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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG 17 : Reuni�n�2009-09-16�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG 17� TD-PLEN�(2009-09-16)�



Periodo de estudios 2009

Reuni�n� del 2009-09-16 al 2009-09-25

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2012-08-292012-02-202011-08-242011-04-112010-12-082010-04-07� [ 2009-09-16 ]� 2009-02-11

Resultados :400 documentos
Resultados :� 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 �-�Siguiente Next
Documentos Temporales �(PLEN) ��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 681-PLEN ]
Draft Terms of Reference for the Correspondence Group to consider future approach to security coordination. � WP 1/17 Chairman QALL/17 2009-09-25
[ 680-PLEN ]
SG 17 meeting executive summary � SG 17 Vice Chairman QALL/17 2009-09-25
[ 679-PLEN ]
Report for WP 3/17 plenary � Vice-Chairman of SG17, Chairman of WP 3/17 Q15/17, Q14/17, Q13/17, Q12/17, Q11/17, Q10/17 2009-09-25
[ 678-PLEN ]
Report of Working party 1/17, Network and information security � Study Group 17 Q5/17, Q4/17, Q3/17, Q2/17, Q1/17 2009-09-25
[ 677-PLEN ]
Report of Working party 2/17, Application security � Vice-chairman of SG 17, Chairman of WP 2/17 Q9/17, Q8/17, Q7/17, Q6/17 2009-09-25
[ 676-PLEN ]
OLS - LS: Collaboration on SAML and XACML � ITU-T SG 17 Q7/17 2009-09-25
[ 675-PLEN ]
Approval process for draft Recommendation X.sap-4 � TSB Q7/17, Q10/17 2009-09-24
[ 674-PLEN ]
Draft agenda, closing plenary � SG 17 Chairman QALL/17 2009-09-24
[ 673-PLEN ]
OLS - SG 17 achievements as the lead study group on Identity Management � ITU-T SG 17 Q10/17 2009-09-25
[ 672-PLEN ]
OLS - Identity Management Summaries � ITU-T SG 17 Q10/17 2009-09-24
[ 671-PLEN ]
First draft of the Recommendation X.alerting, Procedures for the registration of arcs under the Alerting object identifier arc � X.alerting Editors Q4/17, Q12/17 2009-09-24
[ 670-PLEN ]
Planned Security workshop (6-7 December 2010) � SG 17 Chairman QALL/17 2009-09-24
[ 669-PLEN ]
OLS - Cooperation between SG 17 and SG 13 on respective lead study group roles. � ITU-T SG 17 Q10/17 2009-09-24
[ 668-PLEN ]
OLS - TSAG Request for Comment on continuation of IdM GSI � ITU-T SG 17 Q10/17 2009-09-24
[ 667-PLEN ]
OLS - LS to SG2 on new edition of ITU-T Rec. E.115 � ITU-T SG 17 Q11/17 2009-09-24
[ 666-PLEN ]
OLS - Liaison to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 37 concerning specification of XML encodings � ITU-T SG 17 Q12/17 2009-09-24
[ 665-PLEN ]
Q10/17 Recommendations Summaries � Q.10/17 Rapporteur Q10/17 2009-09-24
[ 664-PLEN ]
OLS - Reply LS to ATIS IIF on Standard PKI certificate format - Interoperability specification (ATIS-0800016) � ITU-T SG 17 Q7/17, Q6/17, Q11/17 2009-09-24
[ 663-PLEN ]
Summaries for Recommendations under development or revision in Q.7/17 � Rapporteur Q.7/17 Q7/17 2009-09-24
[ 662-PLEN ]
Report on Question 7/17 � Rapporteurs Q7/17 2009-09-24
[ 661-PLEN ]
Report on business use of telecommunication/ICT security standards � Rapporteurs Q.1/17 and Q.2/17 Q2/17, Q1/17 2009-09-24
[ 660-PLEN ]
Report on Question 6/17 � Associate Rapporteur Q.6/17, Rapporteur Q.6/17 Q6/17 2009-09-24
[ 659-PLEN ]
OLS - Request for OASIS to submit IdM Specification to ITU-SG 17 for further standardization � ITU-T SG 17 Q10/17 2009-09-24
[ 658-PLEN ]
The baseline document of X.idmgen, Generic identity management framework � Editors Q10/17 2009-09-24
[ 657-PLEN ]
Report on Question 10/17 � Q.10/17 Rapporteur Q10/17 2009-09-24
[ 656-PLEN ]
Summary of candidate Recommendations in Q.5/17 � Q.5/17 Rapporteur Q5/17 2009-09-24
[ 655-PLEN ]
OLS - LS: Collaboration on Web Services Security � ITU-T SG 17 Q7/17 2009-09-24
[ 654-PLEN ]
OLS - Reply on LS: Security requirement and characteristics in DSN � ITU-T SG 17 Q7/17 2009-09-24
[ 653-PLEN ]
Draft agenda for WP 2/17 closing plenary � Vice-chairman of SG 17, Chairman of WP 2/17 Q9/17, Q8/17, Q7/17, Q6/17 2009-09-24
[ 652-PLEN ]
Draft Terms of Reference for the Correspondence Group on revision work for X.fcsip � Q.5/17 Rapporteur Q5/17 2009-09-24
[ 651-PLEN ]
Report of Q.5/17 � Q.5/17 Rapporteur Q5/17 2009-09-24
[ 650-PLEN ]
OLS - Reply LS to JCA-NID on collaboration for harmonization of USN terms and definitions � ITU-T SG 17 Q6/17 2009-09-24
[ 649-PLEN ]
OLS - Reply LS on draft baseline text of G.hntreq "Requirements of transport functions in IP home network" � ITU-T SG 17 Q6/17 2009-09-24
[ 648-PLEN ]
OLS - LS to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC6/WG7 on USN security Recommendations � ITU-T SG 17 Q6/17 2009-09-24
[ 647-PLEN ]
Report on Question 9/17 � Associate Rapporteurs Q9/17 2009-09-24
[ 646-PLEN ]
Recommendation Summaries Q.4/17 � Rapporteur Q.4/17 Q4/17 2009-09-24
[ 645-PLEN ]
Proposal for the draft document of X.msec-6: Security aspects of smart phones � Editors Q6/17 2009-09-23
[ 644-PLEN ]
OLS - Update on ITU-T SG 17 security activities � ITU-T SG 17 Q1/17 2009-09-23
[ 643-PLEN ]
OLS - Response on JCA-ICT&CC � ITU-T SG 17 Q1/17 2009-09-23
[ 642-PLEN ]
The baseline document of X.sap-5 for further discussion � Editor Q7/17 2009-09-23
[ 641-PLEN ]
Overview of New Methodologies for BioAPI Conformance Testing � Associate Rapporteurs Q9/17 2009-09-23
[ 640-PLEN ]
Revised draft text of X.priva : Criteria for assessing the level of protection for personally identifiable information in IdM � Editor of Rec. X.priva Q10/17 2009-09-23
[ 639-PLEN ]
OLS - Partial comments on the 5th Working Draft of ISO/IEC 29115 - Entity authentication assurance � Editor Q10/17 2009-09-23
[ 638-PLEN ]
OLS - IdM Terms and definitions � ITU-T SG 17 Q10/17 2009-09-23
[ 637-PLEN ]
OLS - ITU-T SG17 Question 9 responses to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27 N7727: Comments for ISO/IEC 1st CD 24745: Biometric template protection(N7740) � ITU-T SG 17 Q9/17 2009-09-23
[ 636-PLEN ]
Proposed 1st draft text of Information security management guidelines for small and medium telecommunication organizations ( X.sgsm) � Editors Q3/17 2009-09-23
[ 635-PLEN ]
Proposal for 1st draft text for on Information asset maintenance guidelines in telecommunication organizations (X. amg) � Editors Q3/17 2009-09-23
[ 634-PLEN ]
OLS - Information on IdM activities � ITU-T SG 17 Q10/17 2009-09-23
[ 633-PLEN ]
Technical report on the SDL-UML Profile: Possible enhancements (TAH20) � Q.13/17 Rapporteur Q13/17 2009-09-23
[ 632-PLEN ]
Technical report on the SDL-UML Profile: Open issues (TAH19) � Q.13/17 Rapporteur Q13/17 2009-09-23
Resultados :400 documentos
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