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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG17 : Reuni�n�2008-09-15�: Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG17� C�(2008-09-15)�


Lenguajes y soporte l�gico de telecomunicaciones

Periodo de estudios 2005

Reuni�n� del 2008-09-15 al 2008-09-19

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2009-09-16� 2009-02-11� 2008-04-072007-12-102007-09-19� 2007-04-20� 2007-04-182007-04-162006-12-062006-04-192006-01-162005-10-052005-03-30

Resultados :96 documentos
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Contribuciones��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 445 ]
Requirements for implementation of a universal global OID resolution capability � VeriSign Q6/17, Q10/17 2008-09-05
[ 444 ]
Revised Text of ITU-T X.607.1 (ECTP-4) � ETRI Q1/17 2008-09-05
[ 443 ]
Comments on draft Recommendation X.iptvsec-1, Functional requirements and architecture for IPTV security aspects � Canada Q9/17 2008-09-05
[ 442 ]
Proposal for new work item on security framework for enhanced web based telecommunication services � ETRI Q9/17 2008-09-05
[ 441 ]
Spam countering technique by ESE(b) and revision of communication interface of X.fcsip � ETRI Q17/17 2008-09-05
[ 440 ]
Proposed modification of data delivery mechanism and IPv6 consideration of X.rmcp-3 � ETRI Q1/17 2008-09-05
[ 439 ]
Propose additional chapter for X.tcs-1 � ZTE Q17/17 2008-09-05
[ 438 ]
Proposal for new work item on general policy profile for network security � ZTE Q6/17 2008-09-05
[ 437 ]
Proposed modification of X.tcs-1 for chapter 8 � ZTE Q17/17 2008-09-05
[ 436 ]
Proposed amendments to new Recommendation X.1241 (X.fcs), Technical framework for countering email spam � United States of America Q17/17 2008-09-05
[ 435 ]
Proposed amendments to new Recommendation X.1231 (x.csreq), Technical strategies on countering spam � United States of America Q17/17 2008-09-05
[ 434 ]
Comments on draft new Recommendation X1244 (X.ocsip), Overall aspects of IP multimedia application spam � United States of America Q17/17 2008-09-05
[ 433 ]
Comments on draft new Recommendation X.fcsip, Framework for countering IP multimedia spam � United States of America Q17/17 2008-09-05
[ 432 ]
Basic guidelines of security requirements � KT Q9/17 2008-09-05
[ 431 ]
Initiate study on security classes supporting IPTV services � KT Q9/17 2008-09-05
[ 430 ]
Proposal of new work item: Security guideline of P2P-based telecommunication network � China Mobile , Huawei , China MII , STE Q9/17 2008-09-05
[ 429 ]
Proposal of new work item in the next study period : abnormal traffic detection and control for telecommunication network � China Mobile , Huawei , China MII , ZTE Q6/17 2008-09-05
[ 428 ]
Proposal for first draft text of X.tif: Integrated framework for telebiometric data protection in TeleHealth and WorldWide telemedicines � Korea (Republic of) Q8/17 2008-09-05
[ 427 ]
Final draft Recommendation X.tpp-1 (Telebiometrics protection procedures - Part1): A guideline to technical and managerial countermeasures for biometric data security � Korea (Republic of) Q8/17 2008-09-05
[ 426 ]
Proposal for discussion about standardization issues for ICT forensics in next study period (2009-2012) � Korea (Republic of) Q6/17 2008-09-05
[ 425 ]
Comments on Draft Recommendation X.1244 (X.ocsip) for Approval � Korea (Republic of) Q17/17 2008-09-05
[ 424 ]
Proposal for new work item for next study period in Q.9/17 on OTP-based managed security service: Generic architecture and service requirements � Korea (Republic of) Q9/17 2008-09-05
[ 423 ]
Final draft Recommendation X.rmg (Risk management and risk profile guidelines for telecommunications organizations) for consent � Korea (Republic of) Q7/17 2008-09-05
[ 422 ]
Spam countering technique by user terminal in X.fcsip � Korea (Republic of) Q17/17 2008-09-05
[ 421 ]
Proposed operation of mobile multicast agent in X.mmc-3 � Korea (Republic of) Q1/17 2008-09-05
[ 420 ]
Proposed modification of protocol operation of SM and CoreMA in X.rmcp-3 � Korea (Republic of) Q1/17 2008-09-05
[ 419 ]
Proposed modification of introduction and overview part of X.rmcp-3 � Korea (Republic of) Q1/17 2008-09-05
[ 418 ]
Proposed contents of X.fcsip on ESE of spam ingress domain � Korea (Republic of) Q17/17 2008-09-05
[ 417 ]
Proposed revision of X.fcsip on approaches for countering IP spam � Korea (Republic of) Q17/17 2008-09-05
[ 416 ]
Editorial modifications to ITU-T draft Recommendation X.idif: A Framework for user control of digital identity � Korea (Republic of) Q6/17 2008-09-05
[ 415 ]
Proposal of a new work item on security guidelines for identity management systems (for next study period) � Korea (Republic of) Q6/17 2008-09-05
[ 414 ]
Proposal for a new work item on security requirements and reconfiguration for mobile multi-homed wireless communication � Korea (Republic of) Q9/17 2008-09-05
[ 413 ]
Proposal for a new work item on USN middleware security in Q.O/SG17 for the next study period � Korea (Republic of) Q9/17 2008-09-05
[ 412 ]
X.mcsec-1: Proposals for clause 8 and 9 of multicast threats and requirements � Korea (Republic of) Q9/17 2008-09-05
[ 411 ]
X.mcsec-1: Modifications on network and service model for multicast security � Korea (Republic of) Q9/17 2008-09-05
[ 410 ]
Proposal for revised road map for USN security standardization � Korea (Republic of) Q9/17 2008-09-05
[ 409 ]
Revised draft Recommendation on X.gopw: Guideline on preventing malicious code spreading in a data communication network � Korea (Republic of) Q6/17 2008-09-05
[ 408 ]
WITHDRAWN � N/A (no se aplica) � -- 2008-09-05
[ 407 ]
Proposed 2nd revised draft Recommendation of X.rfpg: Guideline on protection for personally identifiable information in RFID application � Korea (Republic of) Q6/17 2008-09-05
[ 406 ]
Proposal for new work item for the next study period on criteria for assessing the level of protection for personally identifiable information in IdM � Korea (Republic of) Q6/17 2008-09-05
[ 405 ]
Proposal of the 5th draft of X.sim: Security incident management guidelines for telecommunications? � Korea (Republic of) Q7/17 2008-09-05
[ 404 ]
A draft text for the next study period project: ?Information security governance for telecommunications? � Korea (Republic of) Q7/17 2008-09-05
[ 403 ]
Proposal of the first draft Recommendation for X.iptvsec-2: Functional requirements and mechanisms for secure transcodable scheme of IPTV � Korea (Republic of) Q9/17 2008-09-05
[ 402 ]
Proposal for the first draft text on X.iptvsec-3 : Key management framework for secure IPTV communications � Korea (Republic of) Q9/17 2008-09-05
[ 401 ]
Proposal for the first draft text on X.tb-ucr : Traceback use case and requirements � Korea (Republic of) Q6/17 2008-09-05
[ 400 ]
Proposal for final revised Recommendation X.iptvsec-1 : Functional requirements and architecture for IPTV security aspects � Korea (Republic of) Q9/17 2008-09-05
[ 399 ]
Proposal for the revised draft Recommendation X.usnsec-1 : Security framework for ubiquitous sensor network � Korea (Republic of) Q9/17 2008-09-05
[ 398 ]
Proposal for first draft Recommendation X.ott : Authentication framework with one-time telebiometric template � Korea (Republic of) Q8/17 2008-09-05
[ 397 ]
Proposal for revised draft Recommendation X.homesec-4: Authorization framework for home network � Korea (Republic of) Q9/17 2008-09-05
[ 396 ]
Proposed revised Text of ITU-T X.608.1 (ECTP-6) � Korea (Republic of) Q1/17 2008-09-05
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