 69-PLEN ]
WSIS Forum 2022: Briefing slides � TSB QALL/2 2021-10-22
[ 68-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for M.resm-AI: "Requirements for energy saving management of 5G RAN system with AI" (output of Q5/2 e-meeting, 20 October 2021) � Editor, M.resm-AI Q5/2 2021-10-21
[ 67-PLEN ]
Proposal for future SG2 working schedule and associated decisions � Chairman, ITU-T SG2 QALL/2 2021-10-19
[ 66-PLEN ]
Report of SG2 ad-hoc meeting for Liaison Statement coordination � Chairman, ITU-T SG2 QALL/2 2021-10-18
[ 65-PLEN ]
Update on Emergency Telecommunications activities in BDT � TSB Q1/2 2021-10-18
[ 64-PLEN ]
Report of the Ad-Hoc meeting on vocabulary and terminology (virtual, 1350 to 1500 hours on Thursday, 17 November 2021) � Chairman, ad-hoc QALL/2 2021-10-18
[ 63-PLEN ]
Draft agenda for the Ad-Hoc meeting on vocabulary and terminology (virtual, 1350 to 1500 hours on Thursday, 17 November 2021) � Chairman, ad-hoc QALL/2 2021-10-18
[ 62-PLEN ]
Status of Q.708 SANC and ISPC assignments � TSB Q1/2 2021-10-14
[ 61-PLEN ]
Proposed follow up actions regarding E.156 � Editor, E.156 Q1/2 2021-10-13
[ 60-PLEN ]
Report of the ad hoc meeting on E.156 follow up (virtual, 5 October 2021) � Editor, E,156 Q1/2 2021-10-13
[ 59-PLEN ]
TSB inputs to the ad hoc meeting on E.156 follow up (virtual, 5 October 2021) � TSB Q1/2 2021-10-13
[ 58-PLEN ]
TSB follow up actions regarding E.156 - Duplicate of TD10 of the Q1/2 RGM (virtual, 6-10 September 2021) � TSB Q1/2 2021-10-13
[ 57-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text of M.il-AITOM, "Intelligence Levels of AI enhanced Telecom Operation and Management" (output of the Q6/2 virtual RGM, 13 September 2021) � Editor, M.il-AITOM Q6/2 2021-10-13
[ 56-PLEN ]
Meeting report for Question 6/2 (virtual, 13 September 2021) � Rapporteur, Q6/2 Q6/2 2021-10-13
[ 55-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new X.785 (ex X.rest) � Rapporteur, Q7/2 Q7/2 2021-10-04
[ 54-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for M.rwop-AI: ''Requirements for work orders processing in Telecom Management with AI'' � Editor, M.rwop-AI Q5/2 2021-09-22
[ 53-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for M.rmbs: ''Requirements for management of blockchain system'' � Editor, M.rmbs Q5/2 2021-09-22
[ 52-PLEN ]
Meeting report for Question 1/2 (virtual, 6-10 September 2021) � Rapporteur, Q1/2 Q1/2 2021-09-13
Resultados :101 documentos
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