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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG09 : R�union�2011-03-14�: Contributions� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG09� C�(2011-03-14)�


Video transport and quality & Terminals and applications

P�riode d'�tudes 2009

R�union� du 2011-03-14 au 2011-03-18

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2012-04-302011-11-212010-11-192010-07-192010-03-192009-10-262009-02-02

Resultats:19 documents
Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 72 ]
Considerations of an advanced DCATV transmission technologies standardization in ITU-T SG9 � ETRI QALL/9 2011-03-04
[ 71 ]
Proposed Draft New Recommendation J.av-dist "Methods for subjectively assessing audiovisual quality of internet video and distribution quality television, including separate assessment of video quality and audio quality" � USA Q2/9, Q12/9 2011-03-03
[ 70 ]
Standardization work proposal for advanced cable television Set-Top Box � Japan Cable Laboratories Q9/9, Q8/9, Q5/9, Q4/9, Q10/9 2011-03-03
[ 69 ]
Comments for J.rcas-req � Japan Cable Laboratories Q3/9 2011-03-03
[ 68 ]
Guidelines for draft new Recommendation � Poland Q2/9, Q12/9 2011-03-03
[ 67 ]
Proposed revisions on requirements for J.acf_req 'Harmonized Application Control Framework supporting broadcast & broadband applications' � Brazil Q4/9 2011-03-03
[ 66 ]
Discussion note toward and architecture study and guidelines for Proposal 'Harmonized Application Control Framework supporting broadcast & broadband applications' (J. acf) � Brazil Q4/9 2011-03-03
[ 65 ]
Proposed modification to J.tgtdst-overview � KDDI Q10/9 2011-03-03
[ 64 ]
Proposed modification to J.lssys: Real-time transmission system of exLSDI signals under spatial image segmentation for parallel processing � KDDI Q13/9 2011-03-03
[ 63 ]
Proposed modification to J.ftvdf: Multi-layer data structure for scalable view-range representation � KDDI Q1/9 2011-03-03
[ 62 ]
Draft New Recommendation "Objective multimedia video quality measurement of HDTV for digital cable television in the presence of a reduced reference" (J.vqhdtv-rr) � Korea (Rep. of) Q2/9 2011-02-23
[ 61 ]
Proposed modifications to draft J.vodoc-req � Korea (Rep. of) Q7/9 2011-02-23
[ 60 ]
Proposed modifications to draft J.rcas-req � Korea (Rep. of) Q3/9 2011-02-23
[ 59 ]
SCTE 130-8 2010a Digital Program Insertion-Advertising Systems Interfaces Part 8-General Information Service (GIS) � USA Q8/9 2011-02-07
[ 58 ]
ANSI/SCTE 130-7 2009 DPI-Advertising Systems Interfaces Part 7 - Message Transport � USA Q8/9 2011-02-07
[ 57 ]
SCTE 130-6 2010 Digital Program Insertion-Advertising Systems Interfaces Part 6-Subscriber Information Service (SIS) � USA Q8/9 2011-02-07
[ 56 ]
SCTE 130-5 2010 Digital Program Insertion-Advertising Systems Interfaces Part 5-Placement Opportunity Information Service � USA Q8/9 2011-02-07
[ 55 ]
ANSI/SCTE 130-4 2009 Digital Program Insertion-Advertising Systems Interfaces Part 4 Content Information Service (CIS) � USA Q8/9 2011-02-07
[ 54 ]
SCTE 130-3 2010 DPI-Advertising Systems Interfaces Part 3 Ad Management Service Interface � USA Q8/9 2011-02-07
Resultats:19 documents
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