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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG3RG-AO : R�union�2020-06-23�: Contributions� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG3RG-AO� C�(2020-06-23)�


SG3 Regional Group for Asia and Oceania

P�riode d'�tudes 2017

R�union� du 2020-06-23 au 2020-06-26

Lieu : E-Meeting

Autres r�unions : 2021-04-122019-10-022018-08-282017-10-24

Resultats:8 documents
Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 54 ]
Digital Convergence � Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) Q9/3 2020-06-12
[ 53 ]
Proposed edits to the C232 (SG3 2019) containing the policy framework and principles for data protection in the context of big data relating to international telecommunication services under work item D.princip_bigdata � India (Republic of) Q11/3 2020-06-11
[ 52 ]
Revised Text of Draft Question F/3 of TD239/PLEN to include IoT and M2M � India (Republic of) Q7/3 2020-06-11
[ 51 ]
Support for draft Recommendation ITU-T D.267 (D.DigId), "Policy framework including principles for digital identity infrastructure" � India (Republic of) Q11/3 2020-06-11
[ 50 ]
First Revised Text for D.InteropCompetition � India (Republic of) Q12/3 2020-06-11
[ 49 ]
Revised Text of Draft Question J/3 of TD239/PLEN to include Distributed Ledger Technology for Accounting/Settlement and Economic and Policy aspects of Distributed Ledger Technology � India (Republic of) QALL/3 2020-06-11
[ 48 ]
Accounting & Billing aspects in IoT ecosystem and integrated approach to IoT using Blockchain � India (Republic of) Q7/3, Q2/3 2020-06-11
[ 47 ]
MVNOs and 5G under the circumstances of developing network virtualization � Internet Initiative Japan Inc. Q3/3 2020-06-10
Resultats:8 documents
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