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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG 12 : Reuni�n�2010-05-18�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG 12� TD-GEN�(2010-05-18)�


Calidad de funcionamiento y calidad del servicio

Periodo de estudios 2009

Reuni�n� del 2010-05-18 al 2010-05-27

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2012-09-072012-05-292011-10-312011-01-182010-09-17� [ 2010-05-18 ]� 2009-11-032009-03-10

Resultados :132 documentos
Resultados :� 1 - 2 - 3 �-�Siguiente Next
Documentos Temporales �(GEN) ��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 349-GEN ]
One new and two revised SG 12 Questions � ITU-T SG12 Q1/12 2010-05-26
[ 348-GEN ]
Reply to "Request for input from Study Groups regarding which Recommendations have the critical ingredients for testing" � ITU-T SG12 Q1/12 2010-05-26
[ 347-GEN ]
Closing Plenary meeting of Study Group 12 � Chairman SG12 QALL/12 2010-05-26
[ 346-GEN ]
Executive Summary of the Working Party 3/12 meeting � Chairman WP3/12 Q12/12, Q2/12, Q17/12, Q13/12, Q11/2 2010-05-26
[ 345-GEN ]
Executive Summary of the Working Party 2/12 meeting � Chairman WP2/12 Q16/12, Q15/12, Q14/12, Q10/12, Q9/12, Q8/12 2010-05-26
[ 344-GEN ]
Executive Summary of the Working Party 1/12 meeting � Chair & Vice-Chair WP1/12 Q7/12, Q6/12, Q5/12, Q4/12, Q3/12 2010-05-26
[ 343-GEN ]
Liaison Statement Reply to ATIS IIF on ATIS IPTV Interoperability Forum WT-066 � Co-Rapporteurs Qs 13 & 14/12 Q14/12, Q13/12 2010-05-26
[ 342-GEN ]
Draft Appendix III to Recommendation P.502 � Rapporteur Q6/12 Q6/12 2010-05-25
[ 341-GEN ]
LS on subjective quality test scales, P.NBAMS handling, tools and databases � Rapporteurs Q14/12 Q14/12 2010-05-25
[ 340-GEN ]
Reply to LS "LS to ITU-T SG12 on Test Signals (TD 263)" � Rapporteur Q6/12 Q6/12 2010-05-25
[ 339-GEN ]
MEF Comment Spread Sheet with Detailed Replies from Q17/12 � Rapporteur Q17/12 , Editor Y.156sam Q17/12 2010-05-25
[ 338-GEN ]
Report of Question 1/12 � Chairman SG12 Q1/12 2010-05-25
[ 337-GEN ]
Updated P.NBAMS Terms of Reference (ToR) � Rapporteurs Q14/12 Q14/12 2010-05-25
[ 336-GEN ]
LS to CarCOM: New Q.3/12 work item on P.UHIP � Rapporteur Q3/12 Q3/12 2010-05-25
[ 335-GEN ]
Proposed draft for new Q.3 work item P.UHIP � Rapporteur Q3/12 Q3/12 2010-05-25
[ 334-GEN ]
P.NAMS Selection Criteria and Statistical Evaluation Procedure � Rapporteurs Q14/12 Q14/12 2010-05-25
[ 333-GEN ]
P.NAMS Call for Model Submission � Rapporteurs Q14/12 Q14/12 2010-05-25
[ 332-GEN ]
Requirement specification for P.NAMS � Rapporteurs Q14/12 Q14/12 2010-05-25
[ 331-GEN ]
Incoming LS: MEF Response to ITU Liaison COM 12_LS_058 concerning Y.156sam � MEF Q17/12 2010-05-25
[ 330-GEN ]
LS on new work item on Revenue Assurance � Rapporteur Q12/12 Q12/12 2010-05-25
[ 329-GEN ]
Progress on Service Activation Test Methodology � Rapporteurs Q17/12 Q17/12 2010-05-24
[ 328-GEN ]
Outline draft of new proposed recommendation G.VSDF � Acting Rapporteur Q16/12 Q16/12 2010-05-24
[ 327-GEN ]
Reply to LS from SG16 Q4 on the revised draft new ITU-T Rec. H.codec.qoe "A framework for adaptive end-to-end QoS control based on variable bit-rate codecs in wireless networks" � Rapporteurs Q17/12 Q17/12 2010-05-24
[ 326-GEN ]
Reply to your LS on "Specification of Transfer Service Classes" � ITU-T SG12 Q11/12 2010-05-24
[ 325-GEN ]
Revised Y.1540 - first draft of revision for 2011 � Editor Y.1540 Q17/12 2010-05-24
[ 324-GEN ]
LS to ITU-R WG6C � Rapporteurs Q7/12 Q7/12 2010-05-24
[ 323-GEN ]
LS to ITU-T SG16 on G.718 extension and G.722 and G.711.1 SWB � Rapporteurs Q7/12 Q7/12 2010-05-24
[ 322-GEN ]
Information on new Recommendation G.RQAM "Reference guide to QoE assessment methodologies" � Rapporteurs Q13/12 Q13/12 2010-05-24
[ 321-GEN ]
Draft revised Recommendation Y.1542 � Rapporteurs Q11/12 Q11/12 2010-05-24
[ 320-GEN ]
Draft revised Recommendation Y.1221 � Rapporteurs Q11/12 Q11/12 2010-05-24
[ 319-GEN ]
Comments on Liaison from Q.5/11 (TD 485 (GEN/11) q_flowstatesig services in relation to Y1221) � Rapporteurs Q11/12 Q11/12 2010-05-24
[ 318-GEN ]
Report on QSDG activity � Chairman QSDG Q12/12 2010-05-24
[ 317-GEN ]
Revised Y.1541 - first draft for 2011 Consent � Editor Y.1541 Q17/12 2010-05-24
[ 316-GEN ]
First Draft Y.154HN, Home Network Performance Parameters � Rapporteur Q17/12 Q17/12 2010-05-24
[ 315-GEN ]
Reply to LS from SG16 Question 10 on audio coding matters (Part 7) � Rapporteur Q17/12 Q17/12 2010-05-24
[ 314-GEN ]
Reply to LS: Liaison statement on the development of a draft new Recommendation on performance and availability requirements and objectives for wireless access systems � Rapporteur Q17/12 Q17/12 2010-05-24
[ 313-GEN ]
Updated text for the universal headset/headphone interface solution: "Technical requirements and test methods for wired headset/headphone interface of digital wireless Terminal" � Rapporteur Q3/12 Q3/12 2010-05-24
[ 312-GEN ]
Y.OAQoS (Operational aspects of end-to-end QoS) � Rapporteur Q12 Q12/12 2010-05-21
[ 311-GEN ]
Comments on Y.QMF (QoE Management Framework) � Co-Rapporteurs Q13/12 Q13/12 2010-05-21
[ 310-GEN ]
Final text for G.RQAM, "Reference guide to QoE assessment methodologies" � Editor G.RQAM Q13/12 2010-05-21
[ 309-GEN ]
AdHoc meeting of the Regional Group for Africa � Chairman SG12 RG-AFR Q1/12 2010-05-21
[ 308-GEN ]
Reply to LS from 3GPP TSG-SA4 concerning STMR � Rapporteur Q5/12 Q5/12 2010-05-21
[ 307-GEN ]
QoS/QoE-related studies in ITU � Co-Rapporteur Q1/12 Q1/12 2010-05-21
[ 306-GEN ]
P.NAMS Test Plan - Decisions and items to be discussed � Rapporteurs Q14/12 Q14/12 2010-05-20
[ 305-GEN ]
Agenda and Planning for Ad Hoc meetings of Question 1/12 � Chairman SG12 Q1/12 2010-05-20
[ 304-GEN ]
Requirement specification for P.NAMS � Rapporteurs Q14/12 Q14/12 2010-05-20
[ 303-GEN ]
List of Participants � TSB QALL/12 2010-05-20
[ 302-GEN ]
Proposed revised wording of Question 11/12 � Rapporteurs Q11/12 Q11/12, Q1/12 2010-05-19
[ 301-GEN ]
High-volume printers available in delegate areas � TSB QALL/12 2010-05-19
[ 300-GEN ]
Status report of Q12/12 "Operational aspects of telecommunication network service quality" � Rapporteur Q12/12 Q12/12 2010-05-18
Resultados :132 documentos
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