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ITU-T�SG 16� TD-WP1�(2015-10-12)�



Study Period 2013

Meeting� from 2015-10-12 to 2015-10-23

held in Switzerland [Geneva]

Other Meetings : 2016-05-23� [ 2015-10-12 ]� 2015-02-092014-06-302014-02-282013-10-282013-01-14

Results:63 total items.
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Temporary Documents �(WP1) ��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 331-WP1 ]
H.CSVSArch "Architecture for cloud storage in visual surveillance" (New): Initial draft (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) � Editor H.CSVSArch Q21/16 2015-10-21
[ 330-WP1 ]
H.VSSIArch "Architecture for visual surveillance system interworking" (New): Initial text (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) � Editor H.VSSIArch Q21/16 2015-10-21
[ 329-WP1 ]
F.VSSIReqs "Requirements for interworking of visual surveillance systems" (New): Initial draft (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) � Editor F.VSSIReqs Q21/16 2015-10-21
[ 328-WP1 ]
F.CSVSReqs "Requirements for cloud storage in visual surveillance" (New): Initial draft (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) � Editor F.CSVSReqs Q21/16 2015-10-21
[ 327-WP1 ]
F.DICNReqs "Requirements of deployment for information centric networks" (New): Initial text (Geneva, 12 - 23October 2015) � Editor F.DICNReqs Q21/16 2015-10-21
[ 326-WP1 ]
F.CCNMMS "Requirements and architecture for CCN-based mobile multimedia services" (New): Updated baseline text (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) � Editor F.CCNMMS Q21/16 2015-10-21
[ 325-WP1 ]
F.MAFFReqs "Mobile terminal comic and animation file format" (New): Initial draft (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) � Editor F.MAFFReqs Q21/16 2015-10-21
[ 324-WP1 ]
H.VHN "Service capabilities and framework for virtual home network" (New): Output text (for Consent) � Editor H.VHN Q21/16 2015-10-20
[ 323-WP1 ]
H.LLS-FW "Language e-learning service framework based on speech/NLP technology" (New): Initial draft (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) � Editor H.LLS-FW Q21/16 2015-10-20
[ 322-WP1 ]
H.248.Shaper "Gateway control protocol: H.248 support for traffic shaping" (New): Output draft Ed. 0.7 (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) � Editor H.248.Shaper Q3/16 2015-10-20
[ 321-WP1 ]
HSTP-DIS-UAV "Use cases and service scenarios of disaster information service using unmanned aerial vehicles" (New): Initial draft (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) � Editor HSTP-DIS-UAV Q21/16 2015-10-20
[ 320-WP1 ]
H.248.CodecSDPprofile "Gateway control protocol: Profiling codec configurations via SDP in H.248 profiles - Guidelines and examples" (New): Output draft Ed. 0.6 � Editor H.248.CodecSDPprofile Q3/16 2015-10-19
[ 319-WP1 ]
H.248.78 "Gateway control protocol: Bearer-level message backhauling and application level gateway" (Rev.) - Initial Draft � Editor H.248.78 Q3/16 2015-10-19
[ 318-WP1 ]
H.Sup.ALTC "Gateway Control Protocol: Alternate IP connectivity support by H.248 gateway control protocol" (New): Output draft Ed. 0.6 � Editor H.Sup.ALTC Q3/16 2015-10-19
[ 317-WP1 ]
Ongoing LSs produced by Q21/16 (Geneva, 12 - 23 October 2015) � Rapporteur Q21/16 Q21/16 2015-10-18
[ 316-WP1 ]
Draft revised text for Question Q21/16 � Rapporteur Q21/16 Q21/16 2015-10-18
[ 315-WP1 ]
F.EMSarch "Requirements and architecture for energy management service" (New): Output draft (Geneva, 12 - 23 October 2015) � Editor F.EMSarch Q21/16 2015-10-18
[ 314-WP1 ]
Report of Question 21/16 "Multimedia framework, applications and services" � Rapporteur Q21/16 Q21/16 2015-10-18
[ 313-WP1 ]
Report of Question 5/16 "Telepresence Systems" � Rapporteur Q5/16 Q5/16 2015-10-18
[ 312-WP1 ]
Report of Question 3/16 "Multimedia Gateway Control Architectures and Protocols" � Rapporteur Q3/16 Q3/16 2015-10-18
[ 311-WP1 ]
Report of Question 2/16 "Packet-based conversational multimedia systems and functions" � Rapporteur Q2/16 Q2/16 2015-10-18
[ 310-WP1 ]
Report of Question 1/16 "Multimedia systems, terminals and data conferencing" � Rapporteur Q1/16 Q1/16 2015-10-18
[ 309-WP1 ]
H.VCDN-Arch "Functional architecture for virtual content delivery network": Output draft (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) � Editor H.VCDN-Arch Q21/6 2015-10-16
[ 308-WP1 ]
F.VCDN-Reqs "Functional requirements for virtual content delivery network": Output draft (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) � Editor F.VCDN-Reqs Q21/16 2015-10-16
[ 307-WP1 ]
H.IQAS "Intelligent question answering framework" (New): Updated draft (planned for Consent) � Editor H.IQAS Q21/16 2015-10-16
[ 306-WP1 ]
H.IVSArch "Architectural requirements for intelligent visual surveillance" (New):Output draft (Geneva, 12 - 23 October 2015) � Editors H.IVSArch Q21/16 2015-10-16
[ 305-WP1 ]
H.TPS-AV "Audio/video parameters for telepresence systems" (New): Output draft Ed. 1.17 (Geneva, 12 - 23 October 2015) � Editor H.TPS-AV Q5/16 2015-10-14
[ 304-WP1 ]
H.245 "Control protocol for multimedia communication" (Rev.): Output draft (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) � Editor H.245 Q2/16 2015-10-14
[ 303-WP1 ]
H.460.27 (ex H.460.SessionID): Consented text and status � TSB Q2/16 2015-10-08
[ 302-WP1 ]
Report of the H.265 Signalling Ad Hoc Group � Chair H.265 signalling AHG Q1/16 2015-10-08
[ 301-WP1 ]
Report of the motorized conferencing ad hoc group � Chair Motorized Conferencing AHG Q1/16 2015-10-08
[ 300-WP1 ]
Proposed revision to the text of Q1/16 - Multimedia systems, terminals and data conferencing � Rapporteur Q1/16 Q1/16 2015-10-07
[ 299-WP1 ]
Draft text of Q3/16 for the 2017-2020 Study Period � Rapporteur Q3/16 Q3/16 2015-10-01
[ 298-WP1 ]
H.TPS-AV "Audio/video parameters for telepresence systems" (New): Input draft Ed. 1.16 (Geneva, 12 - 23 October 2015) � Editor H.TPS-AV Q5/16 2015-09-25
[ 297-WP1 ]
H.TPS-SIG "Signalling for telepresence-enabled conferencing" (New): Input draft Ed. 0.12 (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) � Editor H.TPS-SIG Q5/16 2015-08-10
[ 296-WP1 ]
H.248.SCTP "Gateway control protocol: H.248 support for control of SCTP bearer connections" (New): Input draft Ed. 0.13 (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) � Editor H.248.SCTP Q3/16 2015-08-10
[ 295-WP1 ]
H.222.0 (2014) | ISO/IEC 13818-2:2015 (201x) Amd.3 "Information technology - Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information: Systems: Carriage of Green Metadata in MPEG-2 Systems" (New): Input draft (planned for Consent) � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 Q1/16 2015-08-07
[ 294-WP1 ]
H.222.0 (2014) | ISO/IEC 13818-2:2015 (201x) Amd.2 "Information technology - Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information: Systems: Carriage of Layered HEVC" (New): Input draft (planned for Consent) � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 Q1/16 2015-08-07
[ 293-WP1 ]
H.222.0 (10/2014)/Amd.1 (2015)/Cor.1 | ISO/IEC 13818-1:2015/Amd.1:2015/Cor.1: "Information technology - Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information: Systems: Delivery of Timeline for External Data: Adding cets_byte_range_descriptor to table U-2" (New): Input text (for Consent) � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 Q1/16 2015-07-07
[ 292-WP1 ]
H-Series Supplement 2: "H.248.x sub-series packages guide - Release 16" (Rev.): Input draft (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) � Editor H Sup.2 Q3/16 2015-07-02
[ 291-WP1 ]
H.248.96 (ex H.248.STGROUP) "Gateway Control Protocol: H.248 Stream grouping and aggregation" (New): Input draft (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) � Editor H.248.96 Q3/16 2015-07-02
[ 290-WP1 ]
H.248.95 (ex H.248.RTPMUX) "Gateway Control Protocol: H.248 support for RTP multiplexing" (New): Input draft (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) � Editor H.248.95 Q3/16 2015-07-02
[ 289-WP1 ]
H.248.98 (ex H.248.PAURES) "Gateway control protocol: Support of remote media pause and resume" (New): Input draft (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) � Editor H.248.98 Q3/16 2015-07-02
[ 288-WP1 ]
H.248.x-IG "H.248 Sub-series Implementors' Guide" (Rev.): Input draft (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) � Editor H.248.IG Q3/16 2015-07-02
[ 287-WP1 ]
H.248.77 "Gateway control protocol: Secure real-time transport protocol (SRTP) package and procedures" (Rev.): Input draft (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) � Editor H.248.77 Q3/16 2015-07-02
[ 286-WP1 ]
H.248.74 (ex H.248.MRCP) "Media resource control enhancement packages" (New): Input draft (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) � Editor H.248.74 Q3/16 2015-07-02
[ 285-WP1 ]
H.248.66 (ex H.248.RTSP) "Packages for RTSP and H.248 interworking" (New): Input draft (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) � Editor H.248.66 Q3/16 2015-07-02
[ 284-WP1 ]
H.248.41 "Gateway control protocol: IP domain connection package" (Rev.): Input draft (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) � Editor H.248.41 Rev. Q3/16 2015-07-02
[ 283-WP1 ]
H.235.DTLS "H.323 security: Support of DTLS for media streams" (New): input draft (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) � Editor H.235.DTLS Q2/16 2015-07-02
[ 282-WP1 ]
H.Sup14 "Gateway control protocol: SDP codepoints for gateway control - Release 2" (Rev.): Input draft Ed. 0.2 � Editor H.Sup14 Q3/16 2015-06-16
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