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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG 12 : R�union�2013-12-03�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG 12� TD-GEN�(2013-12-03)�


Qualit� de fonctionnement, qualit� de service et qualit� d'exp�rience

P�riode d'�tudes 2013

R�union� du 2013-12-03 au 2013-12-12

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2016-10-202016-06-072016-01-122015-05-052014-12-122014-09-022014-03-25� [ 2013-12-03 ]� 2013-03-19

Resultats:178 documents
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Documents Temporaires �(GEN) ��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 366-GEN ]
Study Group 12 Closing Plenary presentation � Chairman, ITU-T Study Group 12 Qall/12 2014-02-03
[ 365-GEN ]
Presentation on "Culture of compliance: Pillars of Colombia's Monitoring and Control Model" � TSB QALL/12 2014-01-22
[ 364-GEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft revised P.381 � Rapporteur, Q3/12 Q3/12 2014-01-21
[ 363-GEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new E.804 (ex E.MQoS) � Editors, E.804 (ex. E.MQoS) Q12/12 2014-01-10
[ 362-GEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new G.1029 (ex G.VSDF) � Rapporteur, Q16/12 Q16/12 2014-01-08
[ 361-GEN ]
WP3/12 webinar presentation � Chairman, WP3/12 Q17/12, Q13/12, Q12/12, Q11/12 2013-12-16
[ 360-GEN ]
WP2/12 webinar presentation � Chairman, WP2/12 Q9/12, Q8/12, Q16/12, Q15/12, Q14/12 2013-12-16
[ 359-GEN ]
WP1/12 webinar presentation � Chairman, WP1/12 Q7/12, Q6/12, Q5/12, Q4/12, Q3/12, Q10/12 2013-12-16
[ 358-GEN ]
LS on End-to-End QoS at ITU � Rapporteur, Q11/12 Q11/12 2013-12-16
[ 357-GEN ]
Status Report of Question 1/12 � Rapporteurs, Question 1/12 Q1/12 2013-12-12
[ 356-GEN ]
Executive Summary of the Working Party 1/12 Meeting � Chairman, ITU-T SG12 Working Party 1 Q7/12, Q6/12, Q5/12, Q4/12, Q3/12, Q10/12 2013-12-12
[ 355-GEN ]
Executive Summary of the Working Party 2/12 Meeting � Chairman, ITU-T SG12 Working Party 2 Q9/12, Q8/12, Q16/12, Q15/12, Q14/12 2013-12-12
[ 354-GEN ]
Executive Summary of the Working Party 3/12 meeting � Chairman, ITU-T SG12 Working Party 3 Q17/12, Q13/12, Q12/12, Q11/12 2013-12-12
[ 353-GEN ]
LS on proposal to include P.381 as a candidate for C&I activity � ITU-T SG12 Q3/12 2013-12-11
[ 352-GEN ]
LS on candidate for C&I Testing: Draft New Rec. G.VoLTE [to ITU-T SG11, JCA-CIT, ETSI TC STQ, ETSI TC INT] � Rapporteur, Q11/12 Q11/12 2013-12-11
[ 351-GEN ]
LS/r on Telecommunication Management and OAM Project Plan [to ITU-T SG2] � ITU-T SG12 Q1/12 2013-12-11
[ 350-GEN ]
Status Report of BSG � Rapporteurs, Bridging the Standardization Gap Q1/12 2013-12-11
[ 349-GEN ]
Draft revised P.581 (for consent) � Rapporteur, Q5/12 Q5/12 2013-12-11
[ 348-GEN ]
Draft Agenda for closing ITU-T SG12 Plenary � Chairman, ITU-T SG12 QALL/12 2013-12-11
[ 347-GEN ]
Work plan of planned QSDG workshops in year 2014 � Chairperson, Quality of Service Development Group QSDG, Q1/12 2013-12-11
[ 346-GEN ]
LS/r on invitation to contribute to the cloud computing roadmap population [to JCA-Cloud] � ITU-T SG12 Q1/12 2013-12-11
[ 345-GEN ]
LS on supplement E.SUPPL.FTSO: "QoS/QoE Framework for the transition from network oriented to service oriented operations" � ITU-T SG12 QALL/12 2013-12-11
[ 344-GEN ]
Initial draft guidelines for the IRG-AVQA resulting from ITU-T SG9 and SG12 discussion � Alternate IRG-AVQA representative for ITU-T SG12 QALL/12 2013-12-11
[ 343-GEN ]
Update of P.381 version 2 � Rapporteur, Q3/12 Q3/12 2013-12-11
[ 342-GEN ]
Proposal to start a new work item P.MMIC in Q3/12 � Rapporteur, Q3/12 Q3/12 2013-12-11
[ 341-GEN ]
Call for Participation P.AMD - Objective Prediction of Sub-dimensions of Listening Quality � Rapporteur, Q9/12 Q9/12 2013-12-10
[ 340-GEN ]
Call for Participation P.SPELQ - Objective No-Reference Prediction of Listening Quality � Rapporteur, Q9/12 Q9/12 2013-12-10
[ 339-GEN ]
Call for Participation P.ONRA - Objective Noise Reduction Assessment � Rapporteur, Q9/12 Q9/12 2013-12-10
[ 338-GEN ]
LS/r on updates to the list of IoT-related Questions � Chairman, ITU-T Study Group 12 Q1/12 2013-12-10
[ 337-GEN ]
LS/r on nomination of ITU-T SG12 contact to JCA-PP10 Res178 � Chairman, ITU-T Study Group 12 Q1/12 2013-12-10
[ 336-GEN ]
LS/r on change of lower bound of frequency range allocated in the Radio Regulations by WRC-12 [to TSAG] � Chairman, ITU-T Study Group 12 Q1/12 2013-12-10
[ 335-GEN ]
LS/r on status of translation in ITU-T [to TSAG] � Chairman, ITU-T Study Group 12 Q1/12 2013-12-10
[ 334-GEN ]
Updated text for G.QRTP � Editor, G.QRTP Q13/12 2013-12-10
[ 333-GEN ]
Update of Rec. G.1010 � Rapporteur, Q13/12 Q13/12 2013-12-10
[ 332-GEN ]
Impact of codec overload point on acoustic levels � Rapporteur, Q11/12 Q11/12 2013-12-10
[ 331-GEN ]
LS/r on request to provide contacts � Chairman, ITU-T SG12 Q1/12 2013-12-10
[ 330-GEN ]
LS/r on appointment of ITU-T Study Group 12 Vocabulary Rapporteurs � Chairman, ITU-T SG12 Q1/12 2013-12-10
[ 329-GEN ]
LS/r on nomination of ITU-T SG12 contact to JCA-AHF � Chairman, ITU-T SG12 Q1/12 2013-12-10
[ 328-GEN ]
LS/r on nomination of ITU-T SG12 contact to JCA-CIT � Chairman, ITU-T SG12 Q1/12 2013-12-10
[ 327-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation for P.MULTI, a Subjective Quality Test Methodology using Multiple Rating Scales (for consent) � Rapporteurs, Q7/12 Q7/12 2013-12-10
[ 326-GEN ]
Draft New Rec G.102y: Buffer Models for Media Streams on TCP Transport � Rapporteur, Q17/12 Q17/12 2013-12-10
[ 325-GEN ]
ITU test event on "Performance assessment of vehicle-mounted mobile phones in conjunction with Hands-free Terminals according to Recommendations ITU-T P.1100 and ITU-T P.1110" � TSB Q4/12 2013-12-10
[ 324-GEN ]
Draft Appendices to P.1201.1 and P.1201.2 on diagnostic information (work item P.DNAMS) (for agreement) � Rapporteurs, Q14/12 Q14/12 2013-12-10
[ 323-GEN ]
Proposed title: The Framework towards the Service Operations Centre (SOC), the paradigm built on Service Quality Management (SQM) and Customer Experience Management (CEM) � QSDG Q12/12 2013-12-10
[ 322-GEN ]
Initial baseline text for G.Tandem-QoE � Rapporteur Q11/12 Q11/12 2013-12-09
[ 321-GEN ]
LS/i on audio levels [from 3GPP TSG SA WG4 to ETSI STQ] � Rapporteur Q11/12 Q11/12 2013-12-09
[ 320-GEN ]
A.1 Annex A: Proposed Recommendation on Buffer Models for Media Streams on TCP Transport � Rapporteur Q17/12 Q17/12 2013-12-09
[ 319-GEN ]
LS/o on working definition of the term "ICT" [to TDAG] � Chairman, Study Group 12 QALL/12 2013-12-09
[ 318-GEN ]
Draft new Appendix to Recommendation ITU-T P.505 (for agreement) � Rapporteur Q2/12 Q6/12, Q2/12 2013-12-09
[ 317-GEN ]
Updated text proposal for Draft Recommendation P.MULTI, a Subjective Quality Test Methodology using Multiple Rating Scales � Rapporteurs, Q7/12 Q7/12 2013-12-09
Resultats:178 documents
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