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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG 13 : Reuni�n�2013-11-04�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG 13� TD-WP3�(2013-11-04)�


Redes futuras, incluida la computaci�n en nube, las redes m�viles y las de la pr�xima generaci�n (NGN)

Periodo de estudios 2013

Reuni�n� del 2013-11-04 al 2013-11-15

Lugar : Uganda [Kampala]

Otras reuniones : 2016-06-272016-04-292015-11-302015-07-232015-04-202014-11-212014-07-072014-02-28� [ 2013-11-04 ]� 2013-06-282013-02-18

Resultados :66 documentos
Resultados :� 1 - 2 �-�Siguiente Next
Documentos Temporales �(WP3) ��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 166-WP3 ]
New Draft Recommendation Y.FN-heteronet: Mechanism for interworking of heterogeneous component networks in future networks � Editor Q15/13 2013-11-14
[ 165-WP3 ]
Report of Question 15/13 "Data-aware networking in future networks" � Rapporteur Q15/13 2013-11-14
[ 164-WP3 ]
Draft recommendation Y.meg "Framework of Micro Energy Grid" � Editors Q11/13 2013-11-13
[ 163-WP3 ]
Reply to LS/i/r on Recommendation ITU-T Y.3022 � Rapporteur 2013-11-13
[ 162-WP3 ]
Initial Draft Recommendation Y.energyECN, Energy efficiency class of network equipment � Editors Q16/13 2013-11-13
[ 161-WP3 ]
Draft Recommendation Y.FNserv-uni � Editors Q16/13 2013-11-13
[ 160-WP3 ]
Proposed Changes in Draft Recommendation Y.FNsocioeconomic � Editors Q16/13 2013-11-13
[ 159-WP3 ]
Draft new Recommendation Y.3045 (Y.sun-cdf), Smart ubiquitous networks - Functional architecture of content delivery (for Consent) � Editors Q16/13 2013-11-13
[ 158-WP3 ]
Report of Question 16/13 "Environmental and socio-economic sustainability in future networks and early realization of FN" � Rapporteur Q16/13 2013-11-13
[ 157-WP3 ]
LS/o on Requirements and Architecture of the Home Energy Management System � Rapporteur Q11/13 2013-11-13
[ 156-WP3 ]
Living list of Q11/13 - Cloud-based Internet of Things � Rapporteur Q11/13 2013-11-13
[ 155-WP3 ]
Draft Recommendation Y.Social-device, Framework of the social device networking � Editors Q11/13 2013-11-13
[ 154-WP3 ]
Draft recommendation - Y.HEMS-arch, "Requirements and architecture of the home energy management system" � Editors Q11/13 2013-11-13
[ 153-WP3 ]
Draft Recommendation of Y.sfem-WoO "Service Framework of Web of Objects for Energy Management" � Editors Q11/13 2013-11-13
[ 152-WP3 ]
Draft Recommendation Y.StreamIntw, Framework of interworking for streaming services � Editors Q11/13 2013-11-13
[ 151-WP3 ]
Draft new Recommendation Y.2064 (Y.energy-hn) "Energy saving using smart objects in home networks" for consent � Editors Q11/13 2013-11-13
[ 150-WP3 ]
Report of Question 11/13 "Evolution of user-centric networking, services, and interworking with networks of the future including Software-Defined Networking" � Rapporteur Q11/13 2013-11-13
[ 148-WP3 ]
Initial version of proposed new draft Recommendation Y.SAME_Req � Editor Q14/13 2013-11-13
[ 147-WP3 ]
Updated draft of Y.FNsdn-fm "Requirements of formal specification and verification methods for software-defined networking" � Editors Q14/13 2013-11-13
[ 146-WP3 ]
Output text of Y.SDN-FR "Framework of SDN" � Editors Q14/13 2013-11-13
[ 145-WP3 ]
Output document - Recommendation Draft: Requirement of network virtualization for Future Networks (Y.FNvirtreq) � Editors Q14/13 2013-11-13
[ 144-WP3 ]
Outgoing liaison statements from Q.14/13 � Rapporteur Q14/13 2013-11-13
[ 143-WP3 ]
Draft Report of SDN Joint meeting (Entebbe, Uganda, 7 - 13 November 2013) � Rapporteurs Q2/13, Q14/3 2013-11-13
[ 142-WP3 ]
Report of Question 14/13 "Service-aware networking in future networks" � Rapporteur Q14/13 2013-11-13
[ 141-WP3 ]
Report of Question 13/13 "Requirements, mechanisms and frameworks for packet data network evolution" � Rapporteur Q13/13 2013-11-13
[ 140-WP3 ]
Report of Question 12/13 "Distributed Service Networking" � Rapporteur Q12/13 2013-11-13
[ 139-WP3 ]
Output version of Draft Recommendation Y.dsncdf, DSN Content Distribution Functions � Editors Q12/13 2013-11-13
[ 138-WP3 ]
Output of Draft Recommendation Y.dsnmmtel, MMTel over DSN (Q.12/13 meeting, Kampala, Uganda, 4-15 November 2013) � Editors Q12/13 2013-11-13
[ 137-WP3 ]
Draft Supplement Y.Supp-RN: Scenario and requirements of reconfigurable networking based on minimum network functions & network polymorphism in future packet based network � Editors Q13/13 2013-11-13
[ 136-WP3 ]
Draft recommendation Y.PTDN-OAM, OAM functions and mechanisms for Public packet Telecom Data Network (PTDN) � editors Q13/13 2013-11-13
[ 135-WP3 ]
Draft Recommendation Y.PTDN-M-Interface: M interface in Public packet Telecom Data Network (PTDN) � Editor Q13/13 2013-11-13
[ 134-WP3 ]
Draft Recommendation Y.PTDN-T-Interface: T interface in Public packet Telecom Data Network (PTDN) � Editors Q13/13 2013-11-13
[ 133-WP3 ]
Agenda for WP3/13 � Co-Chairman WP3/13 Q16/13, Q15/13, Q14/13, Q13/13, Q12/13, Q11/13 2013-11-12
[ 132-WP3 ]
Liaison Report from the TM Forum � Rapporteur Q19/13 2013-11-12
[ 131-WP3 ]
Draft Recommendation Y.FNid-config (Configurations of node identifiers and their mapping with locators in future networks) � Editor Q15/13 2013-11-08
[ 130-WP3 ]
Draft Recommendation Y.FNDAN (Framework of Data Aware Networking for Future Networks) � Editors Q15/13 2013-11-08
[ 129-WP3 ]
Question 12/13 agenda � Rapporteur Q12/13 2013-11-08
[ 128-WP3 ]
unassigned � n/a 2013-11-07
[ 127-WP3 ]
Unassigned � n/a 2013-11-07
[ 126-WP3 ]
ATIS TOPS Council Software-Defined Networking Focus Group Deliverable � Chairman, SG13 (on behalf of ATIS) Q14/13 2013-11-06
[ 125-WP3 ]
Draft agenda - Q15/13 "Data-aware networking in future networks" � Acting Rapporteur Q15/13 2013-11-05
[ 124-WP3 ]
Report of Question 14/13 "Service-aware networking in future networks" (September 2013) � Rapporteur Q14/13 2013-11-04
[ 123-WP3 ]
Draft agenda for Q11/13 � Rapporteur Q11/13 2013-11-05
[ 122-WP3 ]
Draft agenda for Q16/13 � Rapporteur Q16/13 2013-11-04
[ 121-WP3 ]
Draft Agenda of Q.13/13 � Rapporteur Q13/13 2013-10-30
[ 120-WP3 ]
LS/i on joint work with ETSI AFI on "Standardization of Network Resilience & Survivability, Recovery, and Autonomic Fault-Management in Evolving and Future Networks" [to ITU-T SG15; ITU-T SG 13] � ITU-T SG2 Q16/13, Q15/13, Q14/13 2013-10-30
[ 119-WP3 ]
LS/i on Updates from ETSI ISG AFI � ETSI ISG AFI Q14/13 2013-10-21
[ 118-WP3 ]
LS/i on smart grid security [to ITU-T SG13, SG15] � ITU-T Study Group 17 Q11/13 2013-10-18
[ 117-WP3 ]
Draft Supplement Y.SDN-usecases, "Use cases of Telecom SDN" � Editors Q14/13 2013-10-17
[ 116-WP3 ]
Updated draft of Y.FNsdn-fm "Requirements of formal specification and verification methods for software-defined networking" � Editor Q14/13 2013-10-17
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