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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG16 : R�union�2004-11-16�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG16� TD-WP1�(2004-11-16)�


Terminaux, syst�mes et applications multim�dias

P�riode d'�tudes 2005

R�union� du 2004-11-16 au 2004-11-26

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2008-10-032008-09-052008-04-222008-02-012007-06-262007-03-302006-11-142006-06-132006-04-032005-07-262005-04-08� [ 2004-11-16 ]�

Resultats:51 documents
R�sultats :� 1 - 2 �-�Suivant Next
Documents Temporaires �(WP1) ��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 51-WP1 ]
LS on Information on draft Recommendation G.IP2IP � Q17/16 Rapporteur Q17/16 2004-11-25
[ 50-WP1 ]
Report of Working Party 1/16 (Modem, fax, and equipment transmission) � WP 1/16 Chairman Q26/16, Q18/16, Q17/16, Q16/16, Q15/16, Q14/16, Q11/16 2004-11-25
[ 49-WP1 ]
Reply LS to SG 13 on G.769 future expansion � Q15/16 Rapporteur Q15/16 2004-11-24
[ 48-WP1 ]
Draft Report of Q.15/16 (Circuit multiplication equipment and systems) � Q15/16 Rapporteur Q15/16 2004-11-24
[ 47-WP1 ]
Result of discussions with experts of Questions 11 and 26 regarding Test 14 of G.168 � Q16/16 Rapporteur Q16/16 2004-11-24
[ 46-WP1 ]
Report of Q.16/16 (Speech enhancement in signal processing network equipment) � Q16/16 Rapporteur Q16/16 2004-11-24
[ 45-WP1 ]
Report of Q.17/16 (Voice gateway equipment) � Q17/16 Rapporteur Q17/16 2004-11-24
[ 44-WP1 ]
Report of Q.11/16 (Voiceband Modems and Protocols: Specification and Performance Evaluation) � Q11/16 Rapporteur Q11/16 2004-11-24
[ 43-WP1 ]
Report of Q.26/16 (Accessibility to Multimedia Systems and Services) � Q26/16 Rapporteur (Acting) Q26/16 2004-11-24
[ 42-WP1 ]
LS on Interoperability Problems of Recorded Sounds and VEDs � Qs 16 & 18 Rapporteurs Q18/16, Q16/16 2004-11-24
[ 41-WP1 ]
Report of Q.18/16 (Interaction aspects of signal processing network equipment) � Q18/16 Rapporteur Q18/16 2004-11-24
[ 40-WP1 ]
LS on need to account for accessibility needs for NGN and on the development of guidelines for accessibility � Q26(H)/16 Rapporteur (Acting) Q26/16 2004-11-23
[ 39-WP1 ]
LS on Development of guidelines on Accessibility in Telecommunications � Q26(H)/16 Rapporteur (Acting) Q26/16 2004-11-23
[ 38-WP1 ]
LS on development of a new handbook on guidelines for accessibility � Q26(H)/16 Rapporteur (Acting) Q26/16 2004-11-23
[ 37-WP1 ]
Proposal of Draft T.30 Amendment corresponding to Draft Revision T.44 � Editor Q14/16 2004-11-23
[ 36-WP1 ]
Report of Q14/16 (Facsimile terminals (Group 3 and Group 4): Specification and Performance Evaluation) � Q14/16 Rapporteur Q14/16 2004-11-23
[ 35-WP1 ]
Draft T.38 Amendment 1 � Editor Q14/16 2004-11-23
[ 34-WP1 ]
Possible problems regarding "gaps" in fax transmission - Response to TD.21 (GEN) � Q16/16 Rapporteur Q16/16, Q14/16 2004-11-22
[ 33-WP1 ]
Agenda for Joint Meeting of Questions 11, 14, 16, 18 and 26/16 � Q16/16 Rapporteur Q26/16, Q18/16, Q16/16, Q14/16, Q11/16 2004-11-22
[ 32-WP1 ]
LS on request of registration of new att-field "T38VendorInfo" in T.38 Annex D � Q14/16 Rapporteur Q14/16 2004-11-22
[ 31-WP1 ]
Draft revised Recommendation T.44 (2004) "Mixed Raster Content (MRC)" � Editor Q14/16 2004-11-22
[ 30-WP1 ]
Extract from the list of Resolutions adopted at the 19th meeting of ISO/IEC JTC 1 (25-29 October 2004, Berlin, Germany) � Acting Rapporteur Q26/16 2004-11-19
[ 29-WP1 ]
Extract of Test 14/G.168 for discussion � Rapporteur Q11/16 2004-11-19
[ 28-WP1 ]
Proposal of T.30 Correction corresponding to Corrected T.44 Amendment 2 Draft � T.44 Editor Q14/16 2004-11-18
[ 27-WP1 ]
Likely correction for T.38 Annex C � Q14/16 Rapporteur Q14/16 2004-11-18
[ 26-WP1 ]
Correction of T.44 Amendment 2 Draft � Editor Q14/16 2004-11-18
[ 25-WP1 ]
I.733 Living List (2004/11) � Q15/16 Rapporteur Q15/16 2004-11-18
[ 24-WP1 ]
Draft agenda of Q17/16 meeting � Q17/16 Rapporteur Q17/16 2004-11-17
[ 23-WP1 ]
Agenda for Q18/16 - Interaction aspects of signal processing network equipment � Q18/16 Rapporteur Q18/16 2004-11-17
[ 22-WP1 ]
Q16/16 Agenda � Q16/16 Rapporteur Q16/16 2004-11-16
[ 21-WP1 ]
Report of Q.15/16 (ex.Q.5/15) Expert Meeting (Austin, 29 September-5 November, 2004) � Q15/16 Rapporteur Q15/16 2004-11-16
[ 20-WP1 ]
Agenda of Q15/16 Meeting � Rapporteur Q15/16 2004-11-15
[ 19-WP1 ]
New network reference scenarios of the IP-CME in Recommendation G.769/Y.1242 � Editor Q15/16 2004-11-11
[ 18-WP1 ]
Meeting Report for Q18/16 (formerly Q.8/15) Interim Meeting in Austin, 29 September - 5 October 2004 � Rapporteur Q18/16 2004-11-11
[ 17-WP1 ]
Proposed draft text for Recommendation V.152 "Procedures for supporting Voice-Band Data over IP Networks" (For Consent) � Editor Q11/16 2004-11-10
[ 16-WP1 ]
Consensus Points and Questions for V.152 (V.VBD) � Editor Q11/16 2004-11-10
[ 15-WP1 ]
Draft new Recommendation V.151 "Procedures for the end-to-end connection of analogue PSTN text telephones over an IP network" � Editor Q11/16 2004-11-10
[ 14-WP1 ]
Living list of ITU-T Recommendation G.799.1 � Q17/16 Rapporteur Q17/16 2004-11-09
[ 13-WP1 ]
Rapport of Q17/16 (formerly Q.7/15) Rapporteur meeting in Austin 29 Sept. - 5 Oct. 2004 � Q17/16 Rapporteur Q17/16 2004-11-09
[ 12-WP1 ]
Draft new Recommendation Q.115.2 "Logic for the control of Voice Enhancement Devices/Functions" � Editor Q18/16 2004-11-09
[ 11-WP1 ]
Proposed Amendment to V.150.1 � Rapporteur/Editor (V.150.x) Q11/16 2004-11-09
[ 10-WP1 ]
Consensus Points and Questions for V.ToIP � Editor (V.ToIP)/Rapporteur Q11/16 2004-11-09
[ 9-WP1 ]
MoIP Issues List � Rapporteur/Editor (V.150.x) Q11/16 2004-11-09
[ 8-WP1 ]
Meeting Report of Q16/16 (formerly Q6/15) Experts Meeting (Austin, USA, 29 September - 5 October 2004) � Rapporteur Q16/16 2004-11-09
[ 7-WP1 ]
TIA Standard TIA-1001 � SG 16 Chairman (on behalf of the Telecommunication Q11/16 2004-11-09
[ 6-WP1 ]
Initial draft new Recommendation of G.MDCSPNE - "Mechanism for Dynamic Coordination of Voice Enhancement SPNE" � Editor Q18/16 2004-11-01
[ 5-WP1 ]
Report of the Q11/16 Rapporteur's meeting (Washington, DC, USA, 9-13 August 2004) � Q11/16 Rapporteur Q11/16 2004-11-01
[ 4-WP1 ]
Draft Agenda and documents for Q14/16 � Q14/16 Rapporteur Q14/16 2005-11-15
[ 3-WP1 ]
Draft Agenda for Question 11/16 � Q11/16 Rapporteur Q11/16 2004-11-11
[ 2-WP1 ]
Draft Agenda for the meetings of Q26(H)/16 � Q26/16 Acting Rapporteur Q26/16 2004-11-17
Resultats:51 documents
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