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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG 5 : Reuni�n�2017-05-15�: Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG 5� C�(2017-05-15)�


Environment, climate change and circular economy

Periodo de estudios 2017

Reuni�n� del 2017-05-15 al 2017-05-24

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2021-11-302021-05-112020-10-192020-05-112019-09-162019-05-132018-09-112018-05-212018-03-052017-11-13

Resultados :77 documentos
Resultados :� 1 - 2 �-�Siguiente Next
Contribuciones��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 77 ]
Suggestions for new work on circular economy and resource efficiency in ITU-T � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. , Royal KPN N.V. Q7/5 2017-05-03
[ 76 ]
The power frequency magnetic field (PFMF) control of ICT equipment rooms and PFMF immunity requirement for ICT equipment for ITU-T K.idc � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Q1/5 2017-05-03
[ 75 ]
Characteristics of Metal Oxide Varistors (MOVs) for the protection of telecommunications installations � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Q2/5 2017-05-03
[ 74 ]
The lightning test proposal of the Ethernet port and errata in K.20, K.21 and K.45 � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Q2/5 2017-05-03
[ 73 ]
The lightning test proposal of the USB in K.20 and K.21 � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Q2/5 2017-05-03
[ 72 ]
Dangerous effects and protective measures against electromagnetic disturbances when internet data centre is co-sited with high-voltage substation � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Q1/5 2017-05-03
[ 71 ]
3-Electrode GDT operation in Ethernet circuits � Bourns Limited Q2/5 2017-05-02
[ 70 ]
Withdrawn due to duplication � N/A (no se aplica) � 2017-05-02
[ 69 ]
Withdrawn due to duplication � N/A (no se aplica) � 2017-05-02
[ 68 ]
Re-radiation influence � Ag�ncia Nacional de Telecomunica��es - ANATEL , Brazil Q3/5 2017-05-02
[ 67 ]
Mobile App "EMF Exposure" � Ag�ncia Nacional de Telecomunica��es - ANATEL Q3/5 2017-05-02
[ 66 ]
Study performed on a 2 degrees trajectory for the ICT sector � Nokia Corporation , Orange , Telefon AB - LM Ericsson Q9/5 2017-05-02
[ 65 ]
Proposal of creation of a database on GHG emissions � Orange , Nokia Corporation , Telefon AB - LM Ericsson Q9/5 2017-05-02
[ 64 ]
Appendix proposal for K.99 on GDT Component Form Factors � Bourns Limited Q2/5 2017-05-02
[ 63 ]
Assessment of Positive Environmental Impacts of ICT � Nokia Corporation , Orange , Telefon AB - LM Ericsson Q9/5 2017-05-02
[ 62 ]
Recommendation L.mmNFV - Measurement method for energy efficiency of Network Function Virtualization � Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni , Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Q6/5 2017-05-02
[ 61 ]
Proposed inputs for the draft of L. GSTNI: Renewable Energy Power Supply Systems - Self-Recharging Energy System � Ministry of Communications and Multimedia Malaysia Q6/5 2017-05-02
[ 60 ]
Member states status report on the deployment of green or environment friendly ICT project � Ministry of Communications and Multimedia Malaysia QALL/5 2017-05-02
[ 59 ]
Localised Weather Alert Service to Fishing Villages on Lake Victoria � Egypt Q8/5 2017-05-02
[ 58 ]
New Baseline Document for work item L.AF adaptation of the fisheries sector to the effects of climate change using ICTs � Egypt Q8/5 2017-05-02
[ 57 ]
Proposal new Work Item on a Sector-based methodology for the assessment of the environmental impact of ICT � Ministerio de Comunicaciones, Argentina Q9/5 2017-05-02
[ 56 ]
Creation of a Regional Group for Latin America on Environment, Climate Change and Circular Economy within ITU-T Study Group 5 � Argentina , Colombia , Paraguay , Uruguay QALL/5 2017-05-02
[ 55 ]
Review of K.20, K.21, K.44 and K.45 - Part 3 K.44 generators and test circuits � Bourns Limited Q2/5 2017-05-02
[ 54 ]
Review of K.20, K.21, K.44 and K.45 - Part 2 K.20, K.21 and K.45 Test tables columns 4 and 5 � Bourns Limited Q2/5 2017-05-02
[ 53 ]
New working item proposal on assessment specifications for sustainable design of mobile phone � Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), China Q9/5 2017-05-02
[ 52 ]
Proposed initial text for L.CC Risk (Framework of climate change risk assessment for telecommunication and electrical facilities) � Korea (Rep. of) Q8/5 2017-05-02
[ 51 ]
New work item proposal on smart energy solution for for telecom base station � Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), China Q6/5 2017-05-02
[ 50 ]
Proposed text for clause 6 in L.CC Risk (Framework of climate change risk assessment for telecommunication and electrical facilities) � Korea (Rep. of) Q8/5 2017-05-02
[ 49 ]
New work item proposal on smart energy solution for data centre and telecom centre � Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), China , China Unicom Q6/5 2017-05-02
[ 48 ]
Proposal for changing a Figure in Annex III of K.100 � Korea (Rep. of) Q3/5 2017-05-02
[ 47 ]
Proposal for adding a scientific paper in bibliography of K.100 � Korea (Rep. of) Q3/5 2017-05-02
[ 46 ]
Proposed content for draft ITU-T k.Bprac � GSMA Q3/5 2017-05-01
[ 45 ]
Proposal for addition of explanatory note to tables in K.70, Annex C � GSMA Q3/5 2017-05-01
[ 44 ]
The second draft of K.psp "Protection of small-size telecommunication installations with poor earthing conditions" � China Unicom Q1/5 2017-05-01
[ 43 ]
Study and proposal for the drafting of a new recommendation K.xxx - EMF issues arise from RBS site with joint construction and shared physical infrastructure. � China Telecommunications Corporation Q3/5 2017-04-30
[ 42 ]
The 1st draft of the new ITU-T Recommendation K.ipe "Electromagnetic compatibility requirements for Information Perception Equipments". � China Telecommunications Corporation Q4/5 2017-04-30
[ 41 ]
Recommendations for use to reduce exposure to electromagnetic waves. � Universidad Nacional de R�o Cuarto Q3/5 2017-04-29
[ 40 ]
Review of K.20, K.21, K.44 and K.45 - Part 1 K.20, K.21 and K.45 Test tables columns 1 through 3 � Bourns Limited Q2/5 2017-04-29
[ 39 ]
mKRISHI Fisheries': Mobile Application on using ICT in adapting to climate change effects in the fisheries sector � Egypt Q8/5 2017-04-29
[ 38 ]
Best Practices of the use of mobile devices for exposure reduction � ORANGE POLSKA S.A. Q3/5 2017-04-28
[ 37 ]
The second draft introduction for the ITU-T L.GAL2 - Interface for power management in NFV environments "Green Abstraction Layer 2" � Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni , Orange Q6/5 2017-04-28
[ 36 ]
A.1 justification for proposed draft new Recommendation L.SIBNode � Secretar�a de Estado para la Sociedad de la Informaci�n y la Agenda Digital, Spain Q9/5 2017-04-28
[ 35 ]
Sustainable and intelligent building services � Secretar�a de Estado para la Sociedad de la Informaci�n y la Agenda Digital, Spain Q9/5 2017-04-28
[ 34 ]
Document with information relevant to new Recommendation ITU-T K.BPrac � Orange , ORANGE POLSKA S.A. Q3/5 2017-04-28
[ 33 ]
Proposal of the revision of ITU-T Recommendation K.91 (05/2012) "Guidance for assessment, evaluation and monitoring of human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields" � ORANGE POLSKA S.A. Q3/5 2017-04-28
[ 32 ]
Proposed change on flowchart for K.44 to select resistibility level of equipment in customer premises being discussed � Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Q2/5 2017-04-28
[ 31 ]
Proposal of first draft "Supplement to K_soft_des Soft error measures for FPGA" � Fujitsu Limited , Hitachi, Ltd. , NEC Corporation , Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) , Oki Electric Industry Company Ltd. (OKI) , Xilinx Incorporation Q5/5 2017-04-28
[ 30 ]
Proposal for discussion on draft Recommendation L.net_infra_assessment � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Q6/5 2017-04-28
[ 29 ]
Impact assessment for energy services on multiple microgrids, new proposal study � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Q9/5 2017-04-28
[ 28 ]
Some useful information for K.psp. � China Telecommunications Corporation Q1/5 2017-04-28
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