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ITU-T�SG 11� TD-GEN�(2012-02-17)�


Signalling requirements, protocols and test specifications

Study Period 2009

Meeting� from 2012-02-17 to 2012-02-17

held in Switzerland [Geneva]

Other Meetings : 2012-06-11� [ 2012-02-17 ]� 2011-10-17� 2011-05-20� 2011-05-132011-01-242010-09-102010-04-262010-01-282009-09-022009-05-212009-01-19

Results:54 total items.
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Temporary Documents �(GEN) ��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 816-GEN ]
Report of the Meeting of Working Party 1/11 (Geneva, 17 February 2012) � Study Group 11 2012-02-24
[ 815-GEN ]
Q.16/11 meeting report � Rapporteur, Q16/11 Q16/11 2012-02-17
[ 814-GEN ]
Report of the Meeting of Working Party 2/11 (Geneva 13-17 February 2012) � ITU-T SG11 Q5/11, Q4/11, Q3/11 2012-02-17
[ 813-GEN ]
Draft Working Party 3/11 Meeting Report (Geneva, 17 February 2012) � Chairman, WP3/11 Q7/11, Q6/11, Q15/11 2012-02-17
[ 812-GEN ]
Joint Q2, 3/11 meeting Report � Rapporteur, Q3/11 Q3/11, Q2/11 2012-02-17
[ 811-GEN ]
Q12/11 meeting report � Rapporteur, Q12/11 Q12/11 2012-02-16
[ 810-GEN ]
Consent - Amendment 1 Q.3307.1 - Draft Amendment 1 to Q.3307.1 � Editor Q5/11 2012-02-16
[ 809-GEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft revised Q.3304.1 v2 (ex Q.RcCOPSv2, Q.3324.1) � Editor Q5/11 2012-02-17
[ 808-GEN ]
[Q.RcCOPSv2]: Draft Revised Q.3304.1 (Version.2): Protocol at the interface between a Transport Resource Control Physical Entity (TRC-PE) and a Transport Physical Entity (T-PE) (Rc interface): COPS alternative (clean version) � Editor Q5/11 2012-02-16
[ 807-GEN ]
A.5 Justification for draft Recommendation Q.3308.1(ex Q.Rhv1) � Editor, Q.3308.1 Q5/11 2012-02-17
[ 806-GEN ]
Consent Q.3308.1 (ex Q.Rhv10) - Output Draft Recommendation Q.3308.1: Protocol at the interface between a Policy Decision Physical Entity (PD-PE) and a CPN Gateway Policy Enforcement Physical Entity (CGPE-PE ) (Rh interface) : COPS alternative [Clean] � Editor, Q.3308.1 Q5/11 2012-02-16
[ 805-GEN ]
Q5/11 meeting Report � Rapporteur, Q5/11 Q5/11 2012-02-16
[ 804-GEN ]
Working Party 4/11 Draft Meeting Report (Geneva, 17 February 2012) � Chairman, WP4/11 Q9/11, Q8/11, Q12/11, Q11/11, Q10/11 2012-02-16
[ 803-GEN ]
Q9/11 meeting Report � Rapporteur, Q9/11 Q9/11 2012-02-16
[ 802-GEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new Q.M9 � Editor Q5/11 2012-02-16
[ 801-GEN ]
Consent Q.3314 (Q.M9) - Output version of ITU-T Q.3314Q.M9 "Requirements and protocol at the interface between the mobile location management phisica entity used as a proxy and the central instance of the mobile location management physical entity (M9 interface)" � Editor Q5/11 2012-02-16
[ 800-GEN ]
[Q.WebMidcall] - Output of Q.WebMidcall "Signalling Requirements for Web based Mid-call services" � Editors, Q.WebMidcall Q2/11 2012-02-16
[ 799-GEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new Q.3613 (ex Q.TS-IVR) � Editor Q2/11 2012-02-17
[ 798-GEN ]
Consent Q.3613 (ex Q.TS-IVR) - Output of draft new Recommendation Q.3613 "Signalling requirements for touch screen terminal-based IVR services" � Editor, Q.3613 Q2/11 2012-02-16
[ 797-GEN ]
Report of Q13/11 � Rapporteur, Q13/11 Q13/11 2012-02-16
[ 796-GEN ]
Q12/11 meeting report for the 3rd IoT-GSI event, Geneva, 21-25 November 2011 � Rapporteur, Q12/11 Q12/11 2012-02-16
[ 795-GEN ]
Final List of Participants � TSB QALL/11 2012-02-17
[ 794-GEN ]
Q1/11 Meeting Report � Rapporteur, Q1/11 Q1/11 2012-02-17
[ 793-GEN ]
oLS-Reply to LS on Handbook on Network performance testing and monitoring for guarantee required QoS for NGN services � Chairman, WP3/11 Q6/11, Q11/11 2012-02-16
[ 792-GEN ]
Q6/11 Report � Rapporteur, Q6/11 Q6/11 2012-02-16
[ 791-GEN ]
oLS-Reply to LS on Handbook on Network performance testing and monitoring for guarantee required QoS for NGN services � Chairman, WP3/11 Q6/11, Q11/11 2012-02-16
[ 790-GEN ]
Q7/11 meeting report � Chairman, W/P 3/11 Q7/11 2012-02-16
[ 789-GEN ]
Consent Q.3925 - Output Draft New Recommendation ITU-T Q.3925 "The types of traffic flows which should be generated for voice, data and video on the Model network for testing QoS parameters" � Editor Q10/11 2012-02-16
[ 788-GEN ]
Q11/11 Report � Rapporteur, Q11/11 Q11/11 2012-02-16
[ 787-GEN ]
Q10/11 Report � Rapporteur, Q10/11 Q10/11 2012-02-16
[ 786-GEN ]
Q8/11 Report � Rapporteur, Q8/11 Q8/11 2012-02-16
[ 785-GEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft revised Revised X.603.1 � Editors Q15/11 2012-02-16
[ 784-GEN ]
X.603.1 - Output document of Draft revised Recommendation ITU-T X.603.1(2010) "Relayed multicast protocol: Specification for simplex group applications" � Editors Q15/11 2012-02-16
[ 783-GEN ]
Consent X.603 - Draft revised Recommendation ITU-T X.603(2004) "Relayed multicast protocol: Framework" � Editors Q15/11 2012-02-16
[ 782-GEN ]
oLS-LS on collaboration with JTC 1/SC 6 on multicast issues � Rapporteur, Q15/11 Q15/11 2012-02-16
[ 781-GEN ]
Q15/11 meeting Report � Rapporteur, Q15/11 Q15/11 2012-02-17
[ 780-GEN ]
iLS-Invitation to nominate a representative � JCA-Cloud QALL/11 2012-02-14
[ 779-GEN ]
iLS-Reply to LS on Draft Handbook on "Network performance testing and control monitoring for guarantee required QoS for NGN services" � ETSI TC STQ Q6/11, Q11/11 2012-02-14
[ 778-GEN ]
ITU Kaleidoscope 2011 - Papers relevant to SG11 � Chairmen, SG11 QALL/11 2012-02-14
[ 777-GEN ]
Proposal: SG 11 Handbook on Impacts of M2M Communications and Non-M2M Mobile Data Applications on Mobile Networks � Chairman, SG11 Q2/11, Q14/11, Q13/11, Q1/11 2012-02-03
[ 776-GEN ]
iLS-LS from JCA-AHF on Meeting report of Joint Coordination Activity on Accessibility and Human Factors (JCA-AHF) � Convener, JCA-AHF QALL/11 2012-01-25
[ 775-GEN ]
iLS-Reply LS on feedback on Supplement 62 to ITU-T Q series Recommendations � 3 GPP TSG SA Q13/11 2012-01-25
[ 774-GEN ]
iLS-Liaison statement template on GPS related sensors � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 11 QALL/11 2012-01-25
[ 773-GEN ]
iLS-Contributions by Study Groups to CWG-WCIT12 � Chairman, TSAG QALL/11 2012-01-25
[ 772-GEN ]
iLS-Liaison Statement on wireless hearing aid compatibility � Convener, JCA-AHF QALL/11 2012-01-25
[ 771-GEN ]
iLS-Reply to JCA-CIT (Ref: JCA-CIT-LS 4-E) on draft document on CIT needs � ITU-T SG15 Q9/11, Q8/11, Q12/11, Q11/11, Q10/11 2012-01-25
[ 770-GEN ]
Draft agenda of Working Party 1, 2, 3 and 4/11 meeting, Geneva, 17 February 2012 � Chairmen, WPs 1,2,3 & 4/11 QALL/11 2012-01-25
[ 769-GEN ]
iLS - ITU-T FG Cloud final output documents � Focus Group on Cloud Computing QALL/11 2011-12-22
[ 768-GEN ]
iLS-Reply LS to ITU-T SG 11 on request for feedback on draft revision of Supplement 62 to ITU-T Q series Recommendations (COM11-LS-70) � ITU-T SG16 Q13/11 2011-12-14
[ 767-GEN ]
iLS-LS to TSAG and ITU-T SGs on pre-defined form to document the establishment of work items towards new Recommendations � ITU-T SG16 QALL/11 2011-12-14
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