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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG 13 : R�union�2009-09-02�: Contributions� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG 13� C�(2009-09-02)�


R�seaux futurs, y compris les r�seaux mobiles et les r�seaux de prochaine g�n�ration

P�riode d'�tudes 2009

R�union� du 2009-09-02 au 2009-09-12

Lieu : Argentine [Mar del Plata]

Autres r�unions : 2012-06-042012-02-172012-02-062011-10-102011-05-202011-01-172010-09-162010-04-192010-01-292009-05-222009-01-12

Resultats:256 documents
R�sultats :� 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 �-�Suivant Next
Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 433 ]
Solving editors notes on manageable P2P functions in Y.iptv-netcontrol-fw � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Q3/13 2009-08-27
[ 432 ]
Proposed modifications to clause 6 of draft Y.ipv6na � Huawei Technologies CO., LTD. Q7/13 2009-08-27
[ 431 ]
Proposed modifications to clause 6 of draft Y.ipv6migration � Huawei Technologies CO., LTD. Q7/13 2009-08-27
[ 430 ]
Proposed modification for sub-clause 6.3.2 and 6.4 of Y.PTDN � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Q20/13 2009-08-27
[ 429 ]
Proposed baseline text of draft recommendation for iSCP requirements � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Q20/13 2009-08-27
[ 428 ]
Proposed baseline text of draft recommendation for iSCP architecture � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Q20/13 2009-08-27
[ 427 ]
Proposed modification for sub-clause clause7.3 of Y.PTDN � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Q20/13 2009-08-27
[ 426 ]
Proposed editorial changes to Y.IPTV-TM � Huawei Technologies CO., Ltd. Q4/13 2009-08-27
[ 425 ]
Proposal for security considerations to Y.IPTV-TM � Huawei Technologies CO., Ltd. Q4/13 2009-08-27
[ 424 ]
Proposal for revise virtual connection use case in Y.MC-SCEN � Huawei Technologies CO., Ltd. Q9/13 2009-08-27
[ 423 ]
Proposal for requirement of separated authorization and accounting for multi-connection � Huawei Technologies CO., Ltd. Q9/13 2009-08-27
[ 422 ]
Proposal for remove media transfer use case in Y.MC-SCEN � Huawei Technologies CO., Ltd. Q9/13 2009-08-27
[ 421 ]
Proposal for QoS Routing to section 6 of Y.IPTV-TM � Huawei Technologies CO., Ltd. Q4/13 2009-08-27
[ 420 ]
Proposal for new sub-clause for use case in Y.MC-SCEN � Huawei Technologies CO., Ltd. Q9/13 2009-08-27
[ 419 ]
Proposal for Interaction between different functions in section 7 of Y.IPTV-TM � Huawei Technologies CO., Ltd. Q4/13 2009-08-27
[ 418 ]
Proposal for detailed explanations of the 5th multi-connection generic scenario in Y.MC-SCEN � Huawei Technologies CO., Ltd. Q9/13 2009-08-27
[ 417 ]
Proposal for detailed explanations text of security consideration in Y.MC-REQ � Huawei Technologies CO., Ltd. Q9/13 2009-08-27
[ 416 ]
Proposed modification for Y.dsnscen about the "multimedia telephony service" � Huawei Technologies CO., Ltd. Q19/13 2009-08-27
[ 415 ]
Proposal to add requirement "Compatibility" to the chapter 6 of Y.dsnreq � Huawei Technologies CO., Ltd. Q19/13 2009-08-27
[ 414 ]
Some editor changes to Y.dsnreq � Huawei Technologies CO., Ltd. Q19/13 2009-08-27
[ 413 ]
Proposed modification of 6.1.3 load balance in Y.dsnreq � Huawei Technologies CO., Ltd. Q19/13 2009-08-27
[ 412 ]
Proposed modification of 6.2.6 distributed storage in Y.dsnreq � Huawei Technologies CO., Ltd. Q19/13 2009-08-27
[ 411 ]
Proposed modification for Y.dsnscen about the "service availability and reliability" and "load balance" � Huawei Technologies CO., Ltd. Q19/13 2009-08-27
[ 410 ]
Proposed modifications for Y. dsnscen about content sharing service � China Mobile Q19/13 2009-08-26
[ 409 ]
Proposed modifications for Y.dsnreq "Recommendation on DSN requirements" about the security requirements � China Mobile Q19/13 2009-08-26
[ 408 ]
Proposed modifications for Y.dsnreq "Recommendation on DSN requirements" about the dynamic resource scheduling � China Mobile Q19/13 2009-08-26
[ 407 ]
Proposal to add "fault tolerance" to the chapter 6 "Requirements for DSN" to Y.dsnreq "Recommendation on DSN requirements" � China Mobile Q19/13 2009-08-26
[ 406 ]
Proposal for reorganizing the Y.MC-REQ � China Mobile Q9/13 2009-08-26
[ 405 ]
Proposal for modifying the figure of scenarios in Y.MC-SCEN � China Mobile Q9/13 2009-08-26
[ 404 ]
Proposal for modification of skeleton in the Y.MC-ARCH � China Mobile Q9/13 2009-08-26
[ 403 ]
Proposal for improving the requirement of multi-connection registration in the Y.MC-REQ � China Mobile Q9/13 2009-08-26
[ 402 ]
Proposal for improving the requirement of connection management in the Y.MC-REQ.doc � China Mobile Q9/13 2009-08-26
[ 401 ]
Proposal for improving the general principle of scenarios in Y.MC-SCEN � China Mobile Q9/13 2009-08-26
[ 400 ]
Proposal of an Annex of Y.2111 Revision2 relevant to the communication between RACF and MPM � KDDI Corporation (KDDI R&D Laboratories) Q4/13 2009-08-26
[ 399 ]
Proposal of an Appendix of Y.2111 Revision2 relevant to the use cases based on the RACF-MPM communications � KDDI Corporation (KDDI R&D Laboratories) Q4/13 2009-08-26
[ 398 ]
Proposal of an Appendix of Y.2111 Revision2 relevant to the comparison of specifications of the reference points between Rc and Rm in RACF � KDDI Corporation (KDDI R&D Laboratories) Q4/13 2009-08-26
[ 397 ]
Proposal of an Appendix of Y.2111 Revision2 relevant to the performance notification between RACF and MPM based on the communications of multiple MPM functions � KDDI Corporation (KDDI R & D Laboratories) Q4/13 2009-08-26
[ 396 ]
Proposal of the revision of the generic resource and admission control functional architecture in Y.2111 Revision2 � KDDI Corporation (KDDI R&D Laboratories) Q4/13 2009-08-26
[ 395 ]
Proposed Modification to Y.SecMechanisms. � Telcordia Technologies , AT&T Q16/13 2009-08-26
[ 394 ]
Addition of information components exchanged over Rs, Rt and Rp reference points for multicast scenario in Y.RACF Revision 2 � KDDI Corporation Q4/13 2009-08-26
[ 393 ]
Modification of description about resource control scenarios for multicast in Y.RACF Revision 2 � KDDI Corporation Q4/13 2009-08-26
[ 392 ]
Proposed a comparative table for Y.OSE-arch � ETRI Q5/13 2009-08-26
[ 391 ]
Proposal for updating texts on clause 8 in Y.OSE-arch � ETRI Q5/13 2009-08-26
[ 390 ]
Proposal for updating texts on Y.OSE-arch � ETRI Q5/13 2009-08-26
[ 389 ]
Restructuring inter-operator end-to-end resource control scenarios � KDDI Corporation Q4/13 2009-08-26
[ 388 ]
Restructuring resource control scenarios for wholesale � KDDI Corporation Q4/13 2009-08-26
[ 387 ]
Restructuring resource control scenarios for nomadicity � KDDI Corporation Q4/13 2009-08-26
[ 386 ]
Proposal for design principle for ID/Loc separation architecture of Y.FAid-loc-split" � ETRI Q5/13 2009-08-26
[ 385 ]
Proposal for revised draft Recommendation on "Identification and configuration of resources for Multi-Connection (Y.MC-ID)" � ETRI Q9/13 2009-08-26
[ 384 ]
Suggestion of Text for Introduction in Draft Recommendation Y.MM-WAU � ETRI Q8/13 2009-08-26
Resultats:256 documents
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