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P�gina principal : UIT-T : TSAG : Reuni�n�2021-01-11�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�TSAG� TD-GEN�(2021-01-11)�


ITU-T Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group

Periodo de estudios 2017

Reuni�n� del 2021-01-11 al 2021-01-18

Lugar : E-Meeting

Otras reuniones : 2022-01-102021-10-25� [ 2021-01-11 ]� 2020-09-212020-02-102019-09-232018-12-102018-02-262017-05-01

Resultados :103 documentos
Resultados :� 1 - 2 - 3 �-�Siguiente Next
Documentos Temporales �(GEN)

T�tulo Origen Fecha
[ 1016 ]
Situation of proposals for WTSA Resolutions to be considered at TSAG plenary level � Chairman, TSAG 2021-01-17
[ 1015 ]
Current and next Study Period designation � TSB 2021-01-15
[ 1014 ]
Enhancing accessibility awareness in the ITU � Chairman, TSAG 2020-11-11
[ 1013 ]
Draft Terms of Reference of the correspondence activity on SG restructuring � Rapporteur, TSAG RG-WP 2021-01-15
[ 1012 ]
LS/o on use of inclusive language in ITU-T standards and ITU-T publications [from TSAG] � TSAG 2021-01-14
[ 1011 ]
LS/o on collaboration between IETF, IRTF and ITU-T [from TSAG] � TSAG 2021-01-13
[ 1010 ]
IRM: Final list of participants (Virtual, 8 January 2021) � TSB 2021-01-09
[ 1009 ]
IRM: Note to be read by the chairperson at the start of the meeting � Chairman, IRM 2021-01-05
[ 1008 ]
IRM: Extract of the online contact sheet with the regional focal points and coordinators for WTSA-20 � TSB 2021-01-04
[ 1007 ]
IRM: Collection of activities of the regional organizations in their preparation of WTSA-20 with a mapping onto the WTSA Resolutions and ITU-T A-Series Recommendations to TSAG Rapporteur groups � Rapporteur, TSAG RG-ResReview 2021-01-04
[ 1006 ]
IRM: Status of TSAG Rapporteur Group "Strategic Operational Plan" (RG-SOP) as of 8 January 2021 � Rapporteur, TSAG RG SOP 2021-01-04
[ 1005 ]
IRM: Status of TSAG RG Working Methods (RG WM) as of 8 January 2021 � Rapporteur, TSAG RG-WM 2021-01-04
[ 1004 ]
IRM: Status of TSAG RG Strengthening Collaboration (RG-SC) as of 8 January 2021 � Rapporteur, TSAG RG-SC 2021-01-04
[ 1003 ]
IRM: Status of TSAG RG Standardization Strategy (RG-StdsStrat) as of 8 January 2021 � Rapporteur, TSAG RG-StdsStrat 2021-01-04
[ 1002 ]
IRM: Status of TSAG RG Review of Resolutions (RG-ResReview) as of 8 January 2021 � Rapporteur, TSAG RG-ResReview 2021-01-03
[ 1001 ]
IRM: Status of TSAG RG Work Programme and Structure (RG WP) as of 8 January 2021 � Rapporteur, TSAG RG WP 2020-11-11
[ 1000 ]
IRM: draft agenda for the interregional meeting for preparation of WTSA-20 (virtual, 8 January 2021; 12:30-15:30 hours Geneva time) � Chairman, IRM 2020-11-11
[ 999 ]
LS/o on ISO/IEC JTC 1 Resolution 2 on the Establishment of JTC 1 Advisory Group 18 (AG 18) on JTC 1 Vocabulary [from TSAG] � TSAG 2021-01-13
[ 998 ]
LS/o on effective coordination among IEC, ISO, and ITU-T technical standardization activities [from TSAG] � TSAG 2021-01-13
[ 997 ]
Draft submission and maintenance process for oneM2M specifications incorporated as ITU-T Recommendations � Rec. ITU-T A.25 editor 2021-01-13
[ 996 ]
TSAG RG-WM RGM 2020 output - Draft revised Recommendation ITU-T A.1 � Rapporteur, TSAG RG-WM 2021-01-07
[ 995 ]
Consolidation of SG restructuring proposals � Rapporteur, TSAG RG-WP 2021-01-06
[ 994 ]
IRM and TSAG: Planning of WTSA and WTDC Regional Preparatory Meetings � Director, TSB 2021-01-07
[ 993 ]
Consolidated draft text for modifications to WTSA Resolution 2 � TSB 2021-01-06
[ 992 ]
Status of TSAG metrics implementation � TSB 2021-01-04
[ 991 ]
Note to be read by the chairperson at the start of the meeting � Chairman, TSAG 2021-01-05
[ 990 ]
IETF Liaison report � ITU-T/IETF Liaison Rapporteur 2020-12-24
[ 989 ]
LS on status of ITU-T SG11 discussion on new Questions O/11 and P/11 [from ITU-T SG11] � ITU-T SG11 2020-12-22
[ 988 ]
LS on Establishment of new Focus Group on Autonomous Networks [from ITU-T SG13] � ITU-T SG13 2020-12-21
[ 987 ]
LS on Use of Inclusive Language in 3GPP specifications [from 3GPP TSG SA] � 3GPP TSG SA 2020-12-17
[ 986 ]
LS on updated action plans for implementation of WTSA-16 Resolutions 72 and 73 (Rev. Hammamet, 2016) and Resolution 79 (Dubai, 2012) (human exposure to EMF, environment and climate change, and e-waste) [from ITU-T SG5] � ITU-T SG5 2020-12-15
[ 985 ]
LS on the action plan for implementation of the WTSA Resolution 78 (Rev. Hammamet, 2016) and Resolution 98 (Hammamet, 2016) (ICTs for e-health services; IoT and smart cities and communities for global development) [from ITU-T SG20] � ITU-T SG20 2020-12-14
[ 984 ]
WSC update � Director, TSB 2021-01-06
[ 983 ]
ITU-T SG20: Proposed set of Questions � Chairman, ITU-T SG20 2020-12-15
[ 982 ]
ITU-T SG17: Proposed set of Questions � Chairman, ITU-T SG17 2020-12-07
[ 981 ]
ITU-T SG16: Proposed set of Questions � Chairman, ITU-T SG16 2020-12-04
[ 980 ]
ITU-T SG15: Proposed set of Questions � Chairman, ITU-T SG15 2020-12-07
[ 979 ]
ITU-T SG13: Proposed set of Questions � Chairman, ITU-T SG13 2021-01-04
[ 978 ]
ITU-T SG12: Proposed set of Questions � Chairman, ITU-T SG12 2020-12-04
[ 977 ]
ITU-T SG11: Proposed set of Questions � Chairman, ITU-T SG11 2020-12-07
[ 976 ]
ITU-T SG9: Proposed set of Questions � Chairman, ITU-T SG9 2020-12-07
[ 975 ]
ITU-T SG5: Proposed set of Questions � Acting chairman, ITU-T SG5 2020-12-17
[ 974 ]
ITU-T SG3: Proposed set of Questions � Chairman, ITU-T SG3 2020-12-07
[ 973 ]
ITU-T SG2: Proposed set of Questions � Chairman, ITU-T SG2 2020-12-05
[ 972 ]
List of TDs of the seventh TSAG meeting � TSB 2020-11-11
[ 971 ]
Summary of contributions to the seventh TSAG meeting � TSB 2020-11-11
[ 970 ]
List of incoming and outgoing liaison statements � TSB 2020-11-11
[ 969 ]
ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies - free, fast, for all � Director, TSB 2020-11-11
[ 968 ]
Evaluation of Kaleidoscope 2020 papers with respect to relevance in ITU activities � Director, TSB 2020-11-11
[ 967 ]
Opening address at TSAG Meeting, 11 January 2021 � Director, TSB 2020-11-11
Resultados :103 documentos
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