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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG 13 : R�union�2012-06-04�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG 13� TD-WP2�(2012-06-04)�


R�seaux futurs, y compris les r�seaux mobiles et les r�seaux de prochaine g�n�ration

P�riode d'�tudes 2009

R�union� du 2012-06-04 au 2012-06-15

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : [ 2012-06-04 ]� 2012-02-172012-02-062011-10-102011-05-202011-01-172010-09-162010-04-192010-01-292009-09-022009-05-222009-01-12

Resultats:53 documents
R�sultats :� 1 - 2 �-�Suivant Next
Documents Temporaires �(WP2) ��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 370-WP2 ]
n/a � n/a N/A 2012-06-14
[ 369-WP2 ]
Reply liaison statement to Q17/5 on draft Recommendation Y.energyMRM "Energy Measurement of Networks � Rapporteur Q12/13 2012-06-13
[ 368-WP2 ]
Living list of Q12/13 - Y.sms-woo (Smart Media Service Models and Scenarios using Web of Objects) � Rapporteur Q12/13 2012-06-13
[ 367-WP2 ]
Draft Recommendation Y.sun-cdf, Functional architecture of content delivery in smart ubiquitous network � Editor Q12/13 2012-06-13
[ 366-WP2 ]
Updated draft of Y.energyMRM � Editor Q12/13 2012-06-13
[ 365-WP2 ]
Draft Recommendation Y.sun-content, Framework of content awareness for smart ubiquitous networks � Editor Q12/13 2012-06-13
[ 364-WP2 ]
Draft recommendation Y.SUN-context, "Framework of context awareness for Smart Ubiquitous Networks" � Editor Q12/13 2012-06-13
[ 363-WP2 ]
Draft recommendation Y.energy-hn, "energy saving using smart objects in next generation home network" � Editor Q12/13 2012-06-13
[ 362-WP2 ]
The update of Draft Recommendation Y.ipev, Requirements for interworking between NGN and legacy IP-based networks � Editor Q12/13 2012-06-13
[ 361-WP2 ]
Recommendation Y.2063 (Y.WoT) - Framework of Web of Things � Editors Q12/13 2012-06-13
[ 360-WP2 ]
Recommendation Y.2024 (Y.NGN-Web) - Functional Requirements and Architecture of Web Service Component in NGN � Editors Q12/13 2012-06-13
[ 359-WP2 ]
Q.12/13 meeting report � Rapporteur Q12/13 2012-06-13
[ 358-WP2 ]
Q24/13 Report � Rapporteur Q24/13 2012-06-13
[ 357-WP2 ]
WP 2/13 Agenda � Chairman, WP 2/13 Q3/13, Q24/13, Q12/13 2012-06-13
[ 356-WP2 ]
LS on Information on Service Delivery Platform (SDP) standards roadmap update � Rapporteur Q3/13 2012-06-13
[ 355-WP2 ]
Q3 meeting report � Rapporteur Q3/13 2012-06-13
[ 354-WP2 ]
Information on the approval of Recommendation ITU-T Y.2061, "Requirements for support of machine oriented communication applications in the NGN environment" � Rapporteur Q3/13 2012-06-13
[ 353-WP2 ]
Liaison Response to ITU-T SG 9 on Mobile IPTV � Rapporteur Q3/13 2012-06-13
[ 352-WP2 ]
Draft Recommendation Y.miptv-req, Functional requirements of mobile IPTV � Editors Q3/13 2012-06-13
[ 351-WP2 ]
Baseline of draft Recommendation Y.NICE-reqts, "Requirements and capabilities for Network Intelligence Capability Enhancement (NICE)" � Editors Q3/13 2012-06-13
[ 350-WP2 ]
Updated version of Draft Recommendation Y.SCN � Editors Q3/13 2012-06-13
[ 349-WP2 ]
Recommendation ITU-T Y.2061 (Y.MOC-reqts) - Requirements for support of machine oriented communication applications in the NGN environment � Editor Q3/13 2012-06-13
[ 348-WP2 ]
Revised text of the new draft Recommendation "Service model and scenarios for Ubiquitous Plant Farming based on networks". � Editor Q24/13 2012-06-13
[ 347-WP2 ]
Y.nscreen-sc, Supplement on "N-Screen service scenarios" v0.3 � Editor Q24/13 2012-06-13
[ 346-WP2 ]
Liaison Statement to Q.14/5, Q.18/5, Q.23/5 on Y.gms, GHG monitoring services provided over an NGN. � Rapporteur Q24/13 2012-06-13
[ 345-WP2 ]
Revised text of the draft Supplement Y.gms (GHG monitoring services provided over an NGN) � Editors Q24/13 2012-06-13
[ 344-WP2 ]
Supplement 20 to Y.1900-series ( Y.miptv-scen) - Scenarios and use cases of mobile IPTV � Editor Q24/13 2012-06-13
[ 343-WP2 ]
Supplement 19 to Y.2200-series (Y.iras) - Information technology Risk analysis service over NGN. � Editors Q24/13 2012-06-13
[ 342-WP2 ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.2060 (ex Y.IoT-overview): Overview of Internet of Things � Editors Q3/13 2012-06-13
[ 341-WP2 ]
Draft agenda for Q12/13 � Rapporteur Q12/13 2012-06-04
[ 340-WP2 ]
Agenda of Q3/13 meeting � Rapporteur Q3/13 2012-06-04
[ 339-WP2 ]
Q.24/13 Draft Meeting Agenda � Rapporteur Q24/13 2012-06-01
[ 338-WP2 ]
Reply to COM 13 - LS 200 on Service Delivery Platform (SDP) standards roadmap � OMA Architecture Group Q3/13 2012-05-31
[ 337-WP2 ]
Q.3/13 meeting report - Geneva, 3-9 May 2012 � Rapporteur Q3/13 2012-05-30
[ 336-WP2 ]
Revised Question 3/13 text for next ITU-T study period � Rapporteur Q3/13 2012-05-28
[ 335-WP2 ]
Revisions of resolution Q24/13 � Rapporteur Q24/13 2012-05-25
[ 334-WP2 ]
Y. ufn-sc - Service model and scenarios for Ubiquitous Plant Farming Based on Networks � Editor Q24/13 2012-05-25
[ 333-WP2 ]
Y.nscreen-sc, Supplement on "N-Screen service scenarios" v0.2 � Editor Q24/13 2012-05-25
[ 332-WP2 ]
Draft Supplement Y.miptv-scen, Scenarios and use cases of mobile IPTV � Editor Q24/13 2012-05-25
[ 331-WP2 ]
Revised version of the draft Supplement Y.gms. � Editor Q24/13 2012-05-25
[ 330-WP2 ]
Draft supplement Y.iras (IT Risk analysis service over NGN) � Editor Q24/13 2012-05-25
[ 329-WP2 ]
Report of ITU-T SG13 Q24 interim meeting � Rapporteur Q24/13 2012-05-25
[ 328-WP2 ]
Reply LS on Service Delivery Platform (SDP) standards roadmap � ITU-T SG9 Q3/13 2012-05-21
[ 327-WP2 ]
Status of AAP Recommendation Y.2061 � TSB Q3/13 2012-05-15
[ 326-WP2 ]
AAP Saudi Telecom comments resolution for ITU-T Y.2061 (Y.MOC-reqts): Requirements for support of machine oriented communication applications in the NGN environment � Editor Q3/13 2012-05-14
[ 325-WP2 ]
AAP France T�l�com Orange comments resolution for ITU-T Y.2061 (Y.MOC-reqts): Requirements for support of machine oriented communication applications in the NGN environment � Editor Q3/13 2012-05-14
[ 324-WP2 ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.2061 (Y.MOC-reqts): Requirements for support of machine oriented communication applications in the NGN environment � Editor Q3/13 2012-05-14
[ 323-WP2 ]
Reply liaison statement to SG13 WP 2 on draft Recommendation Y.energyMRM "Energy Measurement Reference Model" � ITU-T Study Group 5 Q12/13 2012-05-09
[ 322-WP2 ]
Status of AAP Recommendation Y.2060 � TSB Q3/13 2012-05-09
[ 321-WP2 ]
AAP comments resolution for ITU-T Y.2060 (Y.IoT-overview): Overview of Internet of Things � Editor Q3/13 2012-05-09
Resultats:53 documents
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