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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG13 : Reuni�n�2008-01-14�: Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG13� C�(2008-01-14)�


Gesti�n y coordinaci�n de proyectos; Arquitecturas y principios de interfuncionamiento; Redes y mecanismos multiprotocolo; Calidad de funcionamiento de la red y gesti�n de los recursos

Periodo de estudios 2005

Reuni�n� del 2008-01-14 al 2008-01-25

Lugar : Corea (Rep. de) [Se�l]

Otras reuniones : 2009-09-01� 2009-01-12� 2008-09-122008-05-222007-09-212007-04-162006-11-032006-07-172006-01-162005-08-292005-04-252004-12-07

Resultados :260 documentos
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Contribuciones��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 560 ]
Proposed texts for section 7 of draft Recommendation Y.ipsplit � ETRI Q3/13 2008-01-15
[ 559 ]
Revised Draft of Y.ipv6-NGN "General Overview of IPv6 based NGN" � ETRI Q9/13 2008-01-15
[ 558 ]
Proposed texts for the IPv6-based NGN in NGN-R2-Reqts � ETRI Q9/13, Q2/13 2008-01-15
[ 557 ]
Additional Text of Appendix II for Example of IPTV Multicast VPN � ETRI Q3/13, IPTV-GSI 2008-01-15
[ 556 ]
WITHDRAWN � N/A (no se aplica) � 2008-01-17
[ 555 ]
WITHDRAWN � N/A (no se aplica) � 2008-01-17
[ 554 ]
WITHDRAWN � N/A (no se aplica) � 2008-01-17
[ 553 ]
On the integrity and the stability of the WG1 deliverables of the FG IPTV � France Telecom QALL/13, IPTV-GSI 2008-01-14
[ 552 ]
Proposal of Peer-to-Peer Approach for Distributed Content Distribution � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Q7/11, Q3/13, Q3/11, Q2/13, Q1/11, IPTV-GSI 2008-01-11
[ 551 ]
Proposal on adding study item and task in Q13/SG12 for IPTV performance monitoring � China Telecom Q4/13, IPTV-GSI 2008-01-11
[ 550 ]
Proposal on IGMP Filter in DOC-0190 � China Telecom Q3/13, Q2/13, Q2/11, Q1/11, IPTV-GSI 2008-01-11
[ 549 ]
Roadmap for Critical Identity Management Capabilities for NGN and Nomadicity � VeriSign Q15/13, Q3/13, Q6/17, IDM-GSI 2008-01-09
[ 548 ]
Applying Identity Management Requirements to NGN work � VeriSign IDM-GSI, QALL/13, Q6/17 2008-01-09
[ 547 ]
IPTV Architecture - Completion of the document reorganization � France Telecom IPTV-GSI, Q3/13 2008-01-09
[ 546 ]
Proposed Requirements in Y.ngn-account-R2 � ETRI Q2/13 2008-01-09
[ 545 ]
Proposed General Architecture in Y.ngn-account-R2 � ETRI Q4/13, Q2/13 2008-01-09
[ 544 ]
Proposed modifications to Draft Recommendation Y.NACF-R1 � France Telecom Q3/13 2008-01-09
[ 543 ]
Proposed Modification of the Clause 9 Procedures in Y.mpm � ETRI Q4/13 2008-01-08
[ 542 ]
Additional description on Rn and Rc reference point for y.racf-mpls centralized architecture � ETRI Q4/13 2008-01-08
[ 541 ]
Proposed Modification of the Clause 7. Reference Measurement Network Model in Y.mpm � ETRI Q4/13 2008-01-08
[ 540 ]
Proposed modifications on one-to-many real-time multicast scenario (appendix IV of Y.ngn-mcastsf) � ETRI Q2/13 2008-01-08
[ 539 ]
Proposed modifications on NGN multicast service models (clause 6 of Y.ngn-mcastsf) � ETRI Q2/13 2008-01-08
[ 538 ]
Revision of Y.ngn-vpn (NGN-GSI/DOC - 267R1) � ETRI Q2/13 2008-01-08
[ 537 ]
Proposed Modification of the Clause 8.3. Reference Points in Y.mpm � ETRI Q4/13 2008-01-08
[ 536 ]
Proposed Modification of the Clause 8.2. Functional Architecture in Y.mpm � ETRI Q4/13 2008-01-08
[ 535 ]
Proposed Modification of the Clause 8.1. General Architecture in Y.mpm � ETRI Q4/13 2008-01-08
[ 534 ]
Proposed text of Section 5. NGN release 2 services of 'Supplement NGN Release 2 Scope' document � ETRI Q1/13 2008-01-08
[ 533 ]
Proposed text of Section 4. NGN release 2 environment overview of 'Supplement NGN Release 2 Scope' document � ETRI Q1/13 2008-01-08
[ 532 ]
Proposed text of Section 2. References of 'Supplement NGN Release 2 Scope' document � ETRI Q1/13 2008-01-08
[ 531 ]
Proposed text of Section 2. References of 'Supplement NGN Release 2 Scope' document � ETRI Q1/13 2008-01-08
[ 530 ]
Proposed text of Bibliography of 'Supplement NGN Release 2 Scope' document � ETRI Q1/13 2008-01-08
[ 529 ]
Restructured text of Draft 'Supplement NGN Release 2 Scope' document � ETRI Q1/13 2008-01-08
[ 528 ]
Revised Text for Draft Recommendation Q.HCF (v0.8) � ETRI Q2/19, Q6/13 2008-01-11
[ 527 ]
Revision of Section 8.4 in Q.MMF � ETRI Q2/19, Q6/13 2008-01-11
[ 526 ]
Text on Transport Level Convergence for Draft Rec. FMC-IMS � Samsung Electronics Q5/19, Q6/13 2008-01-11
[ 525 ]
Proposed restructuring of Q.FMC-IMS � ZTE Corporation , Samsung Electronics Ltd. Q5/19, Q6/13 2008-01-11
[ 524 ]
Draft Recommendation Y.NGN-DSL: Roadmap for DSL based systems in Next Generation Networks � ETRI Q3/13 2008-01-08
[ 523 ]
Proposed Revisions in Section 6 "Requirement" of Y.mpls-mob � ETRI Q2/13 2008-01-08
[ 522 ]
Missing functional requirements and relationship of clause 8 with clause 7 of Y.ngn-mcastsf � ETRI Q2/13 2008-01-08
[ 521 ]
Proposed modifications on appendices of Y.ngn-mcastsf � ETRI Q2/13 2008-01-08
[ 520 ]
Proposal for adding policy enabling capability to open service environment � ETRI Q2/13 2008-01-08
[ 519 ]
New Question on Distributed IP Services Network(DISN) � China Mobile, ZTE Corporation, Huawei Technologies FUTURES, QALL/13 2008-01-08
[ 518 ]
New Question: Multi-connection in the heterogeneous access transport network environment � China Mobile, Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd QALL/13, FUTURES 2008-01-08
[ 517 ]
Proposed new Question on Impact of Intelligent Terminals to NGN Architecture � ZTE Corporation Futures, QALL/13; 2008-01-08
[ 516 ]
Non-NGN related high level requirements to support USN applications and services � ETRI Q2/13 2008-01-08
[ 515 ]
Proposed modifications to section 6.2 in Y.enet � ETRI Q4/13 2008-01-08
[ 514 ]
Moving away from the concept of Releases and Release Planning as we move into the 2009 - 2012 Study Period � Nortel Networks (Canada) PLENARY, QALL/13 2008-01-08
[ 513 ]
Proposal to accept SG 13 TD 288 (PLEN) as the baseline text for the IPTV services requirements draft Recommendation � Nortel Networks (Canada) Q2/13 2008-01-08
[ 512 ]
Consideration of IPTV Deliverables � Canada QALL/13 2008-01-08
[ 511 ]
Proposal to accept FG IPTV-DOC-0181 as the baseline text for the IPTV Architecture draft Recommendation � Nortel Networks (Canada) Q3/13 2008-01-08
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