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P�gina principal : UIT-T : TSAG : Reuni�n�2006-07-03�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�TSAG� TD-GEN�(2006-07-03)�


Grupo Asesor para la Normalizaci�n de las Telecomunicaciones

Periodo de estudios 2005

Reuni�n� del 2006-07-03 al 2006-07-07

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2009-12-14� 2009-04-27� 2008-07-022007-12-032007-02-26� [ 2006-07-03 ]� 2005-11-072005-03-14

Resultados :111 documentos
Resultados :� 1 - 2 - 3 �-�Siguiente Next
Documentos Temporales �(GEN) ��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen Fecha
[ 319 ]
FINAL List of Documents (TSAG) - Geneva, 3-7 July 2006 � TSB 2006-07-07
[ 318 ]
Roadmap, TSAG 7 July 2006 � TSAG Chairman 2006-07-07
[ 317 ]
Convener's report on the work of the Correspondence Group on network aspects of identification (including RFID) � Editorial Group of Working Party 4 2006-07-07
[ 316 ]
Final draft for "Proposed ITU-T strategy for standardization issues on network aspects of identification with harmonized standardization cooperation" � Editorial Group of Working Party 4 2006-07-07
[ 315 ]
Final draft for "Review report of standardization issues on network aspects of identification including RFID" � Editorial Group of Working Party 4 2006-07-07
[ 314 ]
Report for Business Models and Service Scenarios for network aspects of identification (including RFID) � Editorial Group of Working Party 4 2006-07-07
[ 313 ]
Follow-up of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) within ITU-T � TSB 2006-07-06
[ 312 ]
Final List of Participants � TSB 2006-07-07
[ 311 ]
Liaison statement on Conformance and Interoperability Testing � Chairman, WP2/TSAG 2006-07-06
[ 310 ]
Proposal to create a JCA on network aspects of identification systems (including RFID) � Chairman, TSAG/WP4 2006-07-06
[ 309 ]
Draft schedule of ITU-T meetings for 2008 � TSB 2006-07-06
[ 308 ]
Draft schedule of ITU-T meetings for 2007 � TSB 2006-07-06
[ 307 ]
Draft report of WP4/TSAG � Chairman, WP4/TSAG 2006-07-06
[ 306 ]
Report of WP3/TSAG, Electronic Working Methods and Publication Policy, Geneva, 3-7 July 2006 � Chairman, WP3/TSAG 2006-07-06
[ 305 ]
Draft report of the meeting of Working Party 2/TSAG (Work Programme, Programme Management and Strategy), (Geneva, 3 - 7 July 2006) � Chairman, WP2/TSAG 2006-07-07
[ 304 ]
Report of Working Party 1/TSAG (Working Methods), Geneva, 3-7 July 2006 � Chairman, WP1/TSAG 2006-07-06
[ 303 ]
John Visser's proposals for two Liaison Statements on Author Guidelines � Chairman, WP1/TSAG 2006-07-06
[ 302 ]
Report of the PCP-TDR Meeting (Geneva, 2 May 2006) � TSB 2006-07-05
[ 301 ]
Draft Terms of Reference of Correspondence Group on Working Methods � Convenor, WP1 TSAG Ad-hoc Group 2006-07-05
[ 300 ]
Proposed updated diagram showing the procedures for prompt transmittal of liaison statements � Chairman, WP1/TSAG 2006-07-05
[ 299 ]
Draft text on "Evolution of WTSA" to be approved by WP1/TSAG on July 6th morning � Chairman, WP1/TSAG 2006-07-05
[ 298 ]
Proposal on the next step for standardization of network aspects of identification including RFID � Management Team of Correspondence Group on N-RFID 2006-07-05
[ 297 ]
TSB's input to study groups on WSIS outcome (Tunis Agenda) � TSB 2006-07-05
[ 296 ]
Report of JCA-HN meeting, 3rd July 2006, Geneva � Convener JCA-HN 2006-07-04
[ 295 ]
Cooperation between ITU-T and Universities � Director of TSB 2006-07-04
[ 294 ]
[ 293 ]
ISO/IEC JTC 1 Liaison report to TSAG, July 2006 � ISO/IEC JTC 1 Liaison Officer 2006-07-03
[ 292 ]
Opening remarks of the Director of TSB at the opening ceremony of the TSAG meeting (Geneva, 3 July 2006) � TSB 2006-07-03
[ 291 ]
Draft Agenda for the meeting of WP4 (External cooperation, Technology Watch and Promotion) 4 July 2006 (p.m.) and 5 July 2006 (p.m.) � Chairman, WP4/TSAG 2006-07-03
[ 290 ]
Draft agenda of the meeting of Working Party 2/TSAG (Work Programme, Programme Management and Strategy), (Geneva, 3 - 7 July 2006) � Chairman, WP 2/TSAG 2006-07-03
[ 289 ]
Draft agenda and document allocation for the WP1 meeting (4 - 6 July 2006) � Chairman, WP1/TSAG 2006-07-03
[ 288 ]
Considering End-User Needs in developing Recommendations: follow-up � Chairman, WP1/TSAG 2006-07-03
[ 287 ]
Agenda for WP3/TSAG, Electronic Working Methods and Publication Policy � Chairman, WP3/TSAG 2006-07-02
[ 286 ]
Grids and Telecom Networks � Robert Cohen, Area Director, Open Grid Forum 2006-07-01
[ 285 ]
Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) � Ghassem Koleyni, Chairman, FG IPTV 2006-07-01
[ 284 ]
An introduction to Networked RFID � Lara Srivastava, ITU, SPU 2006-07-01
[ 283 ]
ITU-T Membership Trends � TSB 2006-07-01
[ 282 ]
Chairman's proposal for implementation of Revised Recommendation A.1 provisions on single contribution type in DMS � Chairman. WP3/TSAG 2006-07-01
[ 281 ]
Report of Time-E Correspondence Group � Time-E Correspondence Group Leader 2006-07-01
[ 280 ]
Draft 4-year schedule of ITU-T meetings: 2005-2008 � TSB 2006-07-06
[ 279 ]
Draft schedule of meetings for 2008 �
[Withdrawn. Please see TD 309]
TSB 2006-07-01
[ 278 ]
Draft schedule of meetings for 2007 �
[Withdrawn. Please see TD 308]
TSB 2006-07-01
[ 277 ]
Some provisional thoughts � Director of TSB 2006-06-30
[ 276 ]
SG16 Report as lead SG on MM Terminals, Systems and Applications (including ubiquitous applications) � Chairman ITU-T SG 16 2006-06-30
[ 275 ]
Council decision regarding online access to ITU-T Recommendations � TSB 2006-06-29
[ 274 ]
LS on the new IPR repository application � TSB Director's Ad Hoc Group on IPR 2006-06-29
[ 273 ]
Draft Recommendation E.802 (formerly E.QoSParam) - Framework and methodologies for the determination and application of QoS parameters � ITU-T SG 2 2006-06-28
[ 272 ]
Focus Group "Security Baseline for Network Operators" � ITU-T SG 2 2006-06-28
[ 271 ]
Convener's report on the work of the Correspondence Group on network aspects of identification (including RFID) � Convener (Correspondence group on N-RFID) 2006-06-27
[ 270 ]
Report on the ITU-T Workshops and Seminars � TSB 2006-06-26
Resultados :111 documentos
Resultados :� 1 - 2 - 3 �-�Siguiente Next
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