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UIT-T�SG 11� ALL�(2021-12-01)�


Protocols and test specifications

P�riode d'�tudes 2017

R�union� du 2021-12-01 au 2021-12-10

Lieu : E-Meeting

Lettres Collectives��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 16 ]
R�union virtuelle de la Commission d'�tudes 11, 1er-10 d�cembre 2021 � ITU-T SG11 2021-07-17

Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 685 ]
Update of a baseline text of draft Technical Report TR-NCDP "Session-layer network coding protocol for multicast data transmission" � BELTELECOM (RUE) (Belarus) , PJSC �Rostelecom� (Russian Federation) , The Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications (Russian Federation) , Uzbekistan Q2/11 2021-11-18
[ 684 ]
Proposal to support the creation of the new Focus Group on "Testbeds Federations for 5G and Beyond" (FG-TBFxG) � Belarus , BELTELECOM (RUE) (Belarus) , Russian Federation , The Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications (Russian Federation) , Uzbekistan QALL/11 2021-11-18
[ 683 ]
Proposal to start a new work item Q.SE-M2M "Requirements for AI-based signalling architecture for increasing efficiency of Machine-to-Machine exchange" � BELTELECOM (RUE) (Belarus) , PJSC �Rostelecom� (Russian Federation) , The Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications (Russian Federation) , Uzbekistan Q2/11 2021-11-18
[ 682 ]
Proposal to start a new work item Q.TSRT_IoT "Test specifications for remote testing of Internet of Things using the probes" � BELTELECOM (RUE) (Belarus) , PJSC �Rostelecom� (Russian Federation) , The Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications (Russian Federation) , Uzbekistan Q12/11 2021-11-18
[ 681 ]
Proposal on updating SG11 mandate regarding co-location in-person meetings � Russian Federation QALL/11 2021-11-18
Documents affich�s : 5 sur un total de 67� relatifs � cette r�union (en voir plus...)

Documents Temporaires��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 1874-GEN ]
Takeaways of the ITU Workshop "Improving the security of signalling protocols", 29 November 2021 � TSB QALL/11 2021-12-10
[ 1873-GEN ]
LS/o/r on invitation to review "Big data and data handling standardization roadmap" and provide missing or updated information (SG13-LS211) [to ITU-T SG13] � ITU-T Study Group 11 QALL/11 2021-12-09
[ 1872-GEN ]
LS/o/r on Invitation to update the information in the IMT2020 roadmap (JCA-IMT2020-LS10) [to JCA-IMT2020] � ITU-T Study Group 11 QALL/11 2021-12-09
[ 1871-GEN ]
LS/o on new ITU-T SG11 terms and definitions (SG11 meeting, virtual, 1-10 December 2021) [to SCV, CCV] � ITU-T Study Group 11 QALL/11 2021-12-09
[ 1870-GEN ]
Output - draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.QKDN_profr "Quantum key distribution networks - Protocol framework" (virtual, 1-10 December 2021) � Editors Q2/11 2021-12-09
Documents affich�s : 5 sur un total de 224� relatifs � cette r�union (en voir plus...)

Rapports��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 54 ]
Report of the tenth meeting of Study Group 11 (virtual, 1-10 December 2021) - Working Party 4/11 � ITU-T Study Group 11 Q17/11, Q15/11 2021-07-17
[ 53 ]
Report of the tenth meeting of Study Group 11 (virtual, 1-10 December 2021) - Working Party 3/11 � ITU-T Study Group 11 Q16/11, Q14/11, Q13/11, Q12/11 2021-07-17
[ 52 ]
Report of the tenth meeting of Study Group 11 (virtual, 1-10 December 2021) - Working Party 2/11 � ITU-T Study Group 11 Q8/11, Q7/11, Q6/11 2021-07-16
[ 51 ]
Report of the tenth meeting of Study Group 11 (virtual, 1-10 December 2021) - Working Party 1/11 � ITU-T Study Group 11 Q5/11, Q4/11, Q3/11, Q2/11, Q1/11 2021-07-16
[ 50 ]
Report of the tenth meeting of Study Group 11 (virtual, 1-10 December 2021) - Plenary sessions � ITU-T Study Group 11 QALL/11 2021-07-16

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