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UIT-T�SG 13� ALL�(2011-10-10)�


Redes futuras, incluidas las redes m�viles y las de la pr�xima generaci�n

Periodo de estudios 2009

Reuni�n� del 2011-10-10 al 2011-10-21

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Cartas Colectivas��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 9 ]
Reuni�n de la Comisi�n de Estudio 13, Ginebra, 10 a 21 de octubre de 2011 � SG 13 2011-06-21

Contribuciones��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 1185 ]
How to implement IMS network in DRC � Congo (Rep. of the) Q15/13 2011-10-04
[ 1184 ]
Proposal for Entity Protocol Flow of Y.NGN-OOF, Framework for NGN Support and Use of OpenID and OAuth � China Telecommunications Corporation Q16/13 2011-10-03
[ 1183 ]
Editorial modification proposal for Y.NGN-OOF, Framework for NGN Support and Use of OpenID and OAuth � China Telecommunications Corporation Q16/13 2011-10-03
[ 1182 ]
Proposed Initiation of New Work Item for Requirements and Architectural Framework for Auto Manageable Future Networks and Services (Y.amnsa) � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q21/13 2011-10-03
[ 1181 ]
Proposed Initiation of New Work Item for Requirements and Architectural Framework for Auto Manageable Future Networks and Services (Y.amnsa) (2) � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q21/13 2011-10-03
Documentos presentados : 5 de un total de 257� relacionaron a este reuni�n (vea m�s...)

Documentos Temporales��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 253-GEN ]
LS on Open GeoSMS Encoding Standard � Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) QALL/13 2011-10-20
[ 252-GEN ]
Report of joint session between Q.3, 12 and 21/13 � Rapporteurs Q3/13, Q21/13, Q12/13 2011-10-20
[ 251-GEN ]
Report of joint session between Q.12 and 21/13 � Rapporteurs Q21/13, Q12/13 2011-10-20
[ 250-GEN ]
LS to JCA-IoT on ongoing draft Recommendations related to the Internet of Things � Rapporteurs Q3/13, Q25/13, Q12/13 2011-10-20
[ 249-GEN ]
Draft Agenda for the Ad-Hoc discussion on Next Study Period (NSP) � SG 13 Vice Chairman QALL/13 2011-10-10
Documentos presentados : 5 de un total de 264� relacionaron a este reuni�n (vea m�s...)

Informe��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 40 ]
Report of Working Party 5/13 (Future Networks) � ITU-T WP 5/13 (Geneva, 10-21 October 2011) Q7/13, Q21/13, Q20/13, Q19/13 2012-01-16
[ 39 ]
Report of Working Party 4/13 (QoS and Security) � ITU-T WP 4/13 (Geneva, 10-21 October 2011) Q4/13, Q17/13, Q16/13 2012-01-11
[ 38 ]
Report of Working Party 3/13 (Frameworks and functional architectures) � ITU-T WP 3/13 (Geneva, 10-21 October 2011) Q9/13, Q5/13, Q22/13 2011-12-19
[ 37 ]
Report of Working Party 2/13 (Service requirements, scenarios and evolution aspects) � ITU-T WP 2/13 (Geneva, 10-21 October 2011) Q3/13, Q24/13, Q12/13 2011-12-13
[ 36 ]
Report of Working Party 1/13 (Coordination, Planning and Global Outreach of NGN including Mobile) � ITU-T WP 1/13 (Geneva, 10-21 October 2011) Q25/13, Q15/13, Q10/13 2011-12-07
Documentos presentados : 5 de un total de 6� relacionaron a este reuni�n (vea m�s...)

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