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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG15 : Reuni�n�2008-02-11�: Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG15� C�(2008-02-11)�


Infraestructuras de las redes �pticas y de otras redes de transporte

Periodo de estudios 2005

Reuni�n� del 2008-02-11 al 2008-02-22

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2008-12-012007-06-042006-10-302006-02-062005-05-162004-11-29

Resultados :289 documentos
Resultados :� 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 �-�Siguiente Next
Contribuciones��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 913 ]
Some concerns about and proposals for the future direction of ASON � NTT Q14/15, Q12/15 2008-02-06
[ 912 ]
Proposal to start discussion on power consumption and its reduction in optical transmission systems � NTT Q7/15, Q6/15 2008-02-06
[ 911 ]
Non-revertive recovery mechanism in G.8032 � ETRI Q9/15 2008-02-06
[ 910 ]
Requirements on OTN enhancements � Deutsche Telekom Q11/15 2008-02-03
[ 909 ]
Requirements on Mapping of 40GBase and 100GBase into ODUs � Deutsche Telekom Q11/15 2008-02-03
[ 908 ]
Layer model of Ethernet � Deutsche Telekom Q12/15 2008-02-03
[ 907 ]
G.pacmod: ESMC State Machine � Israel MOC , Cisco Q13/15 2008-02-03
[ 906 ]
G.pacmod: Proposed text for ESMC message format � Israel MOC , Cisco Q13/15 2008-02-03
[ 905 ]
Sync-E and IEEE 1588 Transparent Clock for DSL and GPON � Israel MOC Q13/15 2008-02-03
[ 904 ]
G.paclock: Considerations for deriving PEC (and PSC-A, PSC-D) clock requirements � Israel MOC Q13/15 2008-02-03
[ 903 ]
Computer Based Simulation of G.8261 Testing Scenarios � Israel MOC Q13/15 2008-02-03
[ 902 ]
G.lt: Working text proposal � Alcatel-Lucent Q4/15 2008-02-03
[ 901 ]
G.vdsl: LCL requirement for VDSL2 systems: requirement proposal above 12 MHz � Alcatel-Lucent Q4/15 2008-02-03
[ 900 ]
G.gen: G.vdsl: G.ploam: Virtual Noise and Target SNR Margin for robust EOC in VDSL2 SOS � Alcatel-Lucent Q4/15 2008-02-03
[ 899 ]
G.gen: G.vdsl: G.ploam: Definition of RA-MODE parameter for VDSL2 SOS � Alcatel-Lucent Q4/15 2008-02-03
[ 898 ]
G.vdsl: Open Issues related to the working text on VDSL2 SOS � Alcatel-Lucent Q4/15 2008-02-03
[ 897 ]
G.gen: G.vdsl: ADSL: Impulse Noise Monitoring: Performance Requirements � Alcatel-Lucent Q4/15 2008-02-03
[ 896 ]
G.hn: Proposal for access rules to be used in unmanaged time slots � Infineon Q4/15 2008-02-03
[ 895 ]
G.hn: Proposal for G.hn modulation parameters � Infineon Q4/15 2008-02-03
[ 894 ]
G.hn: Proposal for a passband modulation technique for G.hn � Infineon Q4/15 2008-02-03
[ 893 ]
G.INP: The Role of gamma-layer Retransmission in Impulse-Noise Protection � Infineon Q4/15 2008-02-03
[ 892 ]
Mapping of 40 GbE into OTN and Mean Time to False Packet Acceptance (MTTFPA) � Alcatel-Lucent Q11/15 2008-02-03
[ 891 ]
G.hn: Why point-to-point security is needed for home networking � Infineon Q4/15 2008-02-03
[ 890 ]
ADSL/G.hs: Comments on working text for virtual noise � Infineon Q4/15 2008-02-03
[ 889 ]
G.vdsl, G.adsl: Clarification on the INP_no_erasure_required bits in G.993.2 and the proposed INP_no_erasure_not_required bits in G.992.3 Amendment 5 � Infineon Q4/15 2008-02-03
[ 888 ]
G.adsl, G.hs: Proposed Changes to the Baseline Text on Erasure Decoding and supporting text for G.994.1 � Infineon Q4/15 2008-02-03
[ 887 ]
Withdrawn (see C886) � N/A (no se aplica) � 2008-02-01
[ 886 ]
G.hn: Proposal and working text for G.hn payload FEC scheme � Gigle Semiconductor , Intellon Q4/15 2008-02-01
[ 885 ]
G.Hn "any wire" dual-wideband approach, used as the basis of EMC friendly high performance and reliable in-home networks to improving powerline technology � Gigle Semiconductor Q4/15 2008-02-01
[ 884 ]
G.INP, G.ADSL, Requirements for Retransmission in VDSL2/INP and ADSL2/INP � BT Q4/15 2008-02-01
[ 883 ]
G.VDSL: Requirements for Longitudinal Conversion Loss � BT Q4/15 2008-02-01
[ 882 ]
G.hn Noise Model Proposal for G.hn � BT Q4/15 2008-02-01
[ 881 ]
G.ploam: Control of Virtual Noise � BT Q4/15 2008-02-01
[ 880 ]
ADSL: Low Power ADSL variants - Issues: P.10.3 � BT Q4/15 2008-02-01
[ 879 ]
G.hn: Performance of the additional Turbo Coding 16/19 FEC rate � Gigle Semiconductor Q4/15 2008-02-01
[ 878 ]
G.INP: Further results concerning PMS-TC retransmission scheme in ADSL2/ADSL2plus � France Telecom Q4/15 2008-02-01
[ 877 ]
G.VDSL: FT measurements and mask proposal for LCL � France Telecom Q4/15 2008-02-01
[ 876 ]
Enhancement of the 802.1p mapper profile, Extended VLAN ME, and introduction of new OMCI ME for MAC/IP filtering � Alcatel-Lucent Q2/15 2008-02-01
[ 875 ]
G.8032 Non-Revertive Operation behaviour � NTT , Nokia Siemens Networks Q9/15 2008-02-01
[ 874 ]
Withdrawn � N/A (no se aplica) � 2008-02-01
[ 873 ]
Withdrawn � N/A (no se aplica) � 2008-02-01
[ 872 ]
Comments and proposals on latest draft of G.8261 � France Telecom Q13/15 2008-02-01
[ 871 ]
Proposal of text for G.8261 section A.6.7 "Interfaces with reduced functionalities" � France Telecom Q13/15 2008-02-01
[ 870 ]
Inclusion of FDB flush operations in G.8032 � Nokia Siemens Networks Q9/15 2008-02-01
[ 869 ]
G.8032 - 50 ms protection time qualification � Nokia Siemens Networks Q9/15 2008-02-01
[ 868 ]
Clarification of guard timer functionality in G.8032 � Nokia Siemens Networks Q9/15 2008-02-01
[ 867 ]
G.8032 - Proposal for R-APS insertion and copy and extract function and processes � Nokia Siemens Networks Q9/15 2008-02-01
[ 866 ]
G.8032 - Proposal for R-APS insertion and copy and extract function and processes �
Withdrawn - see C867
Nokia siemens Networks Q9/15 2008-02-01
[ 865 ]
Transparent Transport of FC1200 over OPU2e/OPU1e � Nortel Q11/15 2008-02-01
[ 864 ]
G.8032 State Machine Proposal � NTT , Nokia siemens Networks Q9/15 2008-02-01
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