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UIT-T�REVCOM� ALL�(2015-01-19)�


Review Committee

P�riode d'�tudes 2013

R�union� du 2015-01-19 au 2015-01-21

Lieu : Tunisie [Tunis]

Lettres Collectives��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source Date
[ 4 ]
Quatri�me r�union du Comit� d'examen (RevCom), Tunis (Tunisie), 19-21 janvier 2015 �
This corrigendum applies for the English version only
TSB 2014-11-14

Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source Date
[ 27 ]
ITU-T Responsiveness to the Rapid Changes in the Standardization Industry � Saudi Arabia 2015-01-06
[ 26 ]
Proposal of a Generalized Structure for ITU-T Regional Groups � Tunisie T�l�com 2015-01-06
[ 25 ]
Proposals for consideration by ITU RevCom � Office of Communications - Ofcom , United Kingdom 2015-01-06
[ 24 ]
Proposal to set up a concrete Future Work Plan for RevCom towards WTSA-2016 � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) 2015-01-06
[ 23 ]
Proposal of a new strategy management group for ITU-T: Technical Standard Strategy Team � Japan 2015-01-05
Documents affich�s : 5 sur un total de 6� relatifs � cette r�union (en voir plus...)

Documents Temporaires��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source Date
[ 154-GEN ]
Draft Report of the RevCom meeting held in Tunis, 19 to 21 January 2015 � Chairman, ITU-T RevCom 2015-02-05
[ 153-GEN ]
Opening address of TSB Director at RevCom Meeting, 19 January 2015 � TSB Director 2015-01-30
[ 152-GEN ]
Opening address of the Advisor to the Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and ICT, in charge of International Cooperation at RevCom Meeting, 19 January 2015 � TSB 2015-01-30
[ 151-GEN ]
Opening address of Tunisie Telecom CEO at RevCom Meeting, 19 January 2015 � TSB 2015-01-28
[ 150-GEN ]
Final list of participants, ITU-T Review Committee meeting (Tunis, 19-21 January 2015) � TSB 2015-01-27
Documents affich�s : 5 sur un total de 45� relatifs � cette r�union (en voir plus...)

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