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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG3RG LAC : R�union�2016-06-16�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG3RG LAC� TD-PLEN�(2016-06-16)�


Study Group 3 Regional Group for Latin America

P�riode d'�tudes 2013

R�union� du 2016-06-16 au 2016-06-17

Lieu : Br�sil [Brasilia]

Autres r�unions : [ 2016-06-16 ]� 2015-04-222014-11-212014-03-132013-03-19

Resultats:33 documents
Documents Temporaires �(PLEN) ��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 133-PLEN ]
Anticipated Draft Report of SG3RG-LAC meeting held in Brasilia (Brazil) 16-17 June 2016 � SG3RG-LAC Chairman QALL/3 2016-06-21
[ 132-PLEN ]
SG3RG-LAC contributions highlights � SG3RG-LAC Chairman QALL/3 2016-06-21
[ 131-PLEN ]
List of Available Documents to SG3RG-LAC � SG3RG-LAC Chairman QALL/3 2016-06-16
[ 130-PLEN ]
Recommendation D.400r � SG3RG-LAC Chairman QALL/3 2016-06-14
[ 129-PLEN ]
Dates of Upcoming SG3 Meetings � TSB QALL/3 2016-06-07
[ 128-PLEN ]
Terms of reference for SG3 Rapporteur Group on Governance of Telecommunications Regulators � SG3RG-LAC Chairman Q3/3 2016-06-03
[ 127-PLEN ]
Proposed draft new Recommendation ITU-T Series D "Shared use of spectrum and telecommunication infrastructure as a regulatory method for lowering the telecommunication tariffs" � SG3RG-LAC Chairman Q3/3 2016-06-03
[ 126-PLEN ]
Report of the MFS Rapporteur Group E-Meeting � SG3RG-LAC Chairman Q2/3 2016-06-17
[ 125-PLEN ]
Proposed Merged draft for drafting Group Discussion on ITU-T Recommendation Costs, Charges and Competition for Mobile Financial Services � SG3RG-LAC Chairman Q2/3 2016-06-03
[ 124-PLEN ]
Summary of Fourth Meeting of Focus Group Digital Financial Services � SG3RG-LAC Chairman Q2/3 2016-06-03
[ 123-PLEN ]
Revised Terms of Reference for the ITU-T SG3 Rapporteur Group on the Economic and Competitiveness Aspects of Mobile Money Services � SG3RG-LAC Chairman Q2/3 2016-06-03
[ 122-PLEN ]
ITU International Mobile Roaming Cost Analysis Tool � TSB QALL/3 2016-06-01
[ 121-PLEN ]
NRA Technical Guide on International Mobile Roaming Cost Analysis � TSB QALL/3 2016-06-01
[ 120-PLEN ]
Revised ToR for Rapporteur Group on Relevant market definition and identification of operators with SMP � TSB Q10/3 2016-06-01
[ 119-PLEN ]
Base Text for an ITU-T Draft Recommendation on OTTs (SG3/29.02.2016) � SG3RG-LAC Chairman Q9/3 2016-06-01
[ 118-PLEN ]
Economic Impact of OTTs � TSB Q9/3 2016-06-15
[ 117-PLEN ]
Preparation for WTSA � SG3RG-LAC Chairman QALL/3 2016-06-01
[ 116-PLEN ]
Proposed list of questions for WTSA-16 � TSB QALL/3 2016-06-01
[ 115-PLEN ]
List of Work Items for ITU-T Study Group 3 � TSB QALL/3 2016-06-01
[ 114-PLEN ]
List of ITU-T SG3 rapporteurs � TSB QALL/3 2016-05-26
[ 113-PLEN ]
List of SG3RG-LAC Member States � SG3RG-LAC Chairman QALL/3 2016-05-26
[ 112-PLEN ]
Extract of WTSA-12 Resolution 2 : SG3 Mandates � TSB QALL/3 2016-05-26
[ 111-PLEN ]
WTSA-12 and WCIT-12: Significant items of relevance for the work of Study Group 3 � TSB QALL/3 2016-05-26
[ 110-PLEN ]
Proposal to ITU-T RevCom on a generalized structure for ITU-T Regional Groups � SG3RG-LAC Chairman QALL/3 2016-05-26
[ 109-PLEN ]
Determined Draft Recommendations in Study Group 3 meeting, Geneva, 22 February-1 March 2016. � SG3RG-LAC Chairman QALL/3 2016-05-26
[ 108-PLEN ]
Reports of the ITU-T Study Group 3 meeting, Geneva, 22 February-1 March 2016 � TSB QALL/3 2016-05-11
[ 107-PLEN ]
Report of SG3RG-LAC meeting held in Nassau (Bahamas) 22-24 April 2015 � SG3RG-LAC Chairman QALL/3 2016-05-11
[ 106-PLEN ]
Reports of recent ITU-T SG3 Regional Group meetings � TSB QALL/3 2016-05-11
[ 105-PLEN ]
E-learning course on Recommendation ITU-T A.1 : Working Methods of ITU-T Study Groups � TSB QALL/3 2016-05-11
[ 104-PLEN ]
Guidelines for the preparation of Contributions to ITU-T: Relevant ITU A-series Recommendation � TSB QALL/3 2016-05-11
[ 103-PLEN ]
General overview of ITU-T SG3 and its Regional Groups � TSB QALL/3 2016-05-11
[ 102-PLEN ]
List of participants � TSB QALL/3 2016-05-04
[ 101-PLEN ]
Draft agenda � SG3RG-LAC Chairman QALL/3 2016-05-04
Resultats:33 documents
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