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UIT-T�SG06� ALL�(2007-05-14)�


Installations ext�rieures et installations int�rieures connexes

P�riode d'�tudes 2005

R�union� du 2007-05-14 au 2007-05-18

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Lettres Collectives��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 4 ]
R�union de la Commission d'�tudes 6, Gen�ve, 14 - 18 mai 2007 � SG 6 2007-03-12

Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 42 ]
Proposal for a draft new ITU-T Recommendation for optical pre-cabling systems in buildings � France Telecom Q2/6, Q8/6 2007-05-04
[ 41 ]
Updated proposal for a draft new ITU-T Recommendation L.cobroa "Design, construction, and installation of new copper networks for broadband access including copper networks connected to optical fiber networks" � Republic of Korea Q5/6 2007-05-07
[ 40 ]
Proposal for development of a new Recommendation L.mct "Maintenance of cable tunnels" � KT (Korea Telecom) Q2/6 2007-05-04
[ 39 ]
Proposed draft for new ITU-T L.35 Appendix II "KT experience with the installation of inner ducts for optical fibre cables" � KT (Korea Telecom) Q2/6 2007-05-04
[ 38 ]
Proposed initial draft for new ITU-T Recommendation L.iirud "Improved methods for installing, inspecting and repairing underground ducts" � KT (Korea Telecom) Q2/6 2007-05-04
Documents affich�s : 5 sur un total de 13� relatifs � cette r�union (en voir plus...)

Documents Temporaires��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 261-GEN ]
LS to JCA-HN on a technical Session on fibre to the home and nomination of a representative � Chairman SG 6 QALL/6 2007-05-18
[ 260-GEN ]
Reply LS to TSAG on creation of ITU-T SG Restructuring Correspondence Group and request for inputs (TSAG-LS 23) � Chairman SG 6 QALL/6 2007-05-17
[ 259-GEN ]
Reply LS to TSAG on ITU-T activities on bridging the standardization gap (TSAG-LS 20) � Chairman SG 6 QALL/6 2007-05-17
[ 258-GEN ]
Draft WP 2/6 Report (Application of products) � Chairman WP 2/6 Q9/6, Q8/6, Q7/6, Q6/6, Q5/6 2007-05-18
[ 257-GEN ]
Draft WP 1/6 Report (Infrastructures and Environment) � Chairman WP 1/6 Q4/6, Q3/6, Q2/6, Q1/6 2007-05-17
Documents affich�s : 5 sur un total de 84� relatifs � cette r�union (en voir plus...)

Rapports��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 4 ]
Report of the fourth meeting of Study Group 6 "Outside plant and related indoor installations" (Geneva, 14-18 May 2007) � SG 6 Q9/6, Q8/6, Q7/6, Q6/6, Q5/6, Q4/6, Q3/6, Q2/6, Q1/6 2007-06-06

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