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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG 13 : Reuni�n�2009-01-12�: Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG 13� C�(2009-01-12)�


Redes futuras, incluidas las redes m�viles y las de la pr�xima generaci�n

Periodo de estudios 2009

Reuni�n� del 2009-01-12 al 2009-01-23

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2012-06-042012-02-172012-02-062011-10-102011-05-202011-01-172010-09-162010-04-192010-01-292009-09-022009-05-22

Resultados :176 documentos
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Contribuciones��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 176 ]
Revised Text of Y.ngn-vpn � ETRI Q3/13 2009-01-08
[ 175 ]
Proposed modifications to clauses 7.2.2 and 7.2.3 of Y.MMCF � China Mobile, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Q5/13 2009-01-08
[ 174 ]
Proposal on Service Overlay Networking Architecture for Distributed Service Control � ETRI Q19/13 2009-01-07
[ 173 ]
Proposed A Revised Input Text for Y.ngn-account-R2 � ETRI Q3/13 2009-01-07
[ 172 ]
Proposed Revised and Additional Requirements in Y.ngn-account-R2 � ETRI Q3/13 2009-01-07
[ 171 ]
Revised draft Recommendation on "Framework of ID/LOC separation in IPv6-based NGN(Y.ipv6split) � ETRI (Republic of Korea) Q7/13 2009-01-07
[ 170 ]
Proposal for update texts to deployment Scenarios for ID/LOC separation in IPv6-based NGN of Y.ipv6split � ETRI(Republic of Korea) Q7/13 2009-01-07
[ 169 ]
Output of Draft Recommendation Y.NGN-MCC, NGN Service Requirements to Support MCC services � ZTE corporation Q3/13 2009-01-07
[ 168 ]
Enhancement for clause 9.4 of FRA r2 � ZTE Corporation Q5/13 2009-01-07
[ 167 ]
Proposal for the common field of PTDN network packet format in connectionless mode � ZTE Corporation Q20/13 2009-01-07
[ 166 ]
Distributed Technology and Telecommunication Network � ZTE Corporation, China Q19/13 2009-01-07
[ 165 ]
Modification in CMR Converged Functional Models � ZTE Corporation Q5/13, Q3/13, Q14/13 2009-01-07
[ 164 ]
The editorial modification for the Y.racf � ZTE Corporation Q4/13 2009-01-07
[ 163 ]
Modification in CMR functional models in call server and IMS based environment � ZTE Corporation Q5/13, Q3/13, Q14/13 2009-01-07
[ 162 ]
Modification in CMR clause 7 � ZTE Corporation Q5/13, Q3/13, Q14/13 2009-01-07
[ 161 ]
Proposal for Architecture model of mobility security framework in Y.mobSec � ZTE Corporation Q16/13 2009-01-07
[ 160 ]
Proposal for full authentication in Y.mobSec � ZTE Corporation Q16/13 2009-01-07
[ 159 ]
Proposal for security countermeasure between HDF and UE � ZTE Corporation Q5/13 2009-01-07
[ 158 ]
Proposal for security between UE and HDF in Y.mobsec � ZTE Corporation Q16/13 2009-01-07
[ 157 ]
Proposal for re-authentication in Y.mobSec � ZTE Corporation Q16/13 2009-01-07
[ 156 ]
Proposal for new work item of Mobility Security Framework in NGN � ZTE Corporation Q16/13 2009-01-07
[ 155 ]
Proposal for IP mobility security in Y.mobSec � ZTE Corporation Q16/13 2009-01-07
[ 154 ]
Proposed to add the wholesale scenario in Y.RACF � ZTE Corporation Q4/13 2009-01-07
[ 153 ]
Proposed to add the nomadicity scenario in Y.RACF � ZTE Corporation Q4/13 2009-01-07
[ 152 ]
Proposed to add the CPN control for the wholesale scenario in Y.RACF � ZTE Corporation Q4/13 2009-01-07
[ 151 ]
Proposed to add an information component in Rh reference point � China Telecom, ZTE Corporation Q4/13 2009-01-07
[ 150 ]
Proposal to do add new definition, References and Abbreviations and acronyms of Y.FAid-loc-split � ZTE Corporation Q5/13 2009-01-07
[ 149 ]
Proposal for the information flow of the Y.FAid-loc-split � ZTE Corporation Q5/13 2009-01-07
[ 148 ]
Proposal for the id-loc-split-based multihoming of the Y.FAid-loc-split � ZTE Corporation Q5/13 2009-01-07
[ 147 ]
Proposal for the id-loc-split-based mobility of the Y.FAid-loc-split � ZTE Corporation Q5/13 2009-01-07
[ 146 ]
Proposal for the architecture model of Y.FAid-loc-split � ZTE Corporation Q5/13 2009-01-07
[ 145 ]
Proposal for add the contents of the appendix to the body of Y.FAid-loc-split � ZTE Corporation Q5/13 2009-01-07
[ 144 ]
Proposed Initial Text for ITU-T Supplement "Evaluation of Existing Signaling Protocol Extensions to Support Y.2171 Admission Control Priority Levels" � AT&T and Telcordia Q4/13 2009-01-07
[ 143 ]
Proposed changes to sub-clause 9.3.2 of Y.iptv-control-fw � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Q3/13 2009-01-07
[ 142 ]
Proposal to initiate a work item to study DSN requirements � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Q19/13 2009-01-07
[ 141 ]
Proposed replacement for sub-clauses 7.2.1 and 7.2.2 of draft Y.PTDN � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Q20/13 2009-01-07
[ 140 ]
Proposed text of draft recommendation for iSCP scenarios � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Q20/13 2009-01-07
[ 139 ]
Proposed baseline text of draft recommendation for iSCP requirements � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Q20/13 2009-01-07
[ 138 ]
Proposal for additional text on routing optimization consideration for handover � China Mobile, Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Q5/13 2009-01-07
[ 137 ]
Proposal for adding VPN identifier and VPN numbering fields in the header of the network layer user packet � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Q20/13 2009-01-07
[ 136 ]
Proposal to extend fields of the network layer data packet header. � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Q20/13 2009-01-07
[ 135 ]
Proposal for adding multicast identifier field in the header of the network layer data packet � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Q20/13 2009-01-07
[ 134 ]
The authentication architecture and requirements to provide mobility in NGN � Korea (Republic of) Q16/13 2009-01-07
[ 133 ]
Some modifications to the scenarios and flows of Y.MMCF � China Mobile, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Q5/13 2009-01-07
[ 132 ]
Proposed text for Draft Recommendation on IPv6 Evolvement in NGN � Huawei Technologies CO., LTD. Q7/13 2009-01-07
[ 131 ]
Proposed Draft Recommendation on prefix and address management for network access in IPv6-based NGN � Huawei Technologies Co., LTD. Q7/13 2009-01-07
[ 130 ]
Proposal to initiate a work item for IPv6 evolvement in NGN � Huawei Technologies Co., LTD. Q7/13 2009-01-07
[ 129 ]
Proposed text for sub-clauses 8.4.1 and 8.4.2 of draft Recommendation Y.ngnIdMreq � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Q16/13 2009-01-07
[ 128 ]
Proposed text for Authentication and Pseudonym Management clauses of draft Y.idmMechanisms � Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd. Q16/13 2009-01-07
[ 127 ]
Proposed draft text for DSN requirements � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Q19/13 2009-01-07
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