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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : TSAG : R�union�2017-05-01�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�TSAG� TD-GEN�(2017-05-01)�


ITU-T Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group

P�riode d'�tudes 2017

R�union� du 2017-05-01 au 2017-05-04

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2022-01-102021-10-252021-01-112020-09-212020-02-102019-09-232018-12-102018-02-26� [ 2017-05-01 ]�

Resultats:122 documents
R�sultats :� 1 - 2 - 3 �-�Suivant Next
Documents Temporaires �(GEN) ��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 122 ]
(draft) Report of the first TSAG meeting held in Geneva, 1-4 May 2017 �
The final report has been published as R-1.
Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group N/A 2017-05-15
[ 121 ]
LS/o on Increasing Developing Countries' Responses to Questionnaires � TSAG N/A 2017-05-05
[ 120 ]
Agenda, document allocation and work plan (Geneva, 1-4 May 2017) � TSAG Management Team N/A 2017-04-28
[ 119 ]
Agenda for the TSAG closing plenary, 4 May 2017 � TSAG Management Team N/A 2017-05-04
[ 118 ]
Draft LS/o on List of collaboration mechanisms in ITU-T � Chairman, TSAG N/A 2017-05-04
[ 117 ]
Draft LS/o on Open Source � Chairman, TSAG N/A 2017-05-03
[ 116 ]
Proposal for creation of a new Focus Group on Application of Distributed Ledger Technology (FG DLT) � Rapporteur, RG-StdsStrat N/A 2017-05-03
[ 115 ]
Proposal for creation of a new Focus Group on Network Infrastructure for Digital Fiat Currency � Rapporteur, RG-StdsStrat N/A 2017-05-02
[ 114 ]
Living List on issues regarding Strengthening Collaboration � Rapporteur, TSAG Rapporteur Group "Strengthening C N/A 2017-05-02
[ 113 ]
Draft LS/o on the IAB statement on IPv6 � TSAG N/A 2017-05-02
[ 112 ]
Draft LS/o to ISO/IEC JTC 1 on cooperation � Chairman, TSAG N/A 2017-05-03
[ 111 ]
Statistics regarding ITU-T Study Group work (position of 2017-05-01) � TSB N/A 2017-05-01
[ 110 ]
Report on Lead SG activities for ITU-T SG16 � Chairman, ITU-T SG16 N/A 2017-05-01
[ 109 ]
LS on Observations on LS on new Questions for ITU-T SG3 (reply to SG3-LS1) [from ITU-T SG12] � ITU-T SG12 N/A 2017-05-01
[ 108 ]
ITU Secretariat's Inter-Sectoral Coordination Task Force - Progress and results achieved since July 2016 � TSB N/A 2017-05-01
[ 107 ]
Recommendations of Standardization Strategy RG-StdsStrat panel �
Rapporteur, RG-StdsStrat N/A 2017-05-02
[ 106 ]
Report on Collaboration on ITS Communication Standards and ITS-related activities � Chairman, Collaboration on ITS Communication Standards N/A 2017-04-28
[ 105 ]
Schedule of ITU-T meetings April 2017 - December 2018 � Director, TSB N/A 2017-05-01
[ 104 ]
Draft LS/o on transfer of FG DFS (Focus Group Digital Financial Services) outputs to ITU-T Study Groups [to ITU-T SG2, SG3, SG12, SG16 and SG17] � TSAG N/A 2017-04-28
[ 103 ]
Smart ABC Programme at ITU Telecom World 2017 � Director, TSB N/A 2017-04-28
[ 102 ]
Draft LS/o on ITU inter-Sector coordination [to ISCT, TDAG, ITU-D SGs, RAG, ITU-R SGs, ITU-T SGs] � TSAG N/A 2017-04-28
[ 101 ]
Communiqu�s of the last three CTO group meetings � Director, TSB N/A 2017-04-28
[ 100 ]
Summary of the preparations of RG-StdsStrat panel and guidance to RG-StdsStrat � Rapporteur, RG-StdsStrat N/A 2017-04-30
[ 99 ]
Proposed TSAG Rapporteur Groups with terms of references and proposed Rapporteurs � Chairman, TSAG N/A 2017-04-28
[ 98 ]
Electronic working methods services and database applications report � Director, TSB N/A 2017-04-28
[ 97 ]
LS on ToR on Joint Coordination Activity on Internet of Things and Smart Cities and Communities (JCA IoT and SC&C) [from JCA- IoT and SC&C] � JCA- IoT and SC&C N/A 2017-04-28
[ 96 ]
LS on the new structure of ITU-T SG20 and revised set of Questions [from ITU-T SG20] � ITU-T SG20 N/A 2017-04-27
[ 95 ]
LS on Study Group 17 lead study group report on languages and description techniques [from ITU-T SG17] � ITU-T SG17 N/A 2017-04-27
[ 94 ]
LS on Study Group 17 lead study group report on identity management (IdM) [from ITU-T SG17] � ITU-T SG17 N/A 2017-04-27
[ 93 ]
LS on Study Group 17 lead study group report on security [from ITU-T SG17] � ITU-T SG17 N/A 2017-04-26
[ 92 ]
Recent meeting reports and modified terms of reference of JCA-AHF � ITU-T JCA-AHF N/A 2017-04-26
[ 91 ]
Call for voluntary contributions to the ITU Accessibility Fund � ITU-T JCA-AHF N/A 2017-04-26
[ 90 ]
Draft Budget of the Union for 2018-2019 and Preparation of the ITU Strategic and Financial Plans for 2020-2023 � Director, TSB N/A 2017-04-26
[ 89 ]
LS/r on revision of the Rapporteurs and editors manual [from ITU-T SG3] � ITU-T SG3 N/A 2017-04-25
[ 88 ]
ITU Journal: ICT Discoveries � Director, TSB N/A 2017-04-25
[ 87 ]
Draft report TSAG Rapporteur Group on Strategic and Operational Plan meeting, 3 May 2017 � Chairman, TSAG Rapporteur Group on Strategic and Operational Plan N/A 2017-05-04
[ 86 ]
Draft report TSAG Rapporteur Group "Strengthening Collaboration" meeting, 3 May 2017 � Rapporteur, TSAG Rapporteur Group "Strengthening Collaboration" N/A 2017-05-04
[ 85 ]
Draft Report TSAG Rapporteur Group on Working Methods (2/5/2017; 1430-1730) � Rapporteur, TSAG Rapporteur Group on Working Metho N/A 2017-05-03
[ 84 ]
Report of TSAG Rapporteur Group on Work Programme � Rapporteur, TSAG RG-WP N/A 2017-04-24
[ 83 ]
Draft report of the RG meeting on Standardization Strategy (RG-StdsStrat) � Rapporteur, RG-StdsStrat N/A 2017-05-03
[ 82 ]
Draft agenda RG-SOP � Rapporteur, RG-SOP N/A 2017-05-03
[ 81 ]
Draft agenda RG-SC "Strengthening Cooperation/Collaboration" meeting � Rapporteur, RG-SC N/A 2017-05-02
[ 80 ]
Agenda for TSAG Rapporteur Group on Working Methods � Rapporteur, TSAG Rapporteur Group on Working Methods N/A 2017-05-02
[ 79 ]
Draft agenda and documentation for the TSAG Rapporteur Group on Work Programme and structure (Geneva, 1-4 May 2017) � Rapporteur, TSAG RG WPR N/A 2017-05-01
[ 78 ]
Draft agenda RG-StdsStrat meeting � Rapporteur, RG-StdsStrat N/A 2017-04-28
[ 77 ]
Report of the 16th meeting of WSC (World Standards Cooperation) � Director, TSB N/A 2017-04-29
[ 76 ]
List of collaboration mechanisms in ITU-T: FGs, JCAs, GSIs and IRGs (as of 2017-04-30) � TSB N/A 2017-04-30
[ 75 ]
Final List of Participants (Geneva, 1-4 May 2017) � TSB N/A 2017-05-04
[ 74 ]
Provisional list of participants (Geneva, 1-4 May 2017) � TSB N/A 2017-04-28
[ 73 ]
TSB Director opening address at TSAG Meeting, 1 May 2017 � Director, TSB N/A 2017-05-01
Resultats:122 documents
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