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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG 13 : Reuni�n�2009-09-02�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG 13� TD-WP5�(2009-09-02)�


Redes futuras, incluidas las redes m�viles y las de la pr�xima generaci�n

Periodo de estudios 2009

Reuni�n� del 2009-09-02 al 2009-09-12

Lugar : Argentina [Mar del Plata]

Otras reuniones : 2012-06-042012-02-172012-02-062011-10-102011-05-202011-01-172010-09-162010-04-192010-01-29� [ 2009-09-02 ]� 2009-05-222009-01-12

Resultados :36 documentos
Documentos Temporales �(WP5) ��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 60-WP5 ]
Proposed agenda for WP5 plenary (Future networks) � Chairman of WP5 Q7/13, Q21/13, Q20/13, Q19/13 2009-09-23
[ 59-WP5 ]
Draft Recommendation Y.PTDN, The general technical architecture for PTDN (Mar del Plata, Argentina, 2-12 September 2009) � Editors Q20/13 2009-09-23
[ 58-WP5 ]
Y.iSCP-scen: Draft supplement of Scenarios for independent scalable control plane in FPBN � Editors Q20/13 2009-09-23
[ 57-WP5 ]
Y.iSCP-req: Requirements of independent Scalable Control Plane (iSCP) in FPBN � Editors Q20/13 2009-09-23
[ 56-WP5 ]
Y.iSCP-arch: Architecture of independent Scalable Control Plane (iSCP) in FPBN � Editors Q20/13 2009-09-23
[ 55-WP5 ]
Q.20/13 (Public data network) meeting report � Rapporteurs Q20/13 2009-09-23
[ 54-WP5 ]
Meeting report of Q.19/13 (Distributed Services Networking) � Rapporteurs Q19/13 2009-09-23
[ 53-WP5 ]
Initial draft of recommendation Y.dsntocf � Editors Q19/13 2009-09-23
[ 52-WP5 ]
Output version of draft supplement Y.dsnscen "DSN Use Cases (former Supplement on DSN scenarios)", Mal del Plata, 2-12 September 2009 � Editors Q19/13 2009-09-23
[ 51-WP5 ]
Draft of recommendation Y.dsnreq "Recommendation on DSN requirements" � Editors Q19/13 2009-09-23
[ 50-WP5 ]
Draft Recommendation Y.dsnarch, Architecture of DSN � Editors Q19/13 2009-09-23
[ 49-WP5 ]
Meeting report of Q.21/13 (future networks) � Rapporteurs Q21/13 2009-09-23
[ 48-WP5 ]
The role of Question 21 of ITU-T Study Group 131 � Rapporteurs Q21/13 2009-09-23
[ 47-WP5 ]
Q.7/13 meeting report (Mar Del Plata, Sept. 2-12, 2009) � Rapporteurs Q7/13 2009-09-23
[ 46-WP5 ]
Output document of Y.ipv6-vmh "Framework of vertical multi-homing in IPv6-based NGN" in 2009 September meeting � Editors Q7/13 2009-09-23
[ 45-WP5 ]
draftOutput document of Y.ipv6na "Functional requirement for network access in IPv6-based NGN" in 2009 September meeting � Editors Q7/13 2009-09-23
[ 44-WP5 ]
Output document of Y.ipv6migration "Roadmap for IPv6 Migration from NGN Operators' Perspectives" in 2009 September meeting � Editors Q7/13 2009-09-23
[ 43-WP5 ]
Draft Recommendation Y.ipv6-object, Framework of object mapping using IPv6 in NGN � Editor Q7/13 2009-09-23
[ 42-WP5 ]
The output document of Y.ipv6split, "Framework of ID/LOC separation in IPv6-based NGN." � Editors Q7/13 2009-09-23
[ 41-WP5 ]
LS: Security requirement and characteristics in DSN � Rapporteur Q19/13 2009-09-23
[ 40-WP5 ]
LS: Information for development of draft of recommendation Y.dsntocf (Traffic Optimization Control Function) on traffic optimization in DSN � Rapporteur Q19/13 2009-09-23
[ 39-WP5 ]
FGFN Report and result of the first meeting1 � FG FN Chairman Q21/13 2009-09-23
[ 38-WP5 ]
Draft agenda of Q.20/13 � Q.20/13 Rapporteurs Q20/13 2009-09-23
[ 37-WP5 ]
Draft agenda for Q.7/13 meeting � Rapporteur Q7/13 2009-09-23
[ 36-WP5 ]
Draft meeting agenda of Q.19/13 � Rapporteurs, Q.19/13 Q19/13 2009-09-23
[ 35-WP5 ]
Proposal on the roles of Q.21 and FG-FN � Q.21 Rapporteurs Q21/13 2009-09-23
[ 34-WP5 ]
Report of the July 2009 Q.19/13 meeting � Rapporteurs, Q.19/13 Q19/13 2009-08-13
[ 33-WP5 ]
Output version of draft supplement Y.dsnscen "Supplement on DSN scenarios" � Editors Q19/13 2009-08-13
[ 32-WP5 ]
Initial draft of Recommendation Y.dsnreq "Recommendation on DSN requirements" � Editors Q19/13 2009-08-13
[ 31-WP5 ]
LS - Report of 1st Meeting Focus Group on Future Networks (FG-FN) � Chairman, ITU-T FG FN Q21/13 2009-07-28
[ 30-WP5 ]
Liaison Statement from JTC 1/SC 6/WG 7 to ITU-T SG 13 for collaboration work on Future Networks (N 14019) � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 Q21/13 2009-07-13
[ 29-WP5 ]
Reply liaison on Establishment of Focus Group on Future Networks (FG-FN) � ITU-T Study Group 5 Q21/13 2009-06-30
[ 28-WP5 ]
Response to ITU-T SG 13 Liaison on Establishment of Focus Group on Future Networks (FG-FN) � ITU-R WP 4B Q21/13 2009-04-29
[ 27-WP5 ]
Q.13/2 work � ITU-T SG 2 Q21/13 2009-04-27
[ 26-WP5 ]
Establishment of the Focus Group on Future Networks (FG-FN) � ITU-T SG2 Q21/13 2009-04-21
[ 25-WP5 ]
Establishment of Focus Group on Future Networks (FG-FN) � ITU-T SG 12 Q21/13 2009-04-20
Resultados :36 documentos
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