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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG15 : R�union�2005-05-16�: Contributions� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG15� C�(2005-05-16)�


Infrastructures des r�seaux optiques et autres r�seaux de transport

P�riode d'�tudes 2005

R�union� du 2005-05-16 au 2005-05-27

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2008-12-012008-02-112007-06-042006-10-302006-02-062004-11-29

Resultats:12 documents
Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 26 ]
Amendment to Recommendation G.983.1: PICS (Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement) for ONU in G.983.1 (for agreement) � Editor Rec. G.983.1 Q2/15 2005-03-23
[ 25 ]
Amendment to Recommendation G.983.1: PICS (Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement) for OLT in G.983.1 (for agreement) � Editor Rec. G.983.1 Q2/15 2005-03-23
[ 24 ]
Draft ITU-T Recommendation G.984.4 Amendment 1 (Rev. 0.0) (for consent) � Rapporteur Question 2/15 Q2/15 2005-03-23
[ 23 ]
Amendment 1 to Recommendation G.984.3, Gigabit-capable Passive Optical Networks (G-PON): Transmission Convergence Layer Specification (for consent) � Editor Rec. G.984.3 Q2/15 2005-03-23
[ 22 ]
Amendment 2 to Recommendation G.983.3, A broadband optical access system with increased service capability by wavelength allocation (for consent) � Editor Rec. G.983.3 Q2/15 2005-03-23
[ 21 ]
to be provided � Editors Rec. G.983.2 Q2/15 2005-03-23
[ 20 ]
Draft revised Recommendation X.87/Y.1324 (for consent) � Editor Q9/15 2005-03-16
[ 19 ]
Fibre types as a means for cost optimization in optical access networks � Draka Comteq Q10/15 2005-03-16
[ 18 ]
Proposed Modification to Recommendation G.650.2 Appendix II.5: Further refinement of the SBS Critical Power based on Rayleigh Backscattering Level � OFS Q5/15 2005-03-15
[ 17 ]
GFP-F mapping of DVB-ASI signals � Italy Q11/15, Q9/15 2005-03-10
[ 16 ]

N/A � 2005-03-01
[ 15 ]

N/A � 2005-03-01
Resultats:12 documents
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