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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG13 : Reuni�n�2006-07-17�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG13� TD-WP2�(2006-07-17)�


Redes de pr�xima generaci�n

Periodo de estudios 2005

Reuni�n� del 2006-07-17 al 2006-07-28

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2009-09-01� 2009-01-12� 2008-09-122008-05-222008-01-142007-09-212007-04-162006-11-03� [ 2006-07-17 ]� 2006-01-162005-08-292005-04-252004-12-07

Resultados :80 documentos
Resultados :� 1 - 2 �-�Siguiente Next
Documentos Temporales �(WP2) ��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 213-WP2 ]
Updated New Supplement to Y-series Recommendations: Session/Border Control Functions � Editor Q3/13 2006-07-27
[ 212-WP2 ]
Response on Information on the UN-ISDR Global Survey of Early Warning Systems � SG 13 Q3/13 2006-07-27
[ 211-WP2 ]
Draft Recommendation Y.csf (Version 2.0) - Output from Geneva Q.3/13 meeting � Co-editors Q3/13 2006-07-27
[ 210-WP2 ]
IPTV based on NGN Architecture � SG 13 Q3/13 2006-07-27
[ 209-WP2 ]
LS reply to IPsphere Forum: Update on IMS for NGN � SG 13 Q3/13 2006-07-27
[ 208-WP2 ]
Y.IFN (IMS for Next Generation Networks) � editor Q3/13 2006-07-26
[ 207-WP2 ]
Q.9/13 meeting report � Rapporteur Q9/13 2006-07-26
[ 206-WP2 ]
Initial Draft of Y.ipv6Transit (Functional Requirements and Deployment Scenarios for NGN in IPv4/IPv6 Migration) � Co-Editors Q9/13 2006-07-26
[ 205-WP2 ]
Revised Draft of Y.ipv6multi "Framework of IPv6 Multi-homing for NGN" � Editor Q9/13 2006-07-26
[ 204-WP2 ]
Revised Draft of Y.ipv6req "Service Requirements and Functional Capabilities of IPv6-based NGN � Editor Q9/13 2006-07-26
[ 203-WP2 ]
Liaison Statement to TISPAN on FMC and NGN mobility management � SG 13 Q6/13 2006-07-26
[ 202-WP2 ]
Liaison statement to WP8F on the development of PDNR ITU-R.M [IP CHAR] � SG 13 Q6/13 2006-07-26
[ 201-WP2 ]
Q.3/13 Report � Rapporteur Q3/13 2006-07-27
[ 200-WP2 ]
Revised draft Rec. Y.NGN-ET-Tech � Co-editors Q3/13 2006-07-27
[ 199-WP2 ]
Draft Recommendation Y.2012 (formerly Y.NGN-FRA) [Draft Version 0.8] � Editors Q3/13 2006-07-27
[ 198-WP2 ]
Draft Rec. Y.PIEA � Editor Q3/13 2006-07-26
[ 197-WP2 ]
New version of Y.NGN AAA, "AAA application for implementation of network and service security requirements over NGN"(Y.NGN AAA), Geneva, 17-28 July 2006 � Editor Q15/13 2006-07-26
[ 196-WP2 ]
Q.15/13 living list document � Editor Q15/13 2006-07-26
[ 195-WP2 ]
Output baseline text for draft Y.NGN Certificate Management, Geneva, 17-28 July 2006 � Editor Q15/13 2006-07-26
[ 194-WP2 ]
Draft text for NGN Security Mechanisms and Procedures (Y.SecMechanisms) � Editors Q15/13 2006-07-26
[ 193-WP2 ]
Output baseline text for draft Y.NGN Authentication, Geneva, 17-28 July 2006 � Editors Q15/13 2006-07-26
[ 192-WP2 ]
Draft ITU-T Recommendation Y.NGN security ("Security Requirements for NGN Release 1") � Editor Q15/13 2006-07-26
[ 191-WP2 ]
ITU-T studies on security aspects of NGN Identity Management (NGN/IdM) � Chairman WP 2/13 Q15/13 2006-07-26
[ 190-WP2 ]
LS to ETSI TISPAN � Rapporteur Q15/13 2006-07-26
[ 189-WP2 ]
ITU-T studies on security aspects of NGN Identity Management (NGN/IdM) � Chairman WP 2/13 Q15/13 2006-07-26
[ 188-WP2 ]
Response to the Liaison statement from SG 4 Regarding Draft ITU-T Recommendation Y.NGN Security Requirements � Rapporteur Q15/13 2006-07-26
[ 187-WP2 ]
Response to LS from SG 17 entitled draft Recommendation X.ngn-akm � Rapporteur Q15/13 2006-07-26
[ 186-WP2 ]
Response to LS from Sg 17 on status of WTSA Resolution 50 obligations � Rapporteur Q15/13 2006-07-26
[ 185-WP2 ]
Response to LS from SG 11 on its work relevant to NGN security � Rapporteur Q15/13 2006-07-26
[ 184-WP2 ]
Q.15/13 draft report � Rapporteur Q15/13 2006-07-26
[ 183-WP2 ]
Revised Draft of Y.ipv6sig (Signaling Requirements for QoS Support at the NGN using IPv6) � Co-Editors Q9/13 2006-07-26
[ 182-WP2 ]
Draft Recommendation Y.NGN-FRA Version 0.255 � Editor Q3/13 2006-07-26
[ 181-WP2 ]
Draft Recommendation LMF version 0.2 � Editor Q6/13 2006-07-26
[ 180-WP2 ]
Draft Recommendation HMF version 0.2 � Editor Q6/13 2006-07-26
[ 179-WP2 ]
Draft Recommendation MMF version 1.1 � Editor Q6/13 2006-07-26
[ 178-WP2 ]
Draft Recommendation MMR (version 1.1) � Editors Q6/13 2006-07-26
[ 177-WP2 ]
Information on Activities of PCP TDR/EW related issues since the last SG 13 meeting in January 2006 � SG 13 Contact Person for PCP TDR/EW Q3/13 2006-07-24
[ 176-WP2 ]
Report of joint meeting Qs. 2, 5/19 and 6/13 � Rapporteurs Q6/13 2006-07-26
[ 175-WP2 ]
Working Draft of Rec. FMC-IMS: Fixed Mobile Convergence with a common IMS session control domain � Editors Q6/13 2006-07-21
[ 174-WP2 ]
The updated draft Recommendation Rec.FMC-PAU � Editor Q6/13 2006-07-21
[ 173-WP2 ]
Draft Recommendation FMC requirements, Geneva, 17-28 July 2006 � Editor Q6/13 2006-07-21
[ 172-WP2 ]
Information on the UN-ISDR Global Survey of Early Warning Systems � TSB Q3/13 2006-07-18
[ 171-WP2 ]
Draft agenda for Q.9/13 � Rapporteur Q9/13 2006-07-17
[ 170-WP2 ]
LS response on NGN Security � ETSI TC TISPAN Q15/13 2006-07-17
[ 169-WP2 ]
Q.3/13 draft agenda � Rapporteur Q3/13 2006-07-17
[ 168-WP2 ]
Proposed meeting schedule of WP 2/13 and agenda for plenary � Chairman WP 2/13 Q15/13, Q10/13, Q9/13, Q6/13, Q3/13 2006-07-16
[ 167-WP2 ]
Q.15/13 draft agenda � Rapporteur Q15/13 2006-07-16
[ 166-WP2 ]
PCP-TDR meeting, 2 May 2006 - meeting report � TSB Q3/13 2006-07-13
[ 165-WP2 ]
Draft Agenda � Rapporteurs, Qs 2, 5/19 and 6/13 Q6/13 2006-07-12
[ 164-WP2 ]
Proposed revisions to Y.2241 section 8.10 � Q.3/13 Rapporteur Q3/13 2006-06-28
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