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ITU-T�SG 12� C�(2011-10-31)�


Performance, QoS and QoE

Study Period 2009

Meeting� from 2011-10-31 to 2011-11-09

held in Switzerland [Geneva]

Other Meetings : 2012-09-072012-05-292011-01-182010-09-172010-05-182009-11-032009-03-10

Results:88 total items.
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Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 293 ]
HRTF measurements on HATS � Br�el & Kjaer Sound & Vibration Measurements A/S Q5/12 2011-10-27
[ 292 ]
Important factors that can influence the perceived quality of telemeetings � Telefon AB - LM Ericsson Q18/12 2011-10-19
[ 291 ]
A subjective multi-party test with both audio and audiovisual telemeeting connections � Telefon AB - LM Ericsson Q18/12 2011-10-19
[ 290 ]
Subjective tests on multiparty audio and audiovisual telemeetings with additional echo-free delays � Telefon AB - LM Ericsson Q18/12 2011-10-19
[ 289 ]
P.863 results in comparison to P.862.1 � SwissQual AG Q9/12 2011-10-19
[ 288 ]
P.ONRA Contribution - Additional results from a candidate algorithm � Audience, Inc. Q9/12 2011-10-19
[ 287 ]
Number of interlocutors and QoE in multiparty telephone conferences � Deutsche Telekom AG Q18/12 2011-10-19
[ 286 ]
Listening test stimuli using scalable multiparty conversation test scenarios � Deutsche Telekom AG Q7/12, Q18/12 2011-10-19
[ 285 ]
Topics for Question 18/12 in view of insights from a field survey � Deutsche Telekom AG Q18/12 2011-10-19
[ 284 ]
Initial insights for P.AMT based on reviewing existing recommendations � Deutsche Telekom AG , Telefon AB - LM Ericsson Q7/12, Q18/12 2011-10-19
[ 283 ]
Proposed text for G.VSDF � Netscout Systems Q16/12 2011-10-19
[ 282 ]
Test results on G.720.1A used as VAD for the ITU-T G.729.1 in French Language � France T�l�com Orange Q7/12 2011-10-19
[ 281 ]
Proposal of definition on Superwideband and Fullband telephony in P.10 � France T�l�com Orange Q1/12 2011-10-19
[ 280 ]
Superwideband /fullband testing � France T�l�com Orange Q5/12 2011-10-19
[ 279 ]
Template to describe a proposed new ITU-T Recommendation � France QALL/12 2011-10-19
[ 278 ]
Conversational WB speech quality & draft WB E-Model � Deutsche Telekom AG Q8/12 2011-10-19
[ 277 ]
Performance of P.863 for two narrow-band datasets � Deutsche Telekom AG , SwissQual AG Q9/12 2011-10-19
[ 276 ]
Performance of P.863 on P.AAM acoustic data � Deutsche Telekom AG , SwissQual AG Q9/12 2011-10-19
[ 275 ]
Extending the E-Model For Capturing Noise Reduction and Echo Canceller Impairments � Deutsche Telekom AG Q8/12 2011-10-19
[ 274 ]
Draft Requirement Specification for P.AMD (Perceptual Approaches for Multi-Dimensional Analysis) � Deutsche Telekom AG Q9/12 2011-10-19
[ 273 ]
Quality perception in three-party conversation tests with synchronous and asynchronous delay � Deutsche Telekom AG Q18/12 2011-10-19
[ 272 ]
3CTs - 3-party Conversation Test scenarios for conferencing assessment � Deutsche Telekom AG Q7/12, Q18/12 2011-10-19
[ 271 ]
Description of conversation scenarios for interactive audiovisual communication � Deutsche Telekom AG Q7/12 2011-10-19
[ 270 ]
Performance of P.OLQA on Speech Modelling Based Codecs � Qualcomm, Inc. Q9/12 2011-10-18
[ 269 ]
Reasons why having two sets of scales for P.AMD is ill-conceived. � AT&T, Inc. Q9/12 2011-10-18
[ 268 ]
Subjective testing methodology for P.AMD � AT&T, Inc. Q9/12 2011-10-18
[ 267 ]
Discussion on the use of RMSE* for P.NAMS/P.NBAMS evaluation procedure � Netscout Systems Q9/12, Q14/12 2011-10-18
[ 266 ]
P.863 performance on a narrowband acoustic to acoustic experiment � Netscout Systems Q9/12 2011-10-18
[ 265 ]
Input to ITU-T P.863 characterization � Netscout Systems Q9/12 2011-10-18
[ 264 ]
Preliminary results on P.863 NB vs. PESQ NB Behavior � Ascom (Switzerland) Ltd. Q9/12 2011-10-18
[ 263 ]
Correction to ITU-T Rec. P.58 � Br�el & Kjaer Sound & Vibration Measurements A/S Q5/12 2011-10-18
[ 262 ]
Correction to ITU-T Rec. P.57 � Br�el & Kjaer Sound & Vibration Measurements A/S Q5/12 2011-10-18
[ 261 ]
Ambisonic Artificial Noise-field Applications � Nokia Corporation Q5/12 2011-10-18
[ 260 ]
Contribution to P.863's characterisation: study of typical scores for various codec, selection of reference sentences, and correspondence between NB and SWB MOS scales � France T�l�com Orange Q9/12 2011-10-18
[ 259 ]
A study on tasks for assessing audiovisual quality of videoconferencing systems in multipoint conversation tests � France T�l�com Orange Q7/12, Q18/12 2011-10-18
[ 258 ]
Noisiness Dimension, Evaluation and Diagnostic � France T�l�com Orange Q9/12, Q16/12, Q15/12 2011-10-18
[ 257 ]
P.862.3 Appendix I P.862.1 Reference values � British Telecommunications Public Ltd. Co. (BT Plc) Q9/12 2011-10-18
[ 256 ]
Wideband Frequency Response Tests using ITU-T P.501 proposed Speech Signals, Artificial Voice and CSS � HEAD Acoustics GmbH Q6/12 2011-10-18
[ 255 ]
Revision of P.501 � HEAD Acoustics GmbH Q6/12 2011-10-18
[ 254 ]
Proposal for identifying P.NAMS and P.NBAMS files to be used in model selection � Netscout Systems Q14/12 2011-10-18
[ 253 ]
Multiparty test scenarios for audiovisual conferences tests � China Q18/12 2011-10-18
[ 252 ]
Propose to set up a new work item on the traffics statistical metrics of Internet services � China Q12/12 2011-10-18
[ 251 ]
Proposal for new work items of operational aspects of Internet service quality � China Q12/12 2011-10-18
[ 250 ]
Proposal for study the operational aspects of Internet service quality � China Q12/12 2011-10-18
[ 249 ]
Proposed full-band Chinese speech samples for ITU-T Rec.P.501 � China Q6/12 2011-10-18
[ 248 ]
+Corr.1 (Rev.1)
Web Browsing QoE Subjective Testing Methodology � A1 Telekom Austria AG Q17/12, Q13/12, Q11/12 2011-10-18
[ 247 ]
The third draft of P.UHIP � China Q3/12 2011-10-18
[ 246 ]
Proposed updated draft Recommendation P.STAT: Methods, metrics and procedures for statistical evaluation, qualifying and comparison of objective quality prediction models � Ascom (Switzerland) Ltd. Q9/12, Q7/12, Q14/12, Q13/12 2011-10-18
[ 245 ]
P.NAMS audio and audiovisual processing chain extensiont � Telchemy Incorporated Q14/12 2011-10-18
[ 244 ]
Proposal for additional consideration of femtocell for further study of Y.154HN � KDDI Corporation Q17/12 2011-10-18
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