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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG16 : R�union�2006-11-14�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG16� TD-WP3�(2006-11-14)�


Terminaux, syst�mes et applications multim�dias

P�riode d'�tudes 2005

R�union� du 2006-11-14 au 2006-11-24

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2008-10-032008-09-052008-04-222008-02-012007-06-262007-03-30� [ 2006-11-14 ]� 2006-06-132006-04-032005-07-262005-04-082004-11-16

Resultats:60 documents
R�sultats :� 1 - 2 �-�Suivant Next
Documents Temporaires �(WP3) ��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 222-WP3 ]
The Processing Test Plan for the EV-VBR Baseline Codec v1.7 � Rapporteur Q9/16 Q9/16 2006-11-23
[ 221-WP3 ]
The Selection Test Plan for the EV-VBR Baseline Codec v1.43 � Rapporteur Q9/16 Q9/16 2006-11-23
[ 220-WP3 ]
Report of Question 23/16 "Media Coding" � Rapporteur Q23/16 a.i. Q23/16 2006-11-23
[ 219-WP3 ]
Report of Question 6/16 "Video coding" � Rapporteur Q6/16 Q6/16 2006-11-23
[ 218-WP3 ]
DRAFT LS to SMPTE on all-Intra and 4:4:4 video coding profiles � Rapporteur Q6/16 Q6/16 2006-11-22
[ 217-WP3 ]
Report of Question 10/16 "Software tools for signal processing standardization activities and maintenance and extension of existing voice coding standards" � Rapporteur Q10/16 Q10/16 2006-11-22
[ 216-WP3 ]
Draft New Appendices to G.722 for Packet Loss Concealment (for Approval) � Rapporteur Q10/16 Q10/16 2006-11-22
[ 215-WP3 ]
DRAFT Reply LS to SG 9 on concerns regarding speech codecs in revised J.161 � Rapporteur Q23/16 a.i. Q23/16 2006-11-22
[ 214-WP3 ]
DRAFT LS to SG11, SG12 and SG13 on next generation speech and audio coding � Rapporteur Q23/16 Q23/16 2006-11-22
[ 213-WP3 ]
Liaison Statements from Q10/16 � Rapporteur Q10/16 Q10/16 2006-11-22
[ 212-WP3 ]
Draft G.722.2 Corrigendum 2 "Corrections to C source code in Annex C" (for Consent) � Editor G.722.2 Q10/16 2006-11-22
[ 211-WP3 ]
LS to Q7/12 on EV-VBR Selection � Rapporteur Q9/16 Q9/16 2006-11-22
[ 210-WP3 ]
Report of Question 9/16 "Variable Bit Rate Coding of Speech Signals" � Rapporteur Q9/16 Q9/16 2006-11-22
[ 209-WP3 ]
DRAFT Reply LS to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 on status of ISO/IEC 10646 (Unicode) as common text with ITU-T � Rapporteur Q23/16 a.i. Q23/16 2006-11-21
[ 208-WP3 ]
DRAFT Reply LS to ITU-T SG 9 on various matters concerning video coding � Associate Rapporteur Q6/16 Q6/16 2006-11-21
[ 207-WP3 ]
Proposed LS to ITU-T SG 9 and ITU-R WP6J on Gamma Correction � Associate Rapporteur Q6/16 Q6/16 2006-11-21
[ 206-WP3 ]
Proposed LS to ITU-R WP 6J (copied to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 11) on colour space specification in amendments to video coding Recommendations � Rapporteur Q6/16 Q6/16 2006-11-21
[ 205-WP3 ]
Proposed LS to MPEG on multi-view coding and video work coordination � Rapporteur Q6/16 Q6/16 2006-11-21
[ 204-WP3 ]
Proposed LS to ITU-T FG IPTV on video coding technology selection and testing � Associate Rapporteur Q6/16 Q6/16 2006-11-21
[ 203-WP3 ]
Proposed LS to ITU-T SG 12 on Initial draft of new Recommendation G.OMV � Rapporteur Q6/16 Q6/16 2006-11-21
[ 202-WP3 ]
Proposed amendments to text of Q6/16 � WP3 Chair Q6/16, Q23/16 2006-11-21
[ 201-WP3 ]
DRAFT Reply LS to 3GPP2 TSG-C on embedded extension to G.722.2 and media coding summary database � Rapporteur Q23/16 a.i. Q23/16, Q10/16 2006-11-21
[ 200-WP3 ]
DRAFT Reply LS to SG12 on Y.1541 and Latency in the NGN � Rapporteur Q23/16 Q23/16 2006-11-21
[ 199-WP3 ]
Draft new G.729.1 Amendment 1 "New Annex A on G.729.1 usage in H.245, new Annex B on a reference floating-point implementation for G.729.1, plus corrections to the main body and updated test vectors" (for Consent) � Editor of G.729.1 Q10/16 2006-11-21
[ 198-WP3 ]
Draft updated Media Coding Database � Rapporteur Q23/16 a.i. Q23/16 2006-11-20
[ 197-WP3 ]
Errata status report for ITU-T H.264 | ISO/IEC 14496-10 "Advanced video coding for generic audiovisual services" � Rapporteur Q6/16 Q6/16 2006-11-20
[ 196-WP3 ]
Draft new ITU-T H.262 | ISO/IEC 13818-2 (2000 edition) Amendment 2 "Information Technology - Generic Coding of Moving Pictures and Audio: Video: Support for colour spaces" (for Consent) � Rapporteur Q6/16 Q6/16 2006-11-20
[ 195-WP3 ]
Current draft text of revision to Rec. H.264 for Scalable Video Coding � Rapporteur Q6/16 Q6/16 2006-11-20
[ 194-WP3 ]
Draft new H.264 Amendment 2 "All-Intra and High 4:4:4 Predictive profiles" (for Consent) � Rapporteur Q6/16 Q6/16 2006-11-20
[ 193-WP3 ]
Updated draft Amendment to Rec. H.264 for Multi-view Video Coding � Rapporteur Q6/16 Q6/16 2006-11-20
[ 192-WP3 ]
DRAFT Reply LS to SG12 on specification for super-wideband hands-free terminals � Rapporteur Q23/16 a.i. Q23/16 2006-11-17
[ 191-WP3 ]
DRAFT Reply LS to MPEG on media coding summary database � Rapporteur Q23/16 a.i. Q23/16 2006-11-17
[ 190-WP3 ]
DRAFT LS to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 1 on T.800 (JPEG2000) � Rapporteur Q23/16 a.i. Q23/16 2006-11-17
[ 189-WP3 ]
Q10/16 Interim Activities (June 2006-November 2006) � Rapporteur Q10/16 Q10/16 2006-11-13
[ 188-WP3 ]
G.722 PLC selection phase test results: Complexity evaluation � Rapporteur Q10/16 Q10/16 2006-11-13
[ 187-WP3 ]
Draft F.MMCREQ "Requirements for media coding in the NGN" � Rapporteur Q23/16 a.i. Q23/16 2006-11-13
[ 186-WP3 ]
Text for draft new ITU-T Rec. T.808 | ISO/IEC 15444-9 Cor.1 "Information technology - JPEG 2000 image coding system: Interactivity tools, APIs and protocols" (for Consent) � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 Q23/16 2006-11-11
[ 185-WP3 ]
Maintenance of existing voice coding standards: G.729.1 � Editor G.729.1 Q10/16 2006-11-10
[ 184-WP3 ]
G.722 PLC selection phase test results: Experiment 3 (Clean Speech; 20 ms packetization size) � Rapporteur Q10/16 Q10/16 2006-11-08
[ 183-WP3 ]
Revised draft of the Processing Test Plan for the ITU-T Embedded Variable Bit Rate (EV-VBR) Speech Codec: Baseline Selection Phase (Version 1.6) � Rapporteur Q9/16 Q9/16 2006-11-07
[ 182-WP3 ]
Draft revised ITU-T Recommendation G.729 "Coding of speech at 8 kbit/s using conjugate-structure algebraic-code-excited linear-prediction (CS-ACELP)" � Rapporteur Q10/16 Q10/16 2006-11-07
[ 181-WP3 ]
Maintenance of existing voice coding standards: details on the revision of G.729 � Rapporteur Q10/16 Q10/16 2006-11-07
[ 180-WP3 ]
Terms of Reference (ToR) and Time Schedule for the G.722 Packet Loss Concealment (G.722 PLC) standardization � Rapporteur Q10/16 Q10/16 2006-11-01
[ 179-WP3 ]
Development of an online ITU Test Signal database � TSB Q9/16, Q23/16, Q10/16 2006-10-27
[ 178-WP3 ]
G.729EV Characterization phase step 2 Quality Assessment Test Plan � Rapporteur Q10/16 Q10/16 2006-10-27
[ 177-WP3 ]
Processing Test Plan for G.729EV characterization phase step 2 � Rapporteur Q10/16 Q10/16 2006-10-27
[ 176-WP3 ]
Processing Test Plan for the ITU-T G.722 PLC selection phase � Rapporteur Q10/16 Q10/16 2006-10-27
[ 175-WP3 ]
Quality Assessment Test Plan for ITU-T G.722 PLC selection phase � Rapporteur Q10/16 Q10/16 2006-10-27
[ 174-WP3 ]
Interoperability subjective test plan for the floating point version of G.722.1 Annex C � Rapporteur Q10/16 Q10/16 2006-10-27
[ 173-WP3 ]
Text for draft new Recommendation ITU-T Rec. T.800 (08/2002)/Corr.1 | ISO/IEC 15444-1:2004/Cor.1 "Information technology -- JPEG 2000 image coding system: Core coding system, TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 1" (for Consent) � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 Q23/16 2006-08-03
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