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ITU-T�SG 2� TD-GEN�(2015-03-18)�


Operational aspects of service provision and telecommunications management

Study Period 2013

Meeting� from 2015-03-18 to 2015-03-27

held in Switzerland [Geneva]

Other Meetings : 2017-03-29� 2016-09-142016-01-20� [ 2015-03-18 ]� 2014-05-282013-09-172013-01-22

Results:157 total items.
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Temporary Documents �(GEN) ��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 618-GEN ]
LS/o on dates of the next ITU-T Study Group 2 meeting [to TSAG] � Acting Co-Chairman SG2 QALL/2 2015-03-27
[ 617-GEN ]
LS/o on ITU-T study group responsibilities in WTSA Resolution 67 (Rev. Dubai, 2012) - Terms and Definitions harmonization [to all ITU-T SGs, SCV, CCV] � Rapporteur SCV QALL/2 2015-03-27
[ 616-GEN ]
LS/o/r on seeking input regarding Recommendations ITU-T A.4, A.5 and A.6 (reply to TSAG-LS007) [to TSAG] � Acting Co-Chair SG2 QALL/2 2015-03-27
[ 615-GEN ]
Proposed meeting report of Working Party 2/2 � Chairman WP2/2 Q7/2, Q6/2, Q5/2 2015-03-26
[ 614-GEN ]
Q4/2 Work Programme � Rapporteur Q4/2 Q4/2 2015-03-26
[ 613-GEN ]
LS/o on on-going work item of ITU-T Q4/2 on user interface for face-to-face speech translation considering human factors [to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC35, ITU-T SG16] � Rapporteur Q4/2 Q4/2 2015-03-26
[ 612-GEN ]
LS/o/r on comments and requests on proposed new work item on user interface for face-to-face speech translation human factor (reply to SG16 -LS99) [to ITU-T SG16] � Rapporteur Q4/2 Q4/2 2015-03-26
[ 611-GEN ]
LS/o/r on SNLP (reply to ASTAP-24/OUT-18) [to APT ASTAP, ITU-T SG16] � Rapporteur Q4/2 Q4/2 2015-03-26
[ 610-GEN ]
Progress report for Q4/2 � Rapporteur Q4/2 Q4/2 2015-03-26
[ 609-GEN ]
Recommendation ITU-T E.217 (latest draft) � Editor E.217 Q1/2 2015-03-26
[ 608-GEN ]
Report for Question 7/2 � Rapporteur Q7/2 Q7/2 2015-03-26
[ 607-GEN ]
Progress report for Question 3/2 � Rapporteur Q3/2 Q3/2 2015-03-26
[ 606-GEN ]
LS/o/r on progress of work on Telecom Finance (reply to SG3-LS031) [to ITU-T SG3] � Rapporteur Q3/2, Telecom Finance Convenor Q3/2 2015-03-26
[ 605-GEN ]
LS/o/r on progress of work on Telecom Finance (reply to DFS-LS-002) [to FG-DFS] � Rapporteur Q3/2, Telecom Finance Convenor Q3/2 2015-03-26
[ 604-GEN ]
Q3/2 Work Programme � Rapporteur Q3/2 Q3/2 2015-03-26
[ 603-GEN ]
Q1/2 Work Programme � Rapporteur Q1/2 Q1/2 2015-03-26
[ 602-GEN ]
E.FAST "User interface for face-to-face speech translation considering human factors": Updated draft (Geneva, 18-27 March 2015) � Editor E.FAST Q4/2 2015-03-26
[ 601-GEN ]
E.OKID "On-screen keyboards for ICT devices": Updated draft (Geneva, 18-27 March 2015) � Editors E.OKID Q4/2 2015-03-26
[ 600-GEN ]
Human Factors related standardization issues including other SDOs' activities � Associate Rapporteur Q4/2 Q4/2 2015-03-26
[ 599-GEN ]
Progress report for Q1/2 � Rapporteur Q1/2 Q1/2 2015-03-26
[ 598-GEN ]
LS/o/r to ITU-T SG3 on Draft Terms of reference on Joint Rapporteur's Group studying allocation and the Economic aspects of deploying IP addresses (reply to SG3-LS029) [to ITU-T SG3] � Vice-Chairman SG2 QALL/2 2015-03-26
[ 597-GEN ]
Report of Ad hoc meeting on restructuring of ITU-T SG2 and SG3 � Acting Co-Chairman SG2 QALL/2 2015-03-26
[ 596-GEN ]
LS/o on Progress on Maritime Communications Numbering Recommendations [to ITU-R WP5B] � Rapporteur Q1/2 Q1/2 2015-03-26
[ 595-GEN ]
LS/o on restructuring of ITU-T study groups [to ITU-T RevCom] � Acting Co-Chairman SG2 QALL/2 2015-03-26
[ 594-GEN ]
Proposed amendment to ITU-T M.3160 "Generic, protocol-neutral management information model" (revised text based on COM 2 - C83) � Editor M.3160-amd Q7/2 2015-03-26
[ 593-GEN ]
Amended Draft Recommendation E.RDR-MMS to be taken appropriate actions to the TAP [for Determination] � Correspondence Group Leader Q3/2 2015-03-26
[ 592-GEN ]
LS/o/r on status of methodology-related publications (reply to 3GPP-TSG-SA5-LS006 / S5-151389) [to 3GPP SA5 WG5] � Rapporteur Q7/2 Q7/2 2015-03-26
[ 591-GEN ]
LS/o on revision of ITU-T M.3170 series Recommendations (Multi-technology Network Management) � Rapporteur Q7/2 Q7/2 2015-03-26
[ 590-GEN ]
LS/o on progress status on the pilot project for ITU-T M.3170 series conformance testing [to ITU-T SG11, JCA-CIT] � Rapporteurs Q7/2 Q7/2 2015-03-26
[ 589-GEN ]
Draft Terms of Reference for a Correspondence Group on Numbering Management Requirements � Rapporteur Q1/2 Q1/2 2015-03-26
[ 588-GEN ]
LS/o/r on invitation concerning responsibility for X.160/X.170 series Recommendations (reply to SG17-LS142) [to ITU-T TSAG, SG17] � Chairman WP2/2 Q7/2 2015-03-26
[ 587-GEN ]
LS/o on Mobile Number Portability conformity testing against ITU-T Q.suppl.4 [to ITU-T SG11 and JCA-CIT] � Rapporteur Q1/2 Q1/2 2015-03-26
[ 586-GEN ]
Suggested changes to E.212 after March 2015 ITU-T SG2 meeting - based on TD405 and some parts of C-65, C-74 and C-80, plus based on discussions during the meeting � Editor E.212 Q1/2 2015-03-25
[ 585-GEN ]
A.1 justification for proposed draft new Recommendation ITU-T E.rdr-scbm � Editor E.rdr-scbm Q3/2, Q1/2 2015-03-25
[ 584-GEN ]
Report of Question 5/2 Meetings � Rapporteur Q5/2 Q5/2 2015-03-25
[ 583-GEN ]
LS/o on Telecommunication Management and OAM Project Plan [to all ITU-T SGs] � Rapporteur Q5/2 Q5/2 2015-03-25
[ 582-GEN ]
Telecommunications management and OAM project plan � Chairman WP2/2 Q5/2 2015-03-25
[ 581-GEN ]
LS/o/r on cooperation on energy management (reply to SG5-LS115) [to ITU-T SG5] � Rapporteur Q6/2 Q6/2 2015-03-25
[ 580-GEN ]
LS/o/r on Human Capital in OSS (reply to SG12-LS053) [to ITU-T SG12] � Rapporteur Q6/2 Q6/2 2015-03-25
[ 579-GEN ]
Agenda for Ad hoc meeting on restructuring of ITU-T SG2 and SG3 � Chairman Ad-hoc on ITU-T SG2 and SG3 restructuring QALL/2 2015-03-25
[ 578-GEN ]
Q6/2 meeting report � Rapporteur Q6/2 Q6/2 2015-03-25
[ 577-GEN ]
Amendment of draft text of 7.7 of the Draft Rec. E.RDR-MMS in COM2-C0081-E � Correspondence Group Leader Q3/2 2015-03-25
[ 576-GEN ]
Updates on SG2RG-EACO Activities � Chairman EACO WG07 QALL/2 2015-03-25
[ 575-GEN ]
Base document of draft new Recommendation E.rdr-scbm "Requirements for Safety Confirmation and Broadcast Message Service for Disaster Relief" � Editor E.rdr-scbm Q3/2, Q1/2 2015-03-25
[ 574-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T M.3170.4: Multi-technology network management - Conformance testing specification (for Consent) � Editors M.3170 series Q7/2 2015-03-25
[ 573-GEN ]
Proposed amendment to ITU-T Recommendation M.3170.3 "MTNM - CORBA IDL Solution Set (TMF814) with Implementation Statement Templates and Guidelines (TMF814A)" (for Consent) � Editors M.3170 series Q7/2 2015-03-25
[ 572-GEN ]
Proposed amendment to ITU-T Recommendation M.3170.2 "Multi-technology network management: Information agreement (TMF608)" (for Consent) � Editors M.3170 series Q7/2 2015-03-25
[ 571-GEN ]
Proposed amendment to ITU-T Recommendation M.3170.1 "Multi-technology network management: Business agreement (TMF513)" (for Consent) � Editors M.3170 series Q7/2 2015-03-25
[ 570-GEN ]
Proposed amendment to ITU-T Recommendation M.3170.0 "Multi-technology network management - Introduction and supporting documentation" (for Consent) � Editors M.3170 series Q7/2 2015-03-25
[ 569-GEN ]
Information from the Management Group of the MoU on e-business � Acting Co-Chairman SG2 QALL/2 2015-03-25
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