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ITU-T�SG 17� ALL�(2012-02-20)�



Study Period 2009

Meeting� from 2012-02-20 to 2012-03-02

held in Switzerland [Geneva]

Collective Letters��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 7 ]
+Corr.1 +Add.1
Meeting of Study Group 17, Geneva, 20 February-2 March 2012 � SG 17 2011-11-04

Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 658 ]
Proposed revised text for X.ccsec � China Q8/17 2012-02-08
[ 657 ]
Proposed revised text for clause 10 of X.gsiiso � China Q2/17 2012-02-08
[ 656 ]
Proposed revised text for clause 9 of X.gsiiso � China Q2/17 2012-02-08
[ 655 ]
Integrate user awareness for a successful cybersecurity � Dem. Rep. of the Congo QALL/17 2012-02-08
[ 654 ]
Proposed revised text for clause 8.3 of X.gsiiso � China Q2/17 2012-02-08
Currently viewing 5 of 111� documents related to this meeting (more...)

Temporary Documents��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 2864-PLEN ]
OLS - Liaison on revised Q8/17 text on cloud computing security � Chairman of SG 17 QALL/17 2012-03-13
[ 2863-PLEN ]
OLS - Liaison on identity management activities in ITU-T Study Group 17 � ITU-T SG 17 QALL/17 2012-03-12
[ 2862-PLEN ]
Disposition of the SG 13 Chairman's comments on TD 2781 Rev.1 � Ad hoc group convenor QALL/17 2012-03-02
[ 2861-PLEN ]
SG 13 comments/changes to: Revision of title and text of Q8/17 (ref: TD 2781 Rev.1) � SG 13 chairman QALL/17 2012-03-02
[ 2860-PLEN ]
Merging of Questions M, N and O/17 � SG 17 Vice Chairman, WP 3/17 Chairman QALL/17 2012-03-02
Currently viewing 5 of 512� documents related to this meeting (more...)

Reports��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 61 ]
Draft Recommendation Recommendation ITU-T X.1254 | International Standard ISO/IEC DIS 29115, Information technology - Security techniques - Entity authentication assurance framework � SG 17 Q10/17 2012-03-14
[ 60 ]
Report of Working Party 3/17, Identity Management and Languages � SG 17 (Geneva, 20 February-2 March 2012) Q15/17, Q14/17, Q13/17, Q12/17, Q11/17, Q10/17 2012-04-24
[ 59 ]
Report of Working Party 2/17, Application Security � SG 17 (Geneva, 20 February-2 March 2012) Q9/17, Q8/17, Q7/17, Q6/17 2012-04-24
[ 58 ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T X.1581 (X.ridt), Transport of real-time inter-network defense (RID) messages � SG 17 Q4/17 2012-03-14
[ 57 ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T X.1580 (X.rid), Real-time inter-network defense � SG 17 Q4/17 2012-03-14
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