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UIT-T�SG09� C�(2024-05-09)�


Broadband cable and TV

P�riode d'�tudes 2022

R�union� du 2024-05-09 au 2024-05-17

Lieu : E-Meeting

Autres r�unions : 2024-09-022023-11-142023-05-092022-09-06

Resultats:20 documents
Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 131 ]
Editorial comments and clarifications on Draft revised Recommendation ITU-T Rec. J.298 "Requirements and technical specifications of a cable TV hybrid set-top box compatible with terrestrial and satellite TV transport" � KDDI Corporation (Japan) Q6/9 2024-04-26
[ 130 ]
Draft Recommendation J.cloud-ow "Requirements of E2E Network Platform for Cloud-based Object Wave Transmissions" � KDDI Corporation (Japan) Q9/9 2024-04-26
[ 129 ]
Proposal to Consent the revised J.298 as found in J.298 mature for consent as found in SG9-TD644 � United States Q6/9 2024-04-25
[ 128 ]
Proposal for AAP consent - draft new recommendation ITU-T J.cloud-game-req "General Technical Requirements for Cloud Gaming Service Platforms" � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. (China) , Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) Q9/9 2024-04-25
[ 127 ]
Proposal for consent of new Recommendation ITU-T J.acc-us-prof "Requirements for the specific semantics of a Common User Profile used to personalize audiovisual media" � Indian Institute of Science Q11/9 2024-04-25
[ 126 ]
Proposed baseline text for the proposed new ITU-T Recommendation J.CLE-ARVR "Terminology, Metrics and Functional requirements for Cognitive Load Estimation for Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR/VR) services" � Indian Institute of Science , Ministry of Communications (India) Q11/9 2024-04-25
[ 125 ]
Proposed A.1 justification for a new ITU-T Recommendation J.CLE-ARVR "Terminology, Metrics and Functional requirements for Cognitive Load Estimation for Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR/VR) services" � Indian Institute of Science , Ministry of Communications (India) Q11/9 2024-04-25
[ 124 ]
Consent - Draft revised Recommendation ITU-T Rec. J.298 "Requirements and technical specifications of a cable TV hybrid set-top box compatible with terrestrial and satellite TV transport" � Ministry of Communications (India) Q6/9 2024-04-25
[ 123 ]
Proposed updation of the baseline text for the proposed new ITU-T Recommendation J.STB-UHDVR "Functional requirements for cable Set-top Box supporting Ultra-High-Definition video and Virtual Reality services." � ITU-APT Foundation of India (IAFI) , Ministry of Communications (India) Q6/9 2024-04-25
[ 122 ]
Proposed baseline text for the proposed new ITU-T Recommendation J.SMS-REQ "Factual subscriber-base reporting and protected content delivery in conditional access system - Requirements for Subscriber Management System" � Ministry of Communications (India) Q2/9 2024-04-25
[ 121 ]
Proposed A.1 justification for a new ITU-T Recommendation J.SMS-REQ "Factual subscriber-base reporting and protected content delivery in conditional access system - Requirements for Subscriber Management System" � Ministry of Communications (India) Q2/9 2024-04-25
[ 120 ]
Proposed baseline text for the proposed new ITU-T Recommendation J.WiFi-TV "Functional Requirements for secondary distribution of digital television and audiovisual content to portable devices using the wireless local area network" � Centre for Development of Telematics (India) , Ministry of Communications (India) Q1/9 2024-04-25
[ 119 ]
Proposed A.1 justification for a new ITU-T Recommendation J.WiFi-TV "Functional Requirements for secondary distribution of digital television and audiovisual content to portable devices using the wireless local area network" � Centre for Development of Telematics (India) , Ministry of Communications (India) Q1/9 2024-04-25
[ 118 ]
Proposal for updating and considering for agreement - Draft new ITU-T Technical Report J.TR.WiFi-TV "Secondary distribution of digital television and audiovisual content to portable devices using the wireless local area network" � Centre for Development of Telematics (India) , Ministry of Communications (India) Q1/9 2024-04-25
[ 117 ]
Proposal to establish a new work item "Requirements of digital rights management for video and audio content distribution" � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. (China) , Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) Q2/9 2024-04-24
[ 116 ]
Proposal to establish a new work item on the conformity test of smart TV operating system � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. (China) , Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) Q5/9 2024-04-24
[ 115 ]
Proposal of a revised baseline text for J. cable rf-to-ip � Japan Cable Laboratories Q1/9 2024-04-24
[ 114 ]
Proposal for consent - Recommendation ITU-T J.cable-5G-arch "System architecture for cable television services to use IMT-2020 radio system" � Japan Cable Laboratories Q4/9, Q1/9 2024-04-24
[ 113 ]
Proposal to update the baseline text - draft new ITU-T Recommendation J.STB-UHDVR "Functional requirements for cable Set-top Box supporting Ultra-High-Definition video and Virtual Reality services." � Shenzhen Skyworth Digital Technology Co. Ltd. (China) Q6/9 2024-04-23
[ 112 ]
Proposal for AAP consent - draft new recommendation ITU-T J.STB-AV "Requirements and functional specification of Audio and Video interface on cable set-top box" � Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) , Shenzhen Skyworth Digital Technology Co. Ltd. (China) Q6/9 2024-04-23
Resultats:20 documents
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