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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG 16 : Reuni�n�2011-03-14�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG 16� TD-WP1�(2011-03-14)�


Codificaci�n, sistemas y aplicaciones multimedios

Periodo de estudios 2009

Reuni�n� del 2011-03-14 al 2011-03-25

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2012-04-302011-11-21� [ 2011-03-14 ]� 2010-07-192009-10-262009-07-102009-06-262009-01-27

Resultados :42 documentos
Documentos Temporales �(WP1) ��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 165-WP1 ]
Reply LS on Handling of Noise Reduction Devices � Rapporteurs Q16, Q18 Q18/16, Q16/16 2011-03-24
[ 164-WP1 ]
Reply LS from 3GPP TSG SA4 on Signalling Signal Processing Capabilities �
Withdrawn - Content of this TD already covered in TD 160/WP1.
Rapporteurs Q16, Q18/16 Q18/16, Q16/16 2011-03-24
[ 163-WP1 ]
Updated work programme for WP1/16 (Network signal processing and voiceband terminals) � Chairman WP1/16 Q18/16, Q16/16, Q15/16, Q14/16 2011-03-23
[ 162-WP1 ]
Draft Liaison Statements of WP 1/16 (Network signal processing and voiceband terminals) � Chairman WP1/16 Q18/16, Q16/16, Q15/16, Q14/16 2011-03-23
[ 161-WP1 ]
Report of Working Party 1/16 (Network signal processing and voiceband terminals) � Chairman WP1/16 Q18/16, Q16/16, Q15/16, Q14/16 2011-03-23
[ 160-WP1 ]
Reply LS to ITU-T SG 12 and 3GPP TSG SA4 on tandeming of voice quality enhancement devices in end to end connections and signalling signal processing capabilities � Rapporteur Q16/16, Q18/16 Q18/16, Q16/16 2011-03-22
[ 159-WP1 ]
V.152 Implementors' Guide (New): Input draft � Rapporteur Q14/16 Q14/16 2011-03-22
[ 158-WP1 ]
T.38 Implementors' Guide (New): Input draft � Rapporteur Q14/16 Q14/16 2011-03-22
[ 157-WP1 ]
Reply LS to ITU-T Q6/12 on "Speech Test Signals for use with G.160 Appendix II" (COM12-LS-96) � Rapporteur Q16/16 Q16/16 2011-03-18
[ 156-WP1 ]
Reply LS to ITU-T Q7/12 on Status of new recommendation P.ASPD "Subjective Performance of Active Signal Processing Devices" (COM12-LS-88) � Rapporteur Q16/16 Q16/16 2011-03-18
[ 155-WP1 ]
LS to ITU-T Q8/12 on the orientation of echo cancellers for conference bridge applications � Rapporteur Q16/16 Q16/16 2011-03-18
[ 154-WP1 ]
T.38: Consensus List � Rapporteur Q14/16 Q14/16 2011-03-16
[ 153-WP1 ]
Report of Question 18/16 "Interaction aspects of signal processing network equipment" � Rapporteur Q18/16 Q18/16 2011-03-16
[ 152-WP1 ]
Report of Question 16/16 "Speech enhancement functions in signal processing network equipment" � Rapporteur Q16/16 Q16/16 2011-03-16
[ 151-WP1 ]
Report of Question 15/16 "Voice gateway signal processing functions and circuit multiplication equipment / systems" � Rapporteur Q15/16 Q15/16 2011-03-16
[ 150-WP1 ]
Report of Question 14/16 "Voiceband modems and facsimile terminals protocols: specification, performance evaluation and interworking with NGN" � Rapporteur Q14/16 Q14/16 2011-03-16
[ 149-WP1 ]
V.152: Consensus List � Rapporteur Q14/16 Q14/16 2011-03-16
[ 148-WP1 ]
V.151 (ex V.ToIP): Consensus list � Rapporteur Q14/16 Q14/16 2011-03-16
[ 147-WP1 ]
V.150.x (V.MoIP): Issues list � Rapporteur Q14/16 Q14/16 2011-03-16
[ 146-WP1 ]
G.SPNE "Signal processing network equipment" (new): Updated draft V2.6 � Editor G.SPNE Q18/16 2011-03-14
[ 145-WP1 ]
G.799.2 V2 "Mechanism for dynamic coordination of signal processing functions" (Rev): Updated draft text � Rapporteur Q18/16 Q18/16 2011-03-11
[ 144-WP1 ]
G.799.2 (ex G.MDCSPNE): Living list � Rapporteur Q18/16 Q18/16 2011-03-11
[ 143-WP1 ]
G.161 "Interaction aspects of signal processing network equipment" (Rev): Updated draft 3.8 � Editor G.161 Q18/16 2011-03-11
[ 142-WP1 ]
G.161: Living list � Editor G.161 Q18/16 2011-03-11
[ 141-WP1 ]
G.169-ALE: input draft for ITU-T G.169 Annex B � Rapporteur Q16/16 Q16/16 2011-03-04
[ 140-WP1 ]
G.169 (V2): input draft � Rapporteur Q16/16 Q16/16 2011-03-04
[ 139-WP1 ]
G.168-EEC: input draft (New Annex E on embedded echo cancellers) � Rapporteur Q16/16 Q16/16 2011-03-04
[ 138-WP1 ]
ITU-T G.168 (V7): Living list � Rapporteur Q16/16 Q16/16 2011-03-04
[ 137-WP1 ]
G.168 "Digital network echo cancellers" (Rev): Updated draft � Editor G.168 Q16/16 2011-03-03
[ 136-WP1 ]
G.160 "Voice Enhancement Devices" (Rev) Updated draft � Editor G.160 Q16/16 2011-03-03
[ 135-WP1 ]
G.IP2IP "Signal processing functionality and performance of an IP-to-IP Voice Gateway, optimised for the transport of voice and voiceband data" (New): Current text (planned for Consent) � Rapporteur Q15/16 Q15/16 2011-03-03
[ 134-WP1 ]
G.IP2IP (New): Living List � Rapporteur Q15/16 Q15/16 2011-03-03
[ 133-WP1 ]
G.799.1/Y.1451.1 "Functionality and interface specifications for GSTN transport network equipment for interconnecting GSTN and IP networks" (Rev): Latest draft � Rapporteur Q15/16 Q15/16 2011-03-03
[ 132-WP1 ]
G.769/Y.1242 "Circuit multiplication equipment optimized for IP-based networks" (Rev): Initial draft for revised text � Rapporteur Q15/16 Q15/16 2011-03-03
[ 131-WP1 ]
Report of Q18/16 Rapporteurs Group meeting (Budapest, Hungary, 3-9 November 2010) � Rapporteur Q18/16 Q18/16 2010-11-10
[ 130-WP1 ]
Report of Q16/16 Rapporteurs Group meeting (Budapest, Hungary, 3-9 November 2010) � Rapporteur Q16/16 Q16/16 2010-11-10
[ 129-WP1 ]
Report of Q15/16 Rapporteurs Group meeting (Budapest, Hungary, 3-9 November 2010) � Rapporteur Q15/16 Q15/16 2010-11-10
[ 128-WP1 ]
Agenda and documentation for Q18/16 � Rapporteur Q18/16 Q18/16 2010-11-10
[ 127-WP1 ]
Agenda and documentation for Q16/16 � Rapporteur Q16/16 Q16/16 2010-11-10
[ 126-WP1 ]
Agenda and documentation for Q15/16 � Rapporteur Q15/16 Q15/16 2010-11-10
[ 125-WP1 ]
Agenda and documentation for Q14/16 � Rapporteur Q14/16 Q14/16 2010-11-10
[ 124-WP1 ]
Draft agenda and work plan for WP 1/16 (Geneva, 14 - 25 March 2011) � Chairman WP1/16 Q18/16, Q16/16, Q15/16, Q14/16 2010-11-10
Resultados :42 documentos
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