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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG17 : WP 2/17�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG17� TD-WP2�(2007-04-16)�


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P�riode d'�tudes 2005

R�union� du 2007-04-16 au 2007-04-20

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2009-09-16� 2009-02-11� 2008-09-152008-04-072007-12-102007-09-192007-04-202007-04-18� [ 2007-04-16 ]� 2006-12-062006-04-192006-01-162005-10-052005-03-30

Resultats:125 documents
R�sultats :� 1 - 2 - 3 �-�Suivant Next
Documents Temporaires �(WP2) ��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 2684-WP2 ]
Summary of Draft Recommendations for ITU-T Q.6/17 � Rapporteur Q6/17 2007-04-20
[ 2683-WP2 ]
Liaison statement to OASIS on ITU-T Rec. X.cap "Common Alerting protocol (CAP 1.1)" and ITU-T Rec. X.cap2 "ASN.1 specification for the Common Alerting protocol (CAP 1.1)" � WP2/17 Q6/17 2007-04-20
[ 2682-WP2 ]
Draft Recommendation - Overview of countering spam for IP multimedia applications (X.ocsip) � Editors Q17/17 2007-04-20
[ 2681-WP2 ]
Draft Recommendation - Guideline on countering e-mail spam (X.gcs) � Editors Q17/17 2007-04-20
[ 2680-WP2 ]
Baseline Document - Framework for Countering IP Multimedia Spam (X.fcsip) � Editors Q17/17 2007-04-20
[ 2679-WP2 ]
Telebiometrics standardization work within ITU-T Q-8/17 � Rapporteur Q8/17 2007-04-20
[ 2678-WP2 ]
Question 8/17 Rapporteur Meeting Report on Telebiometrics, Geneva, Switzerland, 16-20 April 2007 � Rapporteur Q8/17 2007-04-20
[ 2677-WP2 ]
Action plan for Question 8/17 � Rapporteur Q8/17 2007-04-20
[ 2676-WP2 ]
Updated Q.8/17 draft summaries for Recommendations under development or revision � Rapporteur Q8/17 2007-04-20
[ 2675-WP2 ]
Request for comments on the comparison of vulnerabilities with threats. � Rapporteur Q8/17 2007-04-20
[ 2674-WP2 ]
First Draft Recommendation X.tdk : Telebiometrics Digital Key Framework � Editor Q8/17 2007-04-20
[ 2673-WP2 ]
Liaison statement on the draft Recommendation X.rfpg � ITU-T SG17 (Geneva, 16-20 April 2007) Q6/17 2007-04-20
[ 2672-WP2 ]
Q8/17 ballot comments on FCD ISO/IEC 24708 (BIP) � Rapporteur Q8/17 2007-04-20
[ 2671-WP2 ]
Draft report Q.17/17 � Rapporteur Q17/17 2007-04-20
[ 2670-WP2 ]
Current revised draft of X.physiol (ISO/IEC 80000-14) � WP 2/17 meeting (Geneva, 16-20 April 2007) Q8/17 2007-04-20
[ 2669-WP2 ]
LS on collaborative work on ICT Readiness for Business Continuity (N 5489 and N 5481) � Working Party 2/17 Q6/17 2007-04-20
[ 2668-WP2 ]
Report of Security Coordination Meeting, 0930h - 1045h, 18th April 2007 � Q4 Rapporteur QALL/17 2007-04-20
[ 2667-WP2 ]
Final list of participants � TSB QALL/17 2007-04-20
[ 2666-WP2 ]
Q.5/17 Action plan � Rapporteur Q5/17 2007-04-20
[ 2665-WP2 ]
Update summary of Q.5/17 draft Recommendations � Rapporteur Q5/17 2007-04-20
[ 2664-WP2 ]
Response to the SG 3 liaison statement Study Group 3 question on issues related to telecommunications security � Rapporteur Q.5/17 Q5/17 2007-04-20
[ 2663-WP2 ]
Q.5/17 meeting report � Rapporteur Q5/17 2007-04-20
[ 2662-WP2 ]
Joint work with SC27 on Identity Management � WP 2/17 Q6/17 2007-04-20
[ 2661-WP2 ]
Liaison reply to SG4 on the progress of Draft Recommendation X.cap, Common alerting protocol � WP 2/17 Q6/17 2007-04-20
[ 2660-WP2 ]
Liaison statement on ITU-T Rec. X.cap2 "ASN.1 specification for the Common Alerting protocol (CAP 1.1)" � Editor of ITU-T Rec. X.cap2 Q10/17, Q6/17 2007-04-20
[ 2659-WP2 ]

Document withdrawn
N/A � Q6/17 2007-04-20
[ 2658-WP2 ]

Document withdrawn
N/A � Q6/17 2007-04-20
[ 2657-WP2 ]
Action Plan � Rapporteur Q6/17 2007-04-20
[ 2656-WP2 ]
Report on Question 6/17 � Rapporteur Q6/17 2007-04-20
[ 2655-WP2 ]
Q.17/17 Summary of draft recommendations on countering spam by technical means � Rapporteur Q17/17 2007-04-20
[ 2654-WP2 ]
Action Plan � Rapporteur of Q.17 Q17/17 2007-04-20
[ 2653-WP2 ]
General security service (policy) for secure mobile end to end data communication (X.msec-3) � Editors Q9/17 2007-04-20
[ 2652-WP2 ]
Reply LS on ITU-T Draft Recommendation X.msec-4 � 3GPP SA3 Q9/17 2007-04-20
[ 2651-WP2 ]
Draft Recommendation: Requirements on countering spam(X.csreq) � Editors Q17/17 2007-04-20
[ 2650-WP2 ]
A revised Appendix.1 on X.rfpg : Privacy Guideline for RFID �
Document withdrawn
Editor Q6/17 2007-04-20
[ 2649-WP2 ]
Draft time allocation of WP2 at ITU-T SG17 meeting, Geneva, 19-28 September 2007 � Vice-Chairman of SG17, Chairman of WP2/17 Q17/17, Q8/17, Q7/17, Q6/17, Q5/17, Q4/17 2007-04-19
[ 2648-WP2 ]
Proposed revised draft text of X.tai: Telebiometrics Authentication Infrastructure (TAI) � Editors Q8/17 2007-04-20
[ 2647-WP2 ]
Revised Draft of ITU-T Recommendation X.msec-4 (Authentication Architecture in Mobile End-to-End Data Communication) � Editors Q9/17 2007-04-27
[ 2646-WP2 ]
Revised draft Recommendation X.crs (Correlative Reacting System in mobile data communication) � Editor Q9/17 2007-04-20
[ 2645-WP2 ]
Contribution to SAG/S from SG17 Q4 � Question 4 Q4/17 2007-04-19
[ 2644-WP2 ]
Base line document: Interactive Countering Spam System (X.tcs-1) � Editor Q17/17 2007-04-19
[ 2643-WP2 ]
Response to liaison statement on Cybersecurity (27 N 5573 and 27 N 5492) � SG 17 WP2 Q9/17, Q7/17, Q6/17, Q4/17 2007-04-19
[ 2642-WP2 ]
The first draft recommendation on X.homesec-3: User authentication mechanism for home network services � Rapporteur/Editors Q9/17 2007-04-19
[ 2641-WP2 ]
Q.4/17 meeting report � Rapporteur Q4/17 2007-04-19
[ 2640-WP2 ]
Q.7/17 meeting report � Rapporteur Q7/17 2007-04-19
[ 2639-WP2 ]
Updated TOR for Security Standards Exchange Network � Question 4 Q4/17 2007-04-19
[ 2638-WP2 ]
Q4 Updated Action Plan � Q4 Rapporteur Q4/17 2007-04-19
[ 2637-WP2 ]
Revision of the First Draft Recommendation on X.websec-3, Security Architecture for Message Security in Mobile Web Services � Editor Q9/17 2007-04-19
[ 2636-WP2 ]
Proposal of roadmap on home network security � Rapporteur Q9/17 2007-04-19
[ 2635-WP2 ]
IdM Focus Group Overview Briefing � Vice Chairman IdM Focus Group Q7/17, Q17/17, Q10/17, Q9/17, Q8/17, Q6/17, Q5/17, Q4/17 2007-04-19
Resultats:125 documents
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